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The Bloodline News

Hotfix #11


A new hotfix patch is available now to address some of the latest issues you reported!

  • Fixed issue with smelting and weaponsmithing menu locking up if you click “auto craft” without enough resources. (Auto craft button no longer available for smelting)
  • Fixed issue where leveling up could sometimes block skill book interaction
  • Fixed issue with the gathering minigame not ending properly if the player doesn’t click at all during the minigame

Update | Bug fixes, adjustments & more!


A new juicy update is available now to improve your journey in Eudros!

[h2]Bug Fixes/Optimizations[/h2]
  • Fixed Woodhurst dialogue (all dialogue was stuck thinking it was still Hallowed Eve)
  • Fixed Woodhurst music (like the dialogue, it thought it was still Hallowed Eve)
  • Fixed issue with some 2H weapon skills changing FOV
  • Fixed issue with Khenmoore Fishermen dialogue not closing when selecting “Nevermind”
  • Fixed companion dialogue for Itzel (was set to Malaya’s dialogue)
  • Fixed issue with Thomas Dornsheidt’s dialogue when you don’t have enough of the required items to complete his quest
  • Fixed issue that would cause sheathed weapons to become visible after fishing, which would cause some camera blocking issues with some weapons
  • Fixed issue with the flintlock skill “Suppressive Fire” not dealing any damage when firing your weapon.
  • Fixed Ironbark Bastion statue puzzle (If you attempted to do it and got the music but no reward, you should be able to return to the area and complete the puzzle again to get the reward!)
  • Scarecrow enemies now only spawn during the Hallowed Eve event at the Hills of Delvenaugh (they replace Goblin spawns!)
  • Gloomkin and Emberbough Leaves now only spawn during the Hallowed Eve event at Wolfden Priory
  • Fixed holes in Undertower Mine that would allow the player to fall through the map
  • Fixed issue that would cause 1 or 2 bullets to be discarded upon equipping a flintlock weapon when entering an area.
  • Fixed theme progress bars in the Village Overview window. They should now all track your theme progress correctly now.
  • Fixed issue with smelting that would cause intense lag or even crashes if you smelted many items quickly
  • The EXP bar at the top of the crafting window should now track smelting accurately
  • Optimized crafting window
  • Fixed Saria Elmspring’s dialogue for donating Fae. Now she will have a custom currency shop where you trade Rescued Fae for goods (the shop is still being set up, but the bug where you’d get locked in dialogue with her is fixed!)
  • Removed duplicate apple item from loot pool
  • Fixed Engineer Statue 1 granting mage village EXP
  • The Aeromancy skill “Billowing Winds” is now properly identified as Aeromancy, and should grant Aeromancy EXP
  • The Aeromancy skill “Tornado” is now properly identified as Aeromancy, and should grant Aeromancy EXP
  • Can no longer start a gathering minigame when the level up animation is playing, preventing a cursor lockup
  • Decorated Dwarven Shortsword should now work with the “Throw Weapon” skill
  • Fixed issue with Bloodpool at the Molten Crag that would bind your interaction key to it even after leaving the Bloodpool.
  • The sand blocking the way into the Whispering Cathedral at the Flowing sands should be visible before starting The Mirage quest line instead of there just being an invisible wall there
  • Dwarven Airship events in the Overworld can now be disembarked at any safe point and not force the player to enter the targeted city when the airship arrives at its destination.
  • Arriving at a city via an overworld Dwarven Airship should now properly update your overworld location and not send you back to your stronghold.
  • Hallowed Ground and Final Rites (Arcane skills) no longer cause camera issues after the camera transitions
  • Bishop Grove should no longer give you duplicate skills. You should be able to tell him if you already know the spells he asks about.
  • All reagents should now properly show in the potion crafting window. If you notice one that doesn't show up, please let me know which item isn’t showing and I can fix it!
  • All reagents should appear in your potion crafting window, even if you have an incredibly full inventory
  • Moved Frostvein chunk that couldn’t be obtained due to a collision issue
  • Fixed holes present in the Gin Badur Mines at Whitebrook Haven
  • Shapeshifting while grappled onto something will now unhook your grapple automatically, preventing key conflicts
  • Fixed issue with Raven Form status effect popup not being removed from screen after exiting the form early
  • Fixed Broomstick Mount issue that would cause player’s animations to not work properly. This would occur when the broomstick exhausts all of the player’s mana and boots them off.
  • Fixed various generic weapons that had issues with the “Throw Weapon” skill
  • Using the Vampire skill “Feed” on a ragdolled enemy no longer makes them clip through the ground
  • Fixed various farming plants not having any yield upon harvesting (coffee beans, potatoes)
  • Fixed issue with Hill Trolls not falling back to the ground after being lifted by the Druid spell “Carrion Lift”