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大富翁10(Richman 10) News

Release Notes:SEP. 10,2020

Release note

1、Add new map【Veniec】
- can be chosen in the【single mode-multi-player】&【online mode lan game。

2、Add new characters 【Wumela】&【john joe`s】
- can be chosen in the【single mode-multi-player】&【online mode lan game】。

3、Open the third skills for the all characters.

4、Add English dubbing. can be selected in settings table.

Release Notes:AUG. 13,2020

1、Add the new map【Greece, New York】,can be chose in the【single mode-multi-player】&【online mode lan game】

2、Increase the timeout hosting function.
[Online Mode-Online Mode] During the game, if there is no operation for 180 seconds, the [AI Auto Hosting] function will be turned on.

3、Added the exclusive BGM for game mode
when join【single mode-multi-player】&【online mode lan game】mode, will play the corresponding exclusive BGM according to the selected match mode

4、Fixed some issue where the talent of Dr. Octopus【swift】and the Daniel【unruly】an effect on wrong cards.

Release Notes:JUN. 30,2020

1.Add the new character【Dr. Octopus】,single mode-multi-player and online mode lan game can choose Odd Bioguys.

Release Notes:JUN. 9,2020

1、Add new map 【London】
【single mode-multi-player】&【online mode lan game】can be choose

2、Balance update
(1)increase the large build【Land Temple】 rentals and more injury
(2)increase the rental by chain store

3.More optimize

Release Notes:May. 27,2020

1.Add the new character【Odd Bioguys】,single mode-multi-player and online mode lan game can choose Odd Bioguys.
2.Add the Odd Bioguys biography and achievement mode.
3.Optimize existing character model materials.