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The Bloodline News

State of Eudros #7 - Hunting bugs while waiting for Santa 🐛🎅


The holiday spirit is making its way to the lands of Eudros, and once again, we’ll make sure you’re properly equipped to celebrate alongside its friendly goblins 🎁

Welcome to our new edition of the State of Eudros, your go-to summary for the latest news from the world of The Bloodline and sneak peeks of what’s cooking! đŸ„˜

[h2]IN THE LAST MONTHS... [/h2]

By now, you know it well - our Miles is unstoppable! Over the past two months since the last SoE, he’s been working tirelessly, delivering a juicy update packed with new content and a generous helping of bug fixes, and the Hallowed Eve event. The 505 Pulse team (formerly HOOK - same team, just a different name, as we announced on Discord) - has been supporting his work by gathering your feedback and requests. Rest assured, we’re always reading and taking notes, lots of notes.


Making The Bloodline an experience as smooth as possible remains one of Miles’ primary goals, and - as you’ve likely noticed from recent updates - bug fixing takes up a significant portion of his daily work. There was an ongoing build compression issue interfering with development processes, but it seems Miles has found a working solution... or something along those lines, in dev-speak đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž.

The challenges of being a solo developer on a debut project are many, especially with a complex title like The Bloodline, but we hope you’re enjoying this journey as much as we are. Your feedback is invaluable as always.


In addition to a heap of bug fixes, you’ll of course be getting some exciting new stuff. The next update will introduce tons of new passive skills for every skill tree, with almost all existing abilities being rebalanced to work seamlessly with these new additions. Expect new engineer crafting items, improved skill tooltips, and - as tradition demands - the holiday spirit will shine through with new themed sets and activities to dive into.

This year, the city of Arema will host a small Christmas-themed event, the Hearthsong event! Given the focus on bug fixing, this event will be more limited compared to the Halloween one, but it will still allow you to immerse yourself in the winter holiday atmosphere and acquire two brand new armor sets: a plate armor called "Winter Warden" and a leather one named "Froststrider."


To stay in the loop with smaller and constant development updates, you could follow Miles on TikTok and X, where he posts regularly. If you want to chat directly with him, you can join the official Discord server, which is also the best place to share your suggestions and feedback.

The world of Eudros will continue to evolve, and we hope you're enjoying this adventure with us ⚔

Update | Hallowed Eve 🎃 Bug Fixes & more!


A new update is now available, and we are ready to celebrate the spooky season! 🎃

Have you seen something strange moving through the fields, or is it just my imagination? 👀

Thanks to Juan for this amazing showcase trailer!


The Everfall region of Elderheim is celebrating Hallowed Eve! Visit Woodhurst to take part in the festivities.
  • New harvest themed weapons!
    ○ The Corncleaver
    ○ Harvestlight Scepter
    ○ Harvest Warden’s Shield
    ○ Barbthresher Pitchfork
    ○ Baleshield
    ○ The Bramblethorn Rapier
  • New Hallowed Eve clothing items
    ○ Scarecrow hats
    ○ Jack-o-Lantern Helms
  • Special holiday enemies!
    ○ Scarecrow Reavers have swarmed the Hills of Delvenaugh!
    ○ Fieldscourge – Large versions of the Scarecrow Reavers, also stalking the Hills of Delvenaugh
    ○ Gloomkin have risen from the ground and haunt the grounds around Wolfden Priory
  • Added new village decor, including new Hallowed Eve themed village decorations!
    ○ 3 pumpkins (Various sizes)
    ○ 2 jack-o-lanterns
    ○ 3 Haybales
    ○ Sunflowers
    ○ Scarecrow
  • New Hallowed Eve questline - Flame of the Hallowed Harvest

