1. Overgrown: Genesis
  2. News
  3. The ENCORE Update

The ENCORE Update

Yet another huge new post-launch content update is here and its FREE to everyone who owns a copy of the game! Check the patch notes to see all of the new stuff we're adding!

This time we went even further - so we listened to player feedback and comments and decided to address/add in whatever we could to make the experience better!

Additionally the game is discounted during the Valentine sale, so if you haven't picked it up yet, or know a friend who wants it, now is the time to get it! More discounted adult games can be found on our publisher's catalog here- https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/tinyhat-studios


- Another endgame scene featuring Eva Hawke, exclusively for Ending/Epilogue E/

- Completely rewritten Ending/Epilogue C in response to players who said it was too cartoony villainy and unrealistic.

- Added in a CG scene for Dr. Zara's encounter with the Dryad as per popular demand

- Cold Pines National Park and Downtown map areas have been reworked and touched up, and almost doubled in playtime; not only that, new characters and content were added to those areas too.

- Two new major male characters added, Barton the gunshop owner, and Thompson the military officer, both with their own scenes, in response to players asking for more consensual male/female romantic scenes with Juno.

- One new minor female character, Kerry, who features heavily as the 'antagonist' of sorts for Cold Pines (doggo stage)

- Expanded Infection mechanic with its own scenes

-- In summary basically nine new scenes added in total, not counting the previous update's added three: High Infection scene, Barton's shower scene, Thompson's femdom/footplay scene, Dr. Zara x Dryad scene, Kerry's found footage scene, Kerry x Rex attack scene, Eva's ending scene, Barton's ending scene, and Thompson's ending scene.