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  3. Patch Notes

Patch Notes

A belated happy new year to you all! We're releasing the first patch of the year, fixing some issues.

About saving/loading: This is heavily worked on. Our main dev for this feature is back and we're making very good progress on it. Again sorry, that it takes that long.
Beside that we also work on Performance improvements. Have fun!

Bug Fixes:
  • Numerous null refs
  • Out of range exceptions for units which don't have 2x5 compartments
  • RemoveEngageTask was called for the wrong object which potentially messed up the engage tasks in overall
  • Crash in Noesis (patched to 3.2.6p1)
  • Spelling error in S-3 description
  • SH-2F had 3 undefined squadrons
  • Minor fixes in English ammunition_names.ini
  • Tu-16 restored missing kill effect spawn meshes, shootdowns should look correct now (apply to all Tu-16 models)
  • F1 family Damage Models not displaying fix
  • Fixed a material error on Americas no 2 elevator
  • Torpedoes used AimPointGeoPosition to determine FOV but the seeker gudance still used Vector3 intercept position
  • Fixed ESM for P-3
  • IR AA missiles were prone to miss because FOV was checked against aimpoint instead actual target
  • Some edge case with terrain at 180° E/W where the center tile was calculated wrongly and led to a relocation loop (still WIP)
  • Campaigns now use FileManager in menu
  • Change start engines to update loop rather than coroutine as coroutine seemed heavy
  • Props should start animating again, note to self check shutdown for coroutine performacne too
  • Aircraft shutdown migrated out of coroutine to avoid error on despawn
  • RU description for P4 torpedo boat was missing
  • Some audio issues on spawning aircraft
  • Incorrect number of sensors on various vessels
  • SK flag on Soviet RoRo
  • Ordered speed was not transferred to new formation leader when switching leaders
  • Less than adequate altitude correction failsafe
  • Descriptions for Enterprise and Belknap 72
  • Updated Sentry to 2.4.0
  • Set UseAssetBundles to false per default for now to avoid broken games outside when that setting is accidentally set to true
  • Aircraft carrier deck ops overhaul - many thanks to the great work by Mateusz Ossowski alias Ossesek without whose hard modding this work would would not be possible.
    All carriers now recover aircraft at a rate of 50-70 second intervals, and launches are also faster.
    Carriers are still limited to either recovering OR launching, that is, no simultaneous launch and recovery is possible as this is the way all carriers operate IRL. We will soon introduce Alert 5 status for the bow cats to allow a 'launch on warning' ability even during recovery, though.
  • EN ui text for Disable Triggers
  • Boilerplate for future work. Significant changes to Pause Menu to support configuration in code rather than through XAML.
  • Russian and German translation
  • Business jet weight, fuel weight and engine thrust
  • Added modex mesh and many liveries
  • Added more P-3 liveries
  • Added JMSDF P-3 with liveries
  • WIP: Initial Linear Mission set. Now able to run missions from it. Simplified some stuff in UI
  • Workshop: Initial Tag limiting controls (WIP)
  • Move to Top and Bottom commands in Mod Manager
  • Load Order for disabled Mods is preserved
  • Modders requested ability to influence outOfAltitudesPenalty and SpeedPenaltyMultiplier
  • 1968 Coontz version