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed dialogue at Squalls End
  • Fixed issue when paying off your bounty would take twice the amount of gold required
  • Fixed many grammatical errors
  • The new dragon and griffon mount can now be spawned via the favorite mount button
  • Fixed item values for Armorer shop contents (buildable structure)
  • Fixed issue with moonstone meteorites hitting the top of an areas bounds, making the mining nodes float high in the sky
  • The “Abandoned Research” quest now auto completes when destroying the research
  • Fixed issue where you could close Bishop Groves dialogue before accepting the next stage of his quest, locking you out of the questline
  • Fixed issue with Esros dialogue where game could auto-save between quest states, leading to the player being locked out of the questline
  • Fixed issue with ranking up after max rank in the Lionsmane resulting in becoming a Footman in the guild
  • Fixed issue with Fletcher’s Fowl quest that would lock controls if you already had the items required for the quest before the quest was initialized
  • Fixed issue that would cause you to have fewer stat points to spend if you level up multiple times at once
  • Fixed issue with the cooking station in the Fletcher’s Fowl tavern causing the players mesh to remain visible after exiting the cooking menu
  • Fixed issue where enemies in separate area would spawn when entering the Cavern of Frozen Echoes, causing lag
  • Fixed issue with city “Kill X at Y” jobs not tracking correctly
  • Fixed issue with overworld merchant windows now showing the correct amount of gold in the player’s inventory
  • Fixed various dead-end dialogues
  • Fixed issue where player would spawn inside or below the caravan during Caravan Ambush events
  • Electrified Reposition now only works if you have the Electromancy passive unlocked
  • Removed t-posing birds from Aviary building
  • Fixed issue that would cause Goblin Mold to not properly spawn at the Harbinger Stronghold upon starting a new game
  • As a Vampire, your mana and stamina will now properly drain when exposed to sunlight. This is amplified when you are blood starved.
  • As a Vampire, your mana and stamina restore faster at night or when you are not exposed to direct sunlight
  • Closing mount, companion and grapple mod windows no longer causes movement lockup when closing with the TAB key
  • Spear of Chaos special attack can no longer be triggered while the weapon is sheathed
  • Fixed issue with Night Vision skill that would cause on-screen widgets to be unclickable while the skill is active
  • Fixed issue that would cause the third person action camera to remain after the Spear of Chaos special attack was completed if the player blocked during the animation
  • Fixed issue where unequipping a shield while wielding a spear would cause spear skills to not work
  • Added additional enemy spawn checks for enemy ambushes events
  • Player can no longer activate skills while viewing a vista

  • Reduced stone spear damage
  • Reduced copper spear damage
  • The lava level at the Immolation Forge is now saved, preventing saves from being stuck in the lava
  • Added a 10 second cooldown to the Spear of Chaos special attack
  • Reduced overworld event victory fanfare volume
  • Swapped rune wheel requirements in the Infernal Crucible since it led to lots of confusion
  • Climbing no longer modifies camera roll, preventing tilted camera placement when dismounting
  • Dismounting while climbing manually or by running out of stamina will now force-reset your camera, further preventing any odd camera rotation
  • Removed old, unused interior to Woodhurst Castle
  • Fixed projectile issue with Emberspike skill. Should no longer duplicate and have an odd trajectory
  • Added exposure range, which should help prevent areas from being too dark or too bright
  • Changed required items for Alchemist building
  • Reduced jump height increases per jumping level

  • New enemies
    ○ Scarecrows Reavers. Slay these enemies to turn them back into regular old scarecrows, which you can loot for special holiday currency!
    ○ Gloomkin – Living pumpkins that toss fire and explode upon death as a last resort!
    ○ Fieldscourge – large versions of the Reavers!
  • You can now craft small animal traps through the field crafting menu
  • Added new Vampire skills:
    ○ Bat form: Transform into a bat!
    ○ Grave Hunger: Consume a corpse. Restores 50% of your health, mana and stamina and boosts health regen for 2 minutes
    ○ Tyrant’s Grasp: Hold out your hand, pulling weaker foes to your palm. With the enemy in hand, you can consume their life force by attacking (restoring a random stat with each hit), or throw them by blocking.
    ○ Heartwrench: Plunge your fist into the chest of an enemy. If they have less than 20% health, they will be killed instantly. Has a 40% chance to rip their heart out intact, adding it to your inventory. Deals unarmed damage
  • vampire level damage
  • New Necromancer Skill: Shadow Scythe – Conjure a scythe and sweep it in front of you.
  • New lute – Acorn Lute
  • New Ultrasword – The Oathkeeper
  • New potion type – Bat Form Potions
  • Added 2 new locations of interest to the Hills of Delvenaugh
    ○ The Ironbark Bastion (Contains 2 puzzles)
    ○ Grove of Silent Oaths
  • - Added new spellsong:
    ○ Mending Melody (The Hills of Delvenaugh)
  • Added new companion: Itzel Delgado. A master woodcutter!
  • New questlines:
    ○ Flame of the Hallowed Harvest
    ○ The Keeper’s Burden
  • The Alchemist building now spawns a shopkeeper and a potion crafting table
  • The Herbalist building now spawns a shopkeeper
  • Added new item: Hearts, which can be consumed by vampires to extend their feed timer
  • The Necromancer Shrine building now allows you to use the doors and perform the necromancer ritual
  • The Graveyard building now spawns a shopkeeper who sells bones and the Undead weapon set
  • The Fletcher building now spawns a vendor who sells ranged weapons and ammo
  • Added simple Guild Overview window to the character sheet screen

