1. 大富翁10(Richman 10)
  2. News

大富翁10(Richman 10) News

Release Notes:May. 11,2020

5/11 Release Notes announcement

What's New
1.Add new Character【Daniel】【candy】
【single mode-multi-player】&【online mode lan game】can choose

2.Fix talent 【force of nature】by Wu Mhi
confusion god-4 days duration/angle +2 days duration

Release Notes:Apr.20.2020

【0420 Release Notes】
  1. Add the new character 【Wu Mhi】&【Miyamoto Treasure】

Release Notes:Jan. 14.2020

updates on 14 Jan. at 11:00 AM, please restart the app to fetching the latest version.

What's New
1.Add reconnect function
when disconnected from the lan game, you can reconnect and return to the last game within 1 hour.

22. Dubbed in Cantonese
you can choose cantonese dubbing in settings feature

Release Notes:Dec. 23,2019

updates on 23 Dec. at 12:00, please restart the app to fetching the latest version.

What's New
1.New map 【 Festival Town】
.Players could choose it when creating a room in 【single mode-multi-player】and 【online mode lan game】

Release Notes:Dec. 10,2019

updates on 10 Dec. at 12:00, please restart the app to fetching the latest version.

What's New
1.Add new biography from Princess Sarah's & Big Gamester's
players could challenge Princess Sarah's & Big Gamester's biography in 【Single-Player Game- Biography 】