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Lethal Honor - Order of the Apocalypse News

QA's favorite ways to play [Electric Overkill]

Hey, I’m Yona from QA and my favorite build in Lethal Honor is Electric Overkill. It’s not named like that in the game, but you’ll see what I mean.

The central element of this build is definitely the “Electric Coil” ability, which lets you place an electric coil every few seconds. When you place it, it will discharge a shock and connect with all other electric coils in the area. Now, those coils don’t do a lot by themselves, but they have a certain strength in numbers, so next we need a few more ways to place them around the battle areas.

An easy way to do this is via the “Trapper’s Kinetic Implant” artifact, which lets you drop a coil when dashing. It has a certain cooldown to it, but it’s enough to get an initial set of electric coils out at the beginning of each fight.

The most important element of the build is the artifact “Security Bots”, which makes it so enemies that were afflicted by Brittle will drop an electric coil when they die. Given that the shock ability of the coils will make enemies Brittle, this will almost always create another coil when enemies die to a shock chain.

To make the chaos complete, you can collect enchantments that will extend the lifetime of electric coils or make it so removing brittle from enemies will trigger other types of ailments or additional damage.

Now, when playing this particular build, I usually refrain from using any regular attacks during combat and instead fully focus on placing more and more coils and then triggering chain reaction after chain reaction. It’s so satisfying to watch those shockwaves move between dozens of coils and killing everything that’s standing in between them.

However, if you want to go all out, you can also imbue your weapon with the Brittle affix in a Crafting Node, which will then trigger the surrounding electric coils on every strike with your sword. But that’s a bit of an Overkill. See. I told you the name would make sense!

Anyhow, try out this build for yourself or create your very own in our Demo, which is live now on Steam! There will be even more possibilities once the full game releases!


HandyGames AI-Powered Showcase 2024

HandyGames is thrilled to announce the first-ever AI-powered HandyGames Showcase 2024, which will be part of the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024. The event will kick off on August 2nd, 2024, at 8:45 PM CEST. Gaming enthusiasts can tune in to watch the full showcase on the THQ Nordic Showcase Page, YouTube, and Twitch, or view the HandyGames Showcase separately on the official HandyGames YouTube channel. Prepare for a showcase crafted with the precision of an AI-driven algorithm versus the creativity of a caffeinated game dev.


Join us as we reveal more about our exciting titles and celebrate the creativity and innovation in gaming. We have programmed our AI to ensure it's an unforgettable experience. So, sit back, relax, and let our artificial intelligence entertain you like never before.

Stay tuned for more updates and be prepared to welcome our new AI Overlords!

Reviews Are Open!

Agents! Permission to speak freely!

As many of you probably heard, Steam has recently made it possible for demos to have an extra store page. While this doesn’t feel like a big change for most people, for us it’s an exciting opportunity to get some of your straight opinions in the review section.

We also added some additional info specifically for the demo on the store page, so if you weren’t sure if the game suits you, give it a read and maybe reconsider!

So please, if you liked the game or have some constructive feedback for us to consider for the full game, leave a review on the demo page and make your voices heard!


NEW DEMO UPDATE – Localization, Steam Deck, Performance!

Rejoice, Agents!

We have prepared a big new patch for the Demo bringing additional language support, performance improvements, quality of life changes and plenty of bug fixes.



In addition to the English and Japanese text support, we now added:
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Chinese Simplified

to the supported languages. Hopefully this will give even more aspiring Agents the chance of a first glimpse of the game.

(Cautious) Steam Deck Support

While it is not perfect yet, the demo is now fully playable on Steam Deck! Some texts might be hard to make out on the small screen, but we are working on UI improvements to make everything easier to read for the full game.

Performance Improvements & Quality of Life

The demo now runs a lot smoother and more stable than ever before. It is much more lightweight and doesn’t hog as much memory as before. This also reduces loading times by a lot!

In addition to the performance improvements, we also implemented a bunch of quality-of-life features that make the game more enjoyable. Some of you found the auto-aim feature a little too much, so we tuned the default down a lot. You can still set auto-aim to high in the options or turn it off completely if it isn’t your cup of tea.


Thanks to everyone who took to the forums, Discord or e-mail to report problems they encountered while playing. We worked hard to fix a LOT of issues that were still in the demo. There should be a lot less random crashes, translation issues and all kinds of other problems that were still in the demo. Please continue sending in feedback and any issues you encounter so we can fix them for the main game.

That's all for now, have fun with the demo!

Interview at Lethal Honor (pt.5)

Top Secret Files Pt. 5

These excerpts of classified documents are detailing the catastrophic events at the Lethal Honor research facility on Wolf Island, which is rumored to have been overrun by demonic entities. This laboratory was tasked with creating the newest strain of Lethal Honor agents. The following first-hand account is expected to help shed some light on the incident.

Interview conducted by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] , consecutively called Agent 1 and Agent 2. 

Agent 2: What do you mean by abilities? We haven’t talked about this yet.

[REDACTED]: Some things we managed to learn from the demons and their spawn directly. The agents were able to use this knowledge to great effect.

Agent 1: Do you have an example how one of those abilities might look like?

[REDACTED]: They came in very different forms, from summoning companions to throwing fireballs. One agent managed to conjure a temporary black hole that decimated anything that got near the thing. Really scary stuff.

Agent 2: This sounds insane. How did you manage to control these things?

[REDACTED]: We gladly managed to find [REDACTED] deeper in the laboratory and got her back to the Awakening Room safely. She was already experimenting with using the shadow to power the agent’s abilities before the outbreak. She was invaluable in helping us understand these skills.

To be continued… 
