1. Cloud Meadow
  2. News
  3. May Hotfix #3

May Hotfix #3

  • Catarella will become non-interactable instead of giving the quest in progress dialogue to avoid confusion
  • Fixed error when opening the Save/Load menu due to impossibly high total play time in save slot; save files with these values will have time progress reset to zero for safety
  • Fixed error immediately after loading a save in which the player has collected a quest twice from Savannah F8 Pirates
  • Fixed error when talking to Summer Solstice NPCs after planting only some event seeds
  • Fixed becoming stuck in combat with a Matron trying to heal itself after being defeated on the first hit of a multi-hit attack
  • Wolf’s upgraded War Scent ability should no longer be able to stack infinitely
  • Fixed Lamia’s combat buffs adding way more HP than expected