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  3. Endgame Update + 1.0 Launch

Endgame Update + 1.0 Launch


Class is in session! Mind Over Magic is now officially 1.0!

Since Early Access began we have worked to add a bunch of new content and features. Your great feedback helped us improve and refine the game in ways we never imagined.

We've added to and deepened just about every aspect of the game. From student progression to Underschool exploration and better combat. Balance refinements, deeper gameplay, tons of quality-of-life improvements, and frankly just about more of everything.

For more information on the roadmap and everything we did during early access, you can start with our Early Access Roadmap or check out our updates on Steam.

Thanks once again to all of the enthusiastic players who helped shape Mind Over Magic.

Our update today brings the ending encounter in the Underschool. Are your students ready to break the curse?

[h3]Update Highlights[/h3]

  • Break the curse on your school in the final Underschool battle.
  • Trade with the Ember Dragon and embark on new quests.
  • Dig into The Codex and learn about everything in the game.
  • 82 Achievements to earn!

Next up, we’ll spend a little bit of time addressing feedback from this update and release hotfixes for any of the issues that we find. We’re also working on an additional QoL update featuring many of the great suggestions from our player community!

We’ll release more information about our upcoming plans as soon as it’s ready!

Full release notes below:


[h2]Endgame + 1.0 Update Release Notes[/h2]

[h3]Break the Curse[/h3]

  • The Nexus gets even deeper and more dangerous.
  • Fight past what guards the source of the Curse, find a way through the seals, and end it forever!

[h3]The Ember Dragon[/h3]

  • You can now rescue the Ember Dragon in the Underschool.
  • New Faction Quests for the Shattered and Raven Cultists.
  • The Ember Dragon will now accept your Mystic Motes in trade for reagents.
  • They will also happily disintegrate unwanted reagents into Motes for you.

[h3]The Codex + Tooltip Changes[/h3]

  • Nearly everything in the game is now described in the Codex.
  • Tutorials have been updated with many new entries and others broken up into more digestible pieces. These are all now part of the Codex.
  • Tooltips that link to other information now work in a new way. After hovering for a brief moment, tooltips freeze in place so that you can hover links within them. This allowed us to solve "wall of tooltip" problems and make a lot of text much shorter.

[h3]Steam Achievements[/h3]

  • 82 Achievements to show off your completionist and challenge crushing accomplishments.

[h3]Population Cap[/h3]

  • Instead of continuing to use ramping costs and times for summoning and hiring that somewhat hide what you can actually do in the game, we added a new mechanic.
  • There is now a hard cap of 3 Staff of each Wand Skill to start the game.
  • There is also now a global hard cap on all Mages. The global cap is the sum of all Skill caps.
  • You can increase the cap in each Skill by leveling up Skill Affinity Relics and putting them on display.
  • The maximum Mage pop cap is 6 in each Skill.

[h3]Quality of Life[/h3]

  • You can now graduate multiple mages at once. IMPORTANT
  • This only works on newly built Ritual Sigils because we needed to reserve more space for the extra participants.
  • You can now upgrade the Wands of multiple Mages at once at the Wand Transfigurators.
  • Show the relic level on relic level-up alerts.
  • Performance improvements to the Relics UI.

[h3]Gameplay and Balance[/h3]

  • Corrupted Mana Lanterns now come in three variants that affect different Wand Tiers and have different Resistances in battle.
  • The Burrower Spitter has arrived in the Underschool. It's a Boss Battle that was previously a random Battle. If you've already cleared this room, you can still fight the Burrower Spitter using the Rematch Effigy.
  • The Fog Aegis mechanics have been simplified for clarity. When filled with Dark Magic, one Fog Aegis will always repel the fog when it advances. It must be refilled in order to stop the Fog again the next night. It now takes longer to fill the Fog Aegis so that Dark Skill matters a little. (30 casts for Skill 1, 4 casts for Skill 8).
  • Made Breathstealer events trigger half as often.
  • Removed Founder Ghost from door access rules.
  • Fine Kitchen Cooking rate bonus increased from 200% to 300%.
  • Relic Legacy balance changes:
  • Invigorated now regens more mana per hour at all tiers, and also increases mana gained by Passing in combat.
  • Tinkerer also increases Paint speed.
  • Strongman also increases Carve speed.
  • The X-Wreathed legacies all apply to a much wider pool of tasks now, and the mood bonus at higher levels was increased by 5.

[h3]Fixes and Improvements[/h3]

  • Fix for auto-pause for quest completion not working.
  • Fixed Job Type descriptions for Alchemy and Augury to properly describe Abjuration and Scouting.
  • Can no longer place hallway runners floating in space.
  • Defaulting to Medium quality if gpu has less than 4 GiB of VRAM.
  • In combat, the action UI is now hidden if enemies take their turn first.
  • Fix for battle scouting not always showing the proper options.