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  3. Chapter 2 is Available Now!

Chapter 2 is Available Now!

Hello everyone!

The long-awaited update with Chapter 2 is now live, letting you continue the adventure of engineers who have ventured into the mysterious Void on their train. It’s the biggest content update since the game's release in Early Access!

In Chapter 2, the story continues as the engineers, in their search for the Scientist, face challenges from both the New Light Corporation and the sometimes hostile Interworld. They’re aided by their train, which they continually improve and enhance, their equipment, the guidance of the Narrator, and of course, their beloved Rofleemo companions.

The spreading infection in the Void brings with it its entities, the formidable Jormungandr, the Witch’s mystical storyline, and an unexpected mission involving the Rofleemo, shrouded in dark details that reveal more than meets the eye about the Scientist’s seemingly innocent role in all that’s happening. This major VoidTrain update is packed with all of these elements for you to explore.

The game version is now updated to 15231.

For those wondering if they need to start over – no, you can continue to use your existing save file regardless of how many tracks you’ve traveled since the end of the Chapter 1. Chapter 2 will begin for you at the depot following the current one (if you're on your way to a depot, it will start at the one after that).

However, if you haven’t played in a while, a fresh start can also be a great way to reacquaint yourself with the events of Chapter 1 and experience improved gameplay, as there have been numerous updates and refinements since VoidTrain’s launch on Steam.

[h3]Other New Content[/h3]

- “Sleeping Bag V” and “Sleeping Bag VI” Technologies: Increase the number of Rofleemo on your train.

- Lootomania V Technology: Expands the number of lootcatchers on the train.

- Leather Suit III Technology: Adds extra armor plate slots.

- Stash V Technology: Adds one more slot to all containers.

- Ammunition Pack IV Technology: Expands ammo inventory capacity.

- Metabolism II Technology: Reduces health regeneration limits.

- Large Backpack Technology with a recipe at the workbench – unlocks the final row of slots in the inventory.

- Reinforced floor Technology: Gives floors a chance to avoid damage.

- Reinforced structures Technology: Provides a chance for train structures to avoid damage.

- Two new decorative themes: Viking (23 objects) and Royal (20 objects), which include interior items and walls/cabins. Additional tech for decorating objects is also available.

- Pathway Infections – new hubs along the tracks containing: Infection Turrets (dangerous organic enemies capable of attacking players, the train, and even small Void fish; in return for destroying them, you can get seeds), Loot Bubbles (break these bubbles to get loot), and Gas Plants, whose toxic clouds can cause significant damage.

- Memorial Islands – locations where you can “trade” items, which you can encounter along your journey after completing a specific quest in Chapter 2.

- Jormungandr in depots: After your first encounter with Jormungandr, you may encounter it in other depots along with associated game mechanics.

[h3]Improvements and Changes[/h3]
- Improved UI/UX for the weapon bench and its optimization.

- Added the ability to move the Gatherer’s Station in the construction mode at depots.

- New option in Settings > Game to disable event themes (Halloween and Christmas). A game restart is required for the change to take full effect.

- A lot of improvements for controller support.

- Added the ability to rebind the chat button.

- Enhanced UI sound effects across game menus.

- Improved sound and music control and balance.

- Enhanced sound balancing for the Narrator and other storyline characters.

- Numerous optimizations for rendering New Light soldiers, Rofleemo, and Void Flowers.

- Optimized weapon asset parameters.

- Optimized New Light soldiers’ animations.

- Various optimizations to reduce memory load on player devices.

- Adjusted object collision for several game elements.

- Optimized unloading of depots after departure.

- Improved inventory replication for slot-based inventories.

- Optimized animations for equipped items when they’re not rendered.

- Enhanced player character and safety cable optimization.

- Added new ambient music for depots.

- Some outposts may now be unoccupied (no enemies).

- Fixed crashes when exiting depots due to errors in calculating the amount of food in the Rofleemo Diner.