Hotfix #9


A new hotfix patch is available now to address some of the latest issues you reported and improve your experience in the lands of Eudros!

  • Fixed issue with Old Splintered Staff not casting basic spells correctly
  • Fixed issue with runereading not properly levelling pyromancy and cryomancy
  • Fixed issue that would cause TONS of civilians to spawn when constructing a new building (when you already have buildings constructed)
  • Fixed dialogue with Javad locking up when asking him to follow you
  • Fixed overworld potion merchant shop contents
  • Fixed Arcane Priest Staff point-black damage Taking the caravan back to Karraq will now update your overworld location properly
  • Taking the caravan back to Karraq will now update your overworld location properly

Update | New weapons, quests, mounts, bug fixes & more!


A new update is available now to improve your journey in Eudros!

This update focuses on bug fixes, adjustments and additions, such as new quests, weapons, locations & more!

  • The portal to the Khenmoore Flatlands that can be opened at Parford Lake should no longer place you under the map after teleporting
  • Speaking with Rostam after destroying the Warp Spire at the Fal Fadir Oasis and accepting his offer to ride the caravan back to the city no longer places you under the map
  • Fixed dialogue with Ghost of Millshade
  • Fixed issue with camera if players repeatedly casted Thunderous Smite
  • Fixed issue that would cause the camera to rotate 90 degrees when casting spells (ones set your camera to third person) at extreme upwards or downward angles
  • Can no longer ragdoll or be ragdolled while harvesting
  • All items (except custom potions) now work with the hotkey menus (Z and ALT menus)
  • Can no longer freeze dead enemies, which would cause the frozen FX to persist endlessly
  • Fixed issue with staff projectiles doing much more damage when hitting enemies point-blank
  • Overworld enemy encounters now function better. Enemies no longer wander off at the beginning of a battle, making it easier to complete the encounter
  • Badbarrel Calendar Events should now spawn properly
  • Fixed issue with Medium Health Potions spawning very tall
  • Fixed issue with Damaged Airship event that would not update the player’s location, leading to the player falling through the world or high in the sky
  • Fixed another issue with Damaged Airship event that would teleport the player even if the player hops off the airship
  • Fixed issue with vampires not triggering grab+bite attack
  • Fixed issue with enemy attack cooldowns (Certain abilities would skip their cooldowns, allowing some enemies to spam certain attacks)
  • Fixed issue with the “Restocking the Dearest Leaf” quest which would allow you to complete the quest without the required item
  • Fixed issue with Fragment of Iher not spawning properly inside cave where the fragment-related quest is recieved
  • Lionsmane overworld goblin and undead assignments now track properly
  • Fixed issue where you could receive duplicate spells from Bishop Grove if you already knew the spells before he teaches you them
  • Player movement is halted when the level up screen is active
  • Fixed issue that required the player to click on the level up screen to “focus” it, allowing them to then click on the buttons on the level up screen. It should now automatically be focused.
  • Optimized fire VFX
  • Astral Ingots now show the correct recipe when clicked
  • Fixed issue with free camera now showing weapons properly. Also fixed issue with left hand missing in this camera mode.
  • Beer now properly heals the player and adds the drunk debuff

  • Goblin Looters now run faster and are more aggressive
  • Revamped aesthetic of the Moonhorn Cliffs
  • Expanded enemy elemental weaknesses and resistances. If an enemy is weak to an element, they’ll take 25% more damage from the source of elemental damage. If they’re resistant to the element, they’ll receive 25% less damage. Enemies resistant to certain elements also are not debuffed by them. For example, a Fire Elemental cannot be set on fire and an Ice Elemental can’t be frozen or slip on ice
  • Added a “Confirm Destruction” popup when destroying a fully constructed building
  • Cancelling an ongoing construction now returns all materials to your inventory
  • ESC now closes more windows properly
  • Reworked the radial menu crafting window. Since village decorating has been replaced with the new-and-improved system, this old crafting menu is now a “Field Crafting” window, which allows you to craft arrows, bullets and camping supplies. It also allows you to craft physics objects because physics objects are always fun to have on-hand.
  • Village decor now hides nearby grass
  • The Harbinger Stronghold now can experience different weather

