Archiblog #3 - Housebuilding

Hello, aspiring architects!
In this new Archiblog, we will dive deeper into the tools you’ll have access to for designing your home.
In the first Archiblog, we showed you how to draw walls and manipulate your rooms. These tools are part of the first design phase (there are 5 in total): Structural Work!
[h2]HOUSEBUILDING: Structural Work[/h2]
Let’s see what else this phase has in store.
During the Structural Work phase, you’ll place the stairs, doors, windows, and balconies of your home.
Stairs are placed directly on the ground, and once set, they automatically create an opening adapted to the shape on the floor above.
Doors and windows align automatically with the wall under your cursor to spare you tedious placement. There are many doors and windows of various sizes and styles to let you imagine and test countless designs!

Balconies are created by placing barriers, which are drawn just like walls. By creating a closed shape at a height, poles automatically appear to support your structure.
Now, let’s take a quick look at the second design phase: Finishing Work!
The main function in the Finishing Work phase is to place all the coverings in your home. Tiles, parquet, or marble for your floors. And plaster, paint, or wallpaper for your walls. Architect Life offers a wide variety of coverings that can drastically influence the atmosphere and style of your creation!
As the holiday season approaches, you may have noticed the arrival of a brand-new biome in Architect Life: the mountains!

This is the perfect opportunity to build the chalet of your dreams, nestled in the heart of snowy mountains or by frozen lakes. Let your imagination run wild to create a true winter cocoon, complete with optimized heating systems to fully enjoy this warm and relaxing atmosphere. We’ll tell you more about the indoor heating system in a future Archiblog!
During this festive period, the entire Architect Life team wishes you very happy holidays.
We’ll see you again in 2025, a year that promises to be particularly important for us: it will mark the official release of Architect Life!
Thank you for your support, and see you soon for more architectural adventures!
- The Architect Life Team 🏡
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