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  3. Regarding SteamVR Quest Streaming Configuration

Regarding SteamVR Quest Streaming Configuration

Hey people!

We wanted to share quick tips & tricks for SteamVR Streaming issues that could be helpful for you, mostly about lagging when multiple enemies are nearby and instant frame drops/freezings. which we only see when the game is not started properly according to the current OpenXR settings.

We have seen this issue raised on Discord and Steam Reviews so we wanted to take a moment to help you out with configuring your settings properly to use Meta Quest Link with HARD BULLET. These issues mostly happen because of the mismatch of the Runtime settings.

[h2]How to properly configure your OpenXR Settings?[/h2]

1️⃣ Make sure that your current OpenXR Runtime is set to Oculus, instead of SteamVR for this tip. You can find this tab by launching SteamVR on Steam and going through Settings.

2️⃣ Open the Meta Quest Link app on your PC and go to Settings. On the General tab, your OpenXR Runtime should be Meta Quest Link.

3️⃣ Launch the game directly from the headset - instead of launching the SteamVR app first. This will help with most of the lag issues related to the mismatching of SteamVR Runtime and how you start the game. Because we set the Runtime to Oculus in the first step, launching the SteamVR app will raise mismatch problems.

[h2]Virtual Desktop Players[/h2]

⚠️If you are using Virtual Desktop, we advise you to use Steam Link or Meta Quest Link for the best performance. But if you would like to keep using it, you don't have to make the changes above! Virtual Desktop automatically changes your Runtime to SteamVR when you launch the game.
And last but not least; here’s a quick reference table showing how different streaming apps integrate with your system and HARD BULLET:

Air Link

Steam Link

Virtual Desktop

OpenXR in Windows

Uses Native Oculus

Teporary Changes to SteamVR

Changes OpenXR to SteamVR

Hands Jittering Issue

Does not happen

Does not happen

Might be caused by WiFi latency

Meta/Steam Menu

No issues

No issues

No issues

These steps should help you for a smooth HARD BULLET experience! Please give it a try and let us know if it works for you.

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