Dev-Update 03/04/25
Saving and Loading enters Open Testing and TFA Kickstarter launching!
Hello again from the Triassic Team! So we are finally ready to start stress testing saving and loading into the public beta branch. We know it's one of the most requested feature, and have been working on it ton in the background. However, there will likely be some issues with mods, missions, and other specific setups, so please expect and report on defects. On that note, we have some new features as well for reporting.
[h2]How do I (you) join the beta branch?[/h2]
Steps to join the beta branch:
- Open Steam and enter your Library.
- Right click on Sea Power and select “Properties”.
- In the pop up go to Betas
- Select 'stable - Beta branch'

[h3]Beta Branch Disclaimer:[/h3]
By joining the beta branch, you may get crashes, bugs, and other issues that are not present on the release ver. of the game. User should only play on the beta branch to help testing efforts for new systems, and to see if some hotfixes fix previous issues.
[h2]In-Game Bug reporting[/h2]
That's right, no more being asked to join the discord server or using other sites to post issues. We've added a new button in the pause (ESC) menu for bug reporting! These new tool will also include your save files (for debugging save/load issues, and please mention if you did a quick save or what file your loading from in your report), the event log (helps show missile hit chance, damage, and other misc. stats from gameplay), and the game log (for finding NullRefs that can increase memory usage, crashes, and other stats). Please put your bug reports in English! We still like to encourage users to use services like Youtube and Discord for sending media of more edge case defects and bugs, as media can be important for reproduction steps.
[h2]Steam Sub Forum (Beta Branch Bug Reports)[/h2]
With this new beta starting up, we will also be making a separate sub forum on steam for bugs encountered on the beta branch. If the in-game bug reporting is not working for any reason, we still want to have a redundant area as a backup. However, it's important to note that we may ask for the following: Save Files, Error from crash log, the entire game log, or media (depending).
[h2]Save File Location[/h2]
Save files can be located by going to the LocalLow file on your system. (Windows Explorer->Typing in %appdata% into the address bar->going back one step to view the root folders-> LocalLow). Once there, there will be a folder called Triassic Games->Sea Power->Saves. This is where you can find your save files for bug reporting defective saves.
[h2]TFA Needs your Support![/h2]
Another Microprose Project, TFA, just launched their Kickstarter Campaign and a playable demo on Steam! With this, we would like to help bring more awareness to their project as thanks, as they have also helped the Triassic Team out. Feel free to check out some of the info below, and some screenshots!
[h3]What is TFA you ask?[/h3]
"Task Force Admiral (volume 1: American Carrier Battles) is a full-3D, PC command simulation that is trying to recreate the complexity, the adrenaline and the uncertainty inherent to WW2 naval command. We are aiming at recreating the kind of product we used to play in the 1990s, when wargames and simulations were at their apex as gaming genres. To do so, we specifically aimed for good production values, hands-on diegetic interface and (hopefully!) a visible passion for the historical topic & its lore." - Drydock Dream Games
[h3]What is TFA going to feature?[/h3]
- Fully playable U.S. Navy side for air and surface operations
- 30 + historical & hypothetical scenarios (December 1941 to February 1943)
- A random scenario generator
- A fully-fledged scenario builder
- Working savegames & replay module
- South Pacific (Solomons, Western New Guinea) & Midway fully modeled
- The extra gameplay options cleared by the Kickstarter campaign & a clear roadmap of future developments
[h3]Why you should support the kickstarter compared to steam?[/h3]
For one, you can join the beta access program via specific pledge tiers range of tiers and pledge levels available for naval strategy fans. Two, there is a range of exclusive goodies from discord badges, to hi-res art, and even special physical treasures (Signed Photos, Challenge Coin, and more)!

KickStarter Link: Task Force Admiral Kickstarter campaign
Store Page Link: