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Architect Life: A House Design Simulator News

Archiblog #3 - Housebuilding

Hello, aspiring architects!

In this new Archiblog, we will dive deeper into the tools you’ll have access to for designing your home.

In the first Archiblog, we showed you how to draw walls and manipulate your rooms. These tools are part of the first design phase (there are 5 in total): Structural Work!


[h2]HOUSEBUILDING: Structural Work[/h2]
Let’s see what else this phase has in store.

During the Structural Work phase, you’ll place the stairs, doors, windows, and balconies of your home.

Stairs are placed directly on the ground, and once set, they automatically create an opening adapted to the shape on the floor above.

Doors and windows align automatically with the wall under your cursor to spare you tedious placement. There are many doors and windows of various sizes and styles to let you imagine and test countless designs!

Balconies are created by placing barriers, which are drawn just like walls. By creating a closed shape at a height, poles automatically appear to support your structure.

Now, let’s take a quick look at the second design phase: Finishing Work!

The main function in the Finishing Work phase is to place all the coverings in your home. Tiles, parquet, or marble for your floors. And plaster, paint, or wallpaper for your walls. Architect Life offers a wide variety of coverings that can drastically influence the atmosphere and style of your creation!



As the holiday season approaches, you may have noticed the arrival of a brand-new biome in Architect Life: the mountains!

This is the perfect opportunity to build the chalet of your dreams, nestled in the heart of snowy mountains or by frozen lakes. Let your imagination run wild to create a true winter cocoon, complete with optimized heating systems to fully enjoy this warm and relaxing atmosphere. We’ll tell you more about the indoor heating system in a future Archiblog!

During this festive period, the entire Architect Life team wishes you very happy holidays.
We’ll see you again in 2025, a year that promises to be particularly important for us: it will mark the official release of Architect Life!

Thank you for your support, and see you soon for more architectural adventures!

- The Architect Life Team 🏡

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Archiblog #2 - Country Roads

Hello budding architects,

We're back with another Archiblog. These allow us to showcase what we're working on, highlight the tools you'll have access to, and let you learn more about Architect Life: A House Design Simulator.

Recently we've been working on the biomes in which you will design your projects. The way you design your home can vary depending on the setting. Some designs and materials may suit a city setting, others may feel like you're building a holiday home, a retreat tucked away in the countryside. That's the biome we're showing off today.

We designed this biome to capture the essence of a country retreat, small towns, rivers, lakes, and flower fields around which you'll build your creations.

This kind of place suits wide windows that let you soak in the light or perhaps the addition of a conservatory from which you can look out over the scenery in first-person mode.

That's it for this dev blog, but we'll be back soon to discuss some of the tools available in Architect Life: A House Design Simulator.

Archiblog #1 - Putting up walls!

Hello future architects,

Thank you for all the support since the announcement of Architect Life: A House Design Simulator. We're pushing along with development and want to share that journey with you through a series of dev blogs. That starts with Archiblog #1 - Putting up walls!

Each build starts at your desk where you'll create the design for your next creation and the first step is to add some structure. And to do that, you'll need walls!

We created our tools to give you freedom while presenting all the information you'd need to build walls and rooms of any shape. Grids, tooltips, and other aids will help you set precise angles or keep things symmetrical (if you're as oddly specific about that as I am). Also yes, that includes curved walls, but this feature is still WIP so we'll show it off in more detail later.

When you've got the building design down, you can fine-tune it by merging and separating parts or moving walls to create extensions at the press of a button. After which, you can define from which materials you wish to build and later expand on this by adding paint, or wall coverings.

Additionally, there are two camera modes from which you can view your creation. The 360 rotational view gives complete control of what you're looking at and the top-down view can help put your designs into perspective. You can zoom in as necessary or draw back when you want to get an idea of the scope of what you've been building.

We've put together a short video showing off some of these features below for those who want a closer look at how development is coming along!

Note: The video is using the French language version of the game, we're a French studio, sorry about that, but we'll share the English version in the future.
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Architect Life: A House Design Simulator Revealed

Future designers!

We’re excited to unveil our latest project, Architect Life: A House Design Simulator.

Get ready to design the buildings of your dreams. To take these ideas from the planning stages to the complete build, guiding your projects each step of the way.

In Career mode you will take up the helm of an architectural firm, using our unique building tools and editor to put the pieces together, design the layout, choose the style, add unique flourishes, and then put in the final touches by furnishing your build. All the while, you’ll be facing the challenges of managing your business, budget, and the demands of your clients, unlocking new materials, techniques, and creative opportunities along the way.

Speaking of creative opportunities, in Free Mode the only goals are the ones you set yourself. Choose the environment and landscape you want to build in and go wild! Budgets be damned. Keep building!

Regardless of how you play, explore your handiwork in 1st person mode when the job is complete, or snap a few pics in photo mode to share with your friends.

We’ll have more to share on Architect Life soon, so make sure to wishlist on Steam and follow our socials to see more!

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