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Overgrown: Genesis News

The TinyHat Thanksgiving Sale: Erotic Games Discounted!

Had your eye on a certain game for a while? Been out of the loop and checking back in on what's new? Want to gift something to a friend? Well, you're in luck- now's the time to buy! We've got discounts & updates abound, so go and check out what we have to offer!


The ENCORE Update

Yet another huge new post-launch content update is here and its FREE to everyone who owns a copy of the game! Check the patch notes to see all of the new stuff we're adding!

This time we went even further - so we listened to player feedback and comments and decided to address/add in whatever we could to make the experience better!

Additionally the game is discounted during the Valentine sale, so if you haven't picked it up yet, or know a friend who wants it, now is the time to get it! More discounted adult games can be found on our publisher's catalog here- https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/tinyhat-studios


- Another endgame scene featuring Eva Hawke, exclusively for Ending/Epilogue E/

- Completely rewritten Ending/Epilogue C in response to players who said it was too cartoony villainy and unrealistic.

- Added in a CG scene for Dr. Zara's encounter with the Dryad as per popular demand

- Cold Pines National Park and Downtown map areas have been reworked and touched up, and almost doubled in playtime; not only that, new characters and content were added to those areas too.

- Two new major male characters added, Barton the gunshop owner, and Thompson the military officer, both with their own scenes, in response to players asking for more consensual male/female romantic scenes with Juno.

- One new minor female character, Kerry, who features heavily as the 'antagonist' of sorts for Cold Pines (doggo stage)

- Expanded Infection mechanic with its own scenes

-- In summary basically nine new scenes added in total, not counting the previous update's added three: High Infection scene, Barton's shower scene, Thompson's femdom/footplay scene, Dr. Zara x Dryad scene, Kerry's found footage scene, Kerry x Rex attack scene, Eva's ending scene, Barton's ending scene, and Thompson's ending scene.

Lunar New Years Bonus Art!

Lunar New Years is just around the corner, and we have some special bonus art featuring Claire (from Claire's Quest) and Juno (from Overgrown: Genesis)! Did you know both games are on sale right now? As a part of the Steam Lunar New Years Sale, you can get both titles, as well as many other adult titles across the entire TinyHat Studios label for 15% off!

The ENDGAME Update

A HUGE new post-launch content update is here and its FREE to everyone who owns a copy of the game! Check the patch notes to see all of the new stuff we're adding!

Additionally the game is discounted during the Autumn sale, so if you haven't picked it up yet, or know a friend who wants it, now is the time to get it! More discounted adult games can be found on our publisher's catalog here- https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/tinyhat-studios


- The promised ‘endgame’ reward scenes are now here! These are detailed, comprehensive ‘happy ending’ scenes for Natasha + Rebecca, Sofia, AND Cassie (via Ending/Epilogues “D” and “E”)! These were written with the canon that you actually participated in the consensual scenes in Fort Patton and are a continuation of that. We have done our best to really create scenes we felt rewarded players for all their efforts in obtaining the ‘better’ endings and hope you all enjoy! This is the only first part of our final edition updates, which only affects the endings, so there is no need to start a new game (yet!) just load into your ending rooms and these scenes will be available (again, “D” and “E” only!).

- Adding in a much-requested alternate movement, the WASD keys, which can be used alongside arrow keys or left mouse click!

- "Dark" levels (ie. Subway, Cold Pines) have had their darkness (and by extension, difficulty) heavily reduced. Maps themselves rearranged and tweaked to be more navigable, more light sources added throughout such maps, and lessened tint color.

- Heavily overhauled and improved our real-time action battle system! Added actual collision physics for sight and projectiles, meaning enemies will now only be able to detect Juno with a clear line of sight (basically they can no longer see Juno through walls, but can still see her through obstacles like fallen chairs). Additionally, this also affects Juno, as she can no longer shoot through walls now with long-ranged weapons like the rifles. We also improved enemy detection by adding peripheral vision for them (it was a bit silly when Juno is standing right beside them but they don’t detect her), so now their alert proc will trigger if you are beside them, not just right in front. Enemies that are hit by projectiles will now also be temporarily stunned for 0.5 seconds and execute a mini jump animation, which prevents enemies from relentlessly coming forward while Juno is shooting or attacking.

- Fixed a big problem with the melee combat system; had a missing line of code that was causing a recurring glitch with the melee weapons that screwed around with durability and could outright make them disappear or reappear randomly.

- You can now hand in Dr. Zara's research to General Hawke at Area 66 if you missed giving it to him the first time around at the University.

- Music options in the Gallery now expanded; they now also follow the "unlock" system alongside the Gallery, so more music options are unlocked as you play through the game, and as the Gallery expands.

- Barton's gunshop remapped and relocated to the north side of Hamilton Square.

- You should be able to finish Ending A with the proper sprite transition now, as intended.

- New starting point in the Cheat Room from Juno's apartment, which allows you to jump to Hamilton Square.

- Cheats option from the user menu now gives you an option to reduce Infection.

- You can now hide text at any time with the "H" key; same key used to restore it. This will come in handy for Gallery in particular!

- Experimental controller support added for O:G. Right trigger is fire/struggle, right bumper is reload, and left bumper is minimap toggle.

Happy Val-lunars Year From Dystopian Project!

We have a very special Valentine's treat for everyone! Another seasonal image featuring Juno and Claire!

Additionally, the game is on sale until the 19th! If you want to find more adult games, check out the TinyHat Studios publishing catalog!

We're incredibly grateful for all of the support you guys have shown us so far- we hope everyone has a great 2021!