  • New weapon class: Lute!
    ○ Hold BLOCK to enter plucking mode, where you can play Spellsongs.
    ○ Spellsongs are hidden throughout the world. The lute skill tree allows you to “favorite” spellsongs, which adds them to your screen when in plucking mode.
    ○ Added tutorial for lute when it is first equipped (You should also learn the “Performance” spellsong when you equip a lute for the first time
  • New Electromancy Passives:
    ○ Electrified Reposition: Casting an Electromancy skill imbues your dodge with an AoE burst of electricity for 3 seconds. Repeated casts stack effect. (Deals your Electromancy level x5 damage)
    ○ Aftershock: Killing an enemy with an Electromancy skill has a 35% chance to leave behind an Electrical Remnant.
  • New Lute Passives:
    ○ Bard’s Rhythm: Spellsongs with multiple charges gain an additional charge.
    ○ Lute's Embrace: Healing spellsongs now heal 50% more health.
    ○ Resonant Aura: Healing spellsongs now burst outward, healing friendlies as well as yourself.
  • New skills:
    ○ Sticky Bomb
  • Humanoid companions can now harvest ores, wood, mushroom and herbs! Companions have their own (static) harvesting levels, as well. For example, Malaya Of-The-Leaf is a great forager (level 15 foraging) but isn’t great at mining (level 3 mining) and can chop low level trees (level 5 woodcutting). Companions will harvest around their general location and will default to following the player if they wander too far.
  • Testing out revamped companion dialogue system with Malaya.
  • Several new overworld events/encounters
    ○ Roaming Bears
    ○ Roaming Wolf Packs
    ○ Deer Grazing Spots
    ○ Merchant Caravans
    ○ Goblin Armies (small)
    ○ Hallowed Bellkeepers
    ○ Goblin Boar Riders
    ○ Airships (Can transport players to cities quickly and safely)
    ○ Bandit Fortresses (semi-randomly generated fortresses that offer plenty of lute and challenging combat encounters)
  • Overworld encounter rework (Pop-up windows with options of how to deal with a situation. Combat encounters allow you to run, speak with animals, climb trees, etc. to escape the situation. The different option success rate depends on player skill levels.)
  • Overworld Mount System
  • Added “Cragstone Shards”, scattered around the Molten Crag area. These shards can be given to the Cragsmith to forge new weapons.
  • Added new status effect: Slowed
  • Added telegraph FX to some enemy attacks
  • Village passive income and resources! Every week you’ll receive resources and gold from your constructed buildings. For example, a Logging Hut will provide you with a delivery of x50 logs of all types!
  • Village visitors – your constructed buildings will now attract visitors.

  • Chilled Geodite
  • Ice Elemental
  • Greater Stone Elemental – High-level gentle giants that aren’t hostile until attacked!
  • Fire Elemental
  • Armored Hill Trolls

[h3]NEW MOUNTS:[/h3]
  • Griffon
  • Baby Dragon

  • Frostvein weapons
    ○ Frostvein Ultrasword
    ○ Frostvein Greathammer
    ○ Frostvein Lance
  • Molten weapons
    ○ Molten Ultrasword
    ○ Molten Cleaver
    ○ Molten Daggers
    ○ Molten Spear
    ○ Molten Kite shield
    ○ Molten Buckler
    ○ Molten Round shield
  • New unique weapon: Thurston’s Grimoire and Pen. Slay enemies with the pen, filling it with blood. Use the blood as ink in the Grimoire to summon bloody companions from the pages! (Kills with the sword (pen) add charges to the shield (grimoire). Summons require 2 charges.)
  • New unique weapon: The Sorrowsong
  • Adept Cryomancer Staff
  • 2 different standard lutes
  • Eirik’s Shield
  • Lena's Lut

  • Added new location of interest: The Ashen Thicket
  • Added Tomb of Kazarad the Flamebard
  • Added Flamewrought Sanctuary (Contains puzzles)
  • Added The Infernal Crucible location (Contains puzzle)
  • Added interior to The Immolation Forge
  • Added new dungeon: Thurston's Crypt of Tomes
  • Added new dungeon: Pyreheart Hollow
  • Added a bard tomb

