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Lethal Honor - Order of the Apocalypse News

Interview at Lethal Honor (Pt. 3)

Top Secret Files Pt. 3

These excerpts of classified documents are detailing the catastrophic events at the Lethal Honor research facility on Wolf Island, which is rumored to have been overrun by demonic entities. This laboratory was tasked with creating the newest strain of Lethal Honor agents. The following first-hand account is expected to help shed some light on the incident.

Interview conducted by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] , consecutively called Agent 1 and Agent 2. 

Agent 2: What other tools did you have at your disposal to help the agents with their tasks? 

[REDACTED]: We were becoming a bit of a team over time, each one with different talents. Aida, of course, was the only one to fully understand the Cradle and all the systems within it.

Agent 1: The cradle? 

[REDACTED]: That’s the room where the agents were stored while their biological enhancement was still ongoing. It’s also the place where you would release them from their capsules when needed.

Agent 2: And that’s all she did? Just wake up a bunch of agents?

[REDACTED]: Not at all, Aida was brilliant, her knowledge went far beyond just using the systems that were in place. She also managed to make small on-the-fly adjustments that would help the agents in the short term after waking up.

Agent 2: I see, but the project was far from done, how did she manage to wake them up at all?

[REDACTED]: As you know, none of the agents were finished. Most of them still needed months before their transformation would be fully complete. Aida managed to deal with that and even gave them some much-needed help on top.

Agent 1: This must have taken a lot out of the system.

[REDACTED]: You are correct. This is where our Chief of Engineering came in. He might not have been the most likable person, but we were really glad to have found him alive. At the beginning, he got the basics running - oxygen, water, energy - but later, when our survival in the Awakening Room was secured, he managed to help the agents navigate the lab a lot better.

Agent 2: So, another altruistic helper like Aida?

[REDACTED]: Haha, not in the slightest. He was solely interested in saving his own skin. But he was a smart man and he knew that there was no hope of getting out alive yet. So, he did what he did best and secured his escape route by studying the layout and finding some useful information for the agents.

To be continued… 


Interview at Lethal Honor (Pt. 2)

Top Secret Files Pt. 2

These excerpts of classified documents are detailing the catastrophic events at the Lethal Honor research facility on Wolf Island, which is rumored to have been overrun by demonic entities. This laboratory was tasked with creating the newest strain of Lethal Honor agents. The following first-hand account is expected to help shed some light on the incident.

Interview conducted by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] , consecutively called Agent 1 and Agent 2. 

[REDACTED]: They had built quite the base considering how torn apart everything looked. Aida Leone was the head of research at this laboratory and specialized in the mechanics of waking up their meticulously bioengineered agents. Quite the achievement for her young age. 

Agent 2: So, Aida knew how to awaken the agents, but how did they make the Awakening Room habitable and functional with most of the machines and generators left in disrepair?

[REDACTED]: Aida somehow found [REDACTED], our chief of engineering, inside the demon infested lab and managed to get him to the Awakening Room with the help of an agent. He was the key to getting oxygen and power flowing again.

Agent 1: Regarding the agents. How did they defend themselves? 

[REDACTED]: There were plenty of weapons specifically designed for the agents. Some were still prototypes, whereas others were already functional.

There was the katana - balanced and nimble. VERY good at slicing through nasties of all kinds. 

For the more agile types, there were also the katar, fist mounted twin-blades designed to get in and out of combat at a staggering pace. 

The hammer was insanely hefty, but some of the agents could handle it to a devastating effect. 

Agent 2: I think that’s enough of the weapons for now. It must have been impossible to get through all the horrors around you with just plain weapons. What other tools did you have at your disposal to help the agents get through their tasks? 

To be continued… 


Interview at Lethal Honor (Pt. 1)

Top Secret Files Pt. 1

These excerpts of classified documents are detailing the catastrophic events at the Lethal Honor research facility on Wolf Island, which is rumored to have been overrun by demonic entities. This laboratory was tasked with creating the newest strain of Lethal Honor agents. The following first-hand account is expected to help shed some light on the incident.

Interview conducted by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] , consecutively called Agent 1 and Agent 2. 
Agent 1: We have some questions for you regarding the events on [REDACTED].  

[REDACTED]: I’ll do my best to tell you all I know. 

Agent 1: How did it all start? 

[REDACTED]: It began at [REDACTED]. Suddenly, there were demons and their spawn prowling through the lab and infesting every corner. Naturally, I tried to find cover and started documenting everything. 

Agent 2: You started documenting? Why didn’t you try to flee? 

[REDACTED]: It was frightening but it piqued my curiosity as a researcher. I have conducted studies on the paranormal long before these events unfolded. This was my chance to get some hands-on experience! 

Agent 1: And what did you find? 

[REDACTED]: There was one demon who seemed to be in charge of leading the others. Quite fascinating. He was intelligent, frighteningly so.  

Agent 2: And how did you manage to get out of the laboratory? 

[REDACTED]: Since I saw so many lifeless bodies around, I thought that everyone was gone for good, so I didn’t put much effort into finding anyone else. To my surprise, they eventually found me and took me with them to their base of operations – the Awakening Room.

Agent 1: Who were they?

[REDACTED]: A few of my former colleagues managed to hole up together. Leading them was Aida Leone who was using the agents to save as many people as possible. 

Many died and waking new agents was the only chance at survival we had. I think that Aida was even hopeful enough back then to think we could stop whatever was happening. 

To be continued… 


Watch the newest gameplay of Lethal Honor!

A lot has happened, and we have made a lot of progress with the development of Lethal Honor. To show you the current state of the game and what you can look forward to, we started a new stream showing you some of the freshest gameplay! So, tune in and get a good glimpse at what awaits you in the world of Lethal Honor.

Lethal Honor - Order of the Apocalypse is a challenging action-adventure roguelite, featuring precise and strategical combat against eldritch creatures, using melee combat and tons of different abilities in many different locations. Be part of a secret organization that operates within the realm of impossibilities an investigates - but most importantly - destroys paranormal events and interdimensional inconveniences.
