Christmas Dev Update (Release #117)
Happy Christmas to all of you that have helped support Sea Power on its first Two months in the wild! What a ride it has been for us so far, with an amazing reception from an incredibly supportive fanbase. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being understanding about bugs and issues and helping us to fix them!
On the subject of bugs you will be pleased to know that we have been running fairly extensive testing over the last few weeks to really try and nail down the memory leaks that we have been seeing. We think we are getting there and this latest patch should bring you joy in not creating several hundred thousand copies of the material assigned to trees for example… Pity poor Noah who has been creating missions where he rapidly switches between units for an hour (for example).
We at Triassic will be taking a bit of a Christmas Break, recovering a little and spending time with our families from the 24th December to the 6th January so please do not expect any updates in that time period. But we will be back with a vengeance in the New Year!
However, we’re not going to go away at Christmas without leaving you some proper gifts!
For those of you that make vessel mods I have finally got around to adding some code to let you have profile images in the encyclopaedia to go with them! More to come on that front in the New Year.
Ivan, Danill, and Ben have all been working hard on bug fixes and the occasional new feature. Active Sonar TMA should be much improved with this patch for example! There is much muttering from Ben about some really clever stuff to do with updating the map to be more performant too.
Ian has been working hard on the shaders, adding more feel to underwater scenes in particular. Ben and I have been helping (I’m not sure that is true) by sending photos of going diving on holiday.
Mek brings you goodies from the East (of Europe), the Kondor II class Minehunter and the P-4 and Wisla-classes of Patrol Boats.

And Nils? Well Santa Nils brings you a gift that many of you have asked for. First there was the mighty USS Enterprise, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the United States Navy. The Big E is still the longest Naval Vessel ever built!

But now there’s something new, another ship that comes with a big square boxy top … that’s right! MERRY CUBEMAS! The USS Long Beach sails again! This Nuclear-powered Missile Cruiser was specifically designed to carry the same radar system as Big E.

And finally the full release notes for version #117 below:
Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
Mission Editor
Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
On the subject of bugs you will be pleased to know that we have been running fairly extensive testing over the last few weeks to really try and nail down the memory leaks that we have been seeing. We think we are getting there and this latest patch should bring you joy in not creating several hundred thousand copies of the material assigned to trees for example… Pity poor Noah who has been creating missions where he rapidly switches between units for an hour (for example).
We at Triassic will be taking a bit of a Christmas Break, recovering a little and spending time with our families from the 24th December to the 6th January so please do not expect any updates in that time period. But we will be back with a vengeance in the New Year!
However, we’re not going to go away at Christmas without leaving you some proper gifts!
For those of you that make vessel mods I have finally got around to adding some code to let you have profile images in the encyclopaedia to go with them! More to come on that front in the New Year.
Ivan, Danill, and Ben have all been working hard on bug fixes and the occasional new feature. Active Sonar TMA should be much improved with this patch for example! There is much muttering from Ben about some really clever stuff to do with updating the map to be more performant too.
Ian has been working hard on the shaders, adding more feel to underwater scenes in particular. Ben and I have been helping (I’m not sure that is true) by sending photos of going diving on holiday.
Mek brings you goodies from the East (of Europe), the Kondor II class Minehunter and the P-4 and Wisla-classes of Patrol Boats.

And Nils? Well Santa Nils brings you a gift that many of you have asked for. First there was the mighty USS Enterprise, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the United States Navy. The Big E is still the longest Naval Vessel ever built!

But now there’s something new, another ship that comes with a big square boxy top … that’s right! MERRY CUBEMAS! The USS Long Beach sails again! This Nuclear-powered Missile Cruiser was specifically designed to carry the same radar system as Big E.

And finally the full release notes for version #117 below:
Bug Fixes:
- Sets the demand speed of aircraft formation members to match the leader. Should reduce massive speed changes on formation exit.
- Tu-16, Tu-16P destroyed models pivots fix
- Added missing MAD sensor to Il-38, corrected MAD sensor mount position for Tu-142 and P-3C
- MiG-25P could not use SARRH missiles - incorrect sensor assignment
- KA-25TS damage mesh was missing
- Barrel Roll Script
Bug Fixes:
- Marine Nationale flag instead Tommy's red ensign on Daphne sub
- Ordered and actual depths of submarines were different in UI
- Shiny rafts/zodiacs on all minesweepers: Sauda, Adjutant, T43, T43K
- Submarine supermaneuverability on surface
- Victor 2 torpedo loadout
- Armor values for all US carriers, Orel and Kirov; Ka-25TS for Kiev (2 helos) and Kirov (one helo of 3)
- WIP: Initial work to allow modded vessels to have profile images loaded
- Reworked Leahy 68 and Belknap 72 to be more accurate for that period
- NEW: USS Enterprise carrier
- NEW: USS Long Beach
- NEW: Torpedo boat Wisla
- NEW: P4 class torpedo boat
- NEW: Kondor II minesweeper
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes for ciws and torpedo and sub guns
- Torpedoes always considered layer to present
- AGM-84 range
- Cases when target is intercepted with missile but not destroyed
- Missile self-destruct timer was not cancelled on reaquiring a target
- Wrong mesh in Tomahawk booster separation
- QoL: Air units guns are no longer called CIWS
- WIP on AA missiles: Deprecated CEP, Reduced size penalty
- Missiles WIP: Rebalance of interception chances. Removed CEP from SAM/AAM entirely. Altitude penalty moved from CEP to interception chance.
- Acceleration and VelocityBleed parameters revised for all SAM and AAM: more energy to missiles in general
- Experimental: Out of altitude penaltyfor missile interception is reduced to 0.25
- WIP on missiles: In case of missed intercept check, missile will fly away from target, further than proximity range.
- EXPERIMENTAL: anti-air missiles not interceptable by other missiles
- NEW: AGM-86C
- NEW: 45-36NU
Bug Fixes:
- Typo in sensors
- E-700 radar for P-42RLDN had 300 km range, too short comparing to E2C and Ka-25RTz
- Active sonar track causing TMA matrix to become non-pos-def/singular
- ESM/ECM overhaul:
- US ESM and ECM are now spread out as follows:
- WLR-1/ULQ-6: Vietnam era ships C through Ku bands, C, X band ECM
- WLR-1/SLQ-17: US Carriers C through Ku bands, X through Ku band ECM
- SLQ-32(V)1: Austin, Kilauea, Knox - X,Ku-bands only, no ECM
- SLQ-32(V)2: OHP, Spruance, Kidd, Adams, Coontz - UHF through Ku band, no ECM
- SLQ-32(V)3: Cruisers, Sacramento, Tarawa - As (V)2 but adds defensive ECM
- WP ESM and ECM are now broken out into the correct components:
- WLR-1/ULQ-6: Vietnam era ships C through Ku bands, C, X band ECM
- ESM:
- Watch Dog: Kanin and other older units - C, X band
- Bell Clout: L-band ESM associated w/ Zaliv ESM suite
- Bell Slam: S, C band ESM associated w/ Zaliv ESM suite or alone on Kashin replacing Watch Dog
- Bell Tap: C, X band ESM associated w/ Zaliv ESM suite or alone on Osa I and II
- Bell Nest: K-band ESM, on Nanucha with Bell Tap
- Bell Bash: L, S band ESM that replaces the older Bell Clout
- Bell Thump: C, X band ESM that replaces Bell Slam
- Bell Shroud: C, X, Ku band ESM on Krivak, Sovremenny, Udaloy
- Rum Tub: OTH fire control ESM on Kiev, Slava, Kirov, L through K band
- Watch Dog: Kanin and other older units - C, X band
- ECM:
- Top Hat: X-band ECM
- Side Globe: L, S, C, X band ECM
- Bell Squat: C through Ku band ECM
- Top Hat: X-band ECM
- Added ESM/ECM suites for:
- Sa'ars: MN-53 ESM/ECM suite (Israeli version of Italian Newton Alpha) S through Ku bands
- Alvand: RDL-2 ESM/ECM - L through Ku bands
- Combattante: TMV-430 ESM, Alligator ECM X band only
- Sa'ars: MN-53 ESM/ECM suite (Israeli version of Italian Newton Alpha) S through Ku bands
- Changed:
- Reduced VesselESM to X-band only
- Reduced AircraftRWR to C,X-band only
- Reduced GenericECM to X-band only
- Reduced AircraftDefensiveECM to C, X bands only
- Reduced VesselESM to X-band only
- US ESM and ECM are now spread out as follows:
Mission Editor
Bug Fixes:
- Change Unit in Mission Editor now updated Action and Condition Unit Lists
- Units can be added to Submarine _allowedTargetsForSubmarineMissiles list in mission ini
- Triggers to disable list can be now setup as a Trigger Action
Bug Fixes:
- Null refs
- Potential memory allocation fix (clearing DESS cache)
- Memory leak with vegetation meshes
- Memory leak with materials
- Loading was blocking the main thread for quite a long time (up to 120 secs depending on the system), doing some fractional loading now
- Limit news window to screen size
- Improved interaction with bottom bar UI and pop ups
- Out of range exception for weather effects which blocked the camera as the first update could come before the effects were loaded
- Guam Soviet side mission: Mission is lost on start
- Special waypoint definition methods (e.g. random waypoints)
- Missing esm colliders error
- Partially fixed blocky trees
- Allow getting relative path from folders that are not active in Mod Manager
- Incorrect support check for FlightDeck
- Case sensitiveness for special waypoints
- Russian voice overs
- ArgumentNullException in case the briefing path was given but empty
- Missing script reference
- Initial positioning error for land units (but also possibly other units)
- Wrong nation units in Don't mess with Texas
- PVO airbase circuit fine tune
- Updated German, Chinese and Russian translations
- Hooked up wind dir to Ocean
- Refactored tree, seaweed, hedgerow logic
- Fallback localisation in ModManager