  • Added new location of interest: Ancient Ruins (unnamed)
  • Revamped aesthetic

  • Added vista points
  • Added bard tomb

  • Added vista points

  • Added new cave: Frigid Cavern (Contains puzzle)
  • Added interior to Gin Badur (Contains the Frostforger, which will grant the Heart of Ice questline)
  • Added new cave - Cavern of Frozen Echoes (Contains puzzle relevant to Heart of Ice questline)
  • Added new location of interest – The Everfrost Citadel (Will be relevant for kingdom 3 intro questline)
  • Expanded location of interest – Briarwatch
  • Added new location of interest - Hovgard Bastion
  • Expanded location of interest – Griffon's Peak (Unique puzzle using context and quests within area)
  • Added new dungeon - Sepulcher of the Sorrowful Chord (Contains 2 puzzles)
  • Added a few bards' tombs

  • Removed and replaced ugly rock formations
  • Added new harvestable spawns
  • Added a bard tomb

  • The Dragon’s Cradle
  • Heart of Ice
  • Lifeline to the Lost
  • The Bound Souls of Briarwatch
  • Rekindling
New companion: Skald the wolf
New bard shops in Khenmoore, Elderglen and Woodhurst
A few new village decor items

- - -

Join the community on Discord and follow Shieldbearer Studios ( TikTok | Twitter ) & HOOK ( Twitter | Facebook | TikTok ) to be updated in real-time on what’s happening in Eudros 🏰

State of Eudros #6 - Do you know how to ride a dragon? 🐉


Summer is coming to an end, and now an autumn melody can be heard throughout Eudros. A song that speaks of new adventures, new companions, and new encounters. Do you know how to ride a dragon? Nobody does, until they ride one.

Welcome to our new appointment with the State of Eudros, our summary with the latest news from the world of The Bloodline and glimpses of what's cooking! đŸ„˜

Despite the summer break, the work on The Bloodline has not stopped at all, and during June and July, two updates were released to improve your adventure in the kingdom of Elderheim. While helping Miles gather all your reports, he and his family took the opportunity to meet the HOOK team during their vacation in Italy! We finally got to meet little Arlo, The Bloodline’s first fan ❀

As mentioned above, the work on The Bloodline certainly hasn’t stopped, and a new update will be released very soon. Get ready to wield a new weapon and transform into the bard your D&D party has always wanted: the lute joins the list of weapons available in The Bloodline đŸȘ• Lutes make use of "Spellsongs", which can be found hidden throughout the world. Play spellsongs by equipping a lute and blocking to enter strumming mode. Here, you can play notes to cast spellsongs! đŸŽ¶

Joining you in your adventure will be a new companion, a wolf, and new mounts that can carry you across the kingdom. A griffon, named Skysong by the locals, flies high above Whitebrook Haven, searching for its long-lost master. It sings out, waiting for its old master to join in its song. An ancient, dying dragon guards an ancient egg. Only one deemed worthy of raising such a beast can claim the egg for themselves.

Eudros is evolving, and something new has appeared: A legendary Frostforger—masters able to shape Frostvein Ore with ease—has now made their home within the Gin Badur mine at Whitebrook Haven. A towering, sentient Dwarven statue tirelessly hammers away at its anvil, forging molten weapons in an unending cycle underneath the Molten Crag.

You'll also find new questlines, new encounters, and over a dozen new weapons. Miles has also reworked the Overworld encounter system. Now, Overworld encounters such as combat encounters will no longer immediately draw you into a fight. Instead, you'll have options for how you want to deal with the encounter. The success of each option is dictated by various skill levels, your current mount, etc. For example, if you're attacked by a pack of wolves, you can use your Druidism level to attempt to calm them and avoid the combat encounter!

[h2]Follow the journey [/h2]
The Bloodline still has some way to go, but Miles – the sole developer behind the title – is working hard to achieve the goals set for version 1.0!

To stay in the loop with smaller and constant development updates, you could follow Miles on TikTok and X, where he posts regularly. If you want to chat directly with him, you can join the official Discord server, which is also the best place to share your suggestions and feedback.

The world of Eudros will continue to evolve, and we hope you're enjoying this adventure with us ⚔