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Cloud Meadow News

January Hotfix

We know it's been a hot minute, but we're hoping to have the first forest floor out soon.

  • Crab’s Claw Carousel (when chained after Stream Blast) now targets the same enemies selected instead of the entire enemy team
  • Crab’s Passive Wavelength no longer stacks indefinitely, reworked to provide a 10% boost to the action bar for the whole party
  • Demon enemy units now have appropriate XP and coin rewards
  • Fixed an error that could crash the game during a late-game Kiram story segment when a Poacher enemy called for reinforcements
  • Updated Kaleida’s placeholder text
  • Quest display won’t show the Protagonist portrait and name for quests with none or unknown providers
  • Fixed soft-lock in Savannah F5 where players were able to open the 2nd gate before the 1st gate
    • Players who encountered this in previous game versions will be able to continue

November Hotfix 3

  • Veteran players should no longer have the intro cutscene play every time they enter Katarina Station
  • Autosave & manual save should no longer be possible during cutscenes
  • Fixed ‘Unlock Matching Scenes’ error message that appears after recruiting Kiram

November Hotfix 2

  • Gallery sex scenes should now stay unlocked between game sessions
  • Unlocking a scene will automatically save it in your gallery without needing to save your progress
  • Liz’s gallery scene should now be re-unlockable upon talking to her again
  • Fixed a crash when viewing Evan x Garst’s HD gallery scene

November Hotfix

  • Low Light Saturation setting will now default to 0.5 (This will override previous settings)
  • All enemy Harpy & Lamia units now have loot tables

  • Fixed error when trying to encounter a specific enemy mob on Savannah F3 post-cleanup
  • Fixed error caused when entering dialogue with certain major NPCs that talk about Market vendors
  • Reduced interactable range for Savannah F5 Locked Gate #2 to prevent players from opening it from the outside
    • Players who soft-locked their progress as a result of this will need to resume an earlier save file
  • Savannah F5 Chest King’s quest should now reset progress after migration, unless the player had previously cleared all 4 pirate mobs
  • Prevented rare autosave during Katarina intro cutscene which was leaving players stranded
  • Cleaned up visual errors in Evan x Garst HD sex scene
  • Closed off a small walkable space in Savannah F8 where the player could become stuck after the boss encounter
  • Some missing sprites have been restored
  • Minor typographical errors have been fixed

Demonic Halloween Hotfix 1

  • Fixed crash when entering Cloverton after recruiting Kaleida on days where Kaleida is telling Kellam’s fortune
  • Reverted change that accidentally upgraded the farm to maximum size
    • As a result, loading a save on the farm will move the player back to their house
  • Farm clutter that was blocking the players from reaching their farm plots should now be displayed again
  • A cutscene that plays after defeating the Kelpie on Savannah F6 should now always play, ensuring the quest can continue
    • Affected players will receive a notice upon loading that they need to return to F6 to continue the story
  • Camp visuals should properly update to the final stage immediately after defeating the Kelpie
  • Sound FX when destroying obstacles on Savannah F5 will now respect the player’s volume settings
  • Updated Provision Day gift nodes for Savannah F3
  • Quests with no objectives should no longer be showing in the mini quest panel