- Resolved issues with players accessing train containers when experiencing poor connection or high ping with the host.

- In construction mode at depots, lower navigation buttons between wagons weren’t adjusting based on which side of the construction console you were on – fixed.

- Couldn’t build or move objects where Rofleemo was present – fixed.

- Fixed duplication of items when attempting to pick up items already pulled with the grappling hook.

- Fixed an issue in the Chapter 1 Breakthrough quest (Hangar), where soldiers with key cards could get stuck under the map, blocking further quest progression.

- Fixed issue in Chapter 1’s first outpost quest where some soldiers could end up under the map and prevent quest progress (now, even in such cases, the quest continues after a short delay).

- Fixed several spots where players could get stuck in Chapter 1’s story depot (Scientist’s Hideout).

- Resolved issue where, after completing or failing the Arena, players might find themselves on the Arena map instead of with the Master when trying to return to the train.

- World Settings (difficulty settings) didn’t always apply when starting a new game – fixed.

- Added extra checks for the Full Ahead achievement to avoid cases of it not being granted.

- Melee and grappling hook attacks left bullet marks – fixed.

- Some perks for crafting additional items weren’t working correctly – fixed.

- Closing the inventory on a gamepad using the indicated button sometimes opened the journal instead – fixed.

- Chat would break if Enter was pressed in depot construction mode – fixed.

- The HUD weapon slots displayed numbers 1-2-3 when playing with a gamepad – fixed.

- Player-client couldn’t pick up weapons when inventory was full but weapon slots were free – fixed.

- Resource Lumps wouldn’t automatically go into the backpack after being placed on the train – fixed.

- New Light officer’s “Ram” attack animation broke in some instances – fixed.

- Fixed stretched icons for some technologies.

- Fixed shark behavior bugs in mutation states.

- Players with an empty revolver could endlessly reload their weapon – fixed.

- Fixed ammo count issues and weapon magazine size display for player-clients.

- Void jellyfish occasionally appeared in depots – fixed.

- Client players sometimes saw the host player’s weapon sticking out of their body – fixed.

- Fixed duplication of throwable rings.

- Items flying animation to the player’s hand sometimes broke when looting ammo – fixed.

- Animation for playing a musical instrument would break if a construction console was used in a depot – fixed.

- Fuel amounts displayed differently for players in the same session – fixed.

- Arena chests would disappear if players saved/loaded without retrieving them – fixed.

- Gamepad hints initially appeared as keyboard inputs after loading a save – fixed.

- Items didn’t stack when moved from inventory to container if the incomplete stack was in the lower row of container slots – fixed.

- Item splitting for client player sometimes resulted in items both dropping and returning to the original slot (duplication) – fixed.

- Attempting to equip weapons during the transport bird’s flight to the Arena broke the animation – fixed.

- Some descriptions of the prophecies were cut off – fixed.

- Issues that caused inconvenience when splitting stacks of consumables in inventory – fixed.

- Weapons sometimes didn’t appear in players' hands in certain scenarios – fixed.

- If a player crafted 20 identical items at level 2 workbenches, collecting them from just one work zone decreased the number of items gathered with each interaction – fixed.

- Picking up two weapons simultaneously sometimes deleted one – fixed.

- Icons zoomed to the full screen when splitting stacks with a gamepad – fixed.

- Enabling equip animations caused the journal to break and not allow exit – fixed.

- Inventory assigned to Tab wouldn’t close when clicking outside the area and pressing Tab – fixed.

- Fixed interactions with train prophecy interfaces that wouldn’t allow players to retrieve or would delete prophecies.

[h3]Full steam ahead, Engineers![/h3]

We want to thank all VoidTrain players for their support, constructive criticism, and patience.
We’re hard at work improving the game, with plenty more to add and refine. Between Chapters 2 and 3, you’ll see updates, and we’re happy to share that the scenario document for Chapter 3 is complete. Work on its art content, along with prototypes for gameplay and technical features, is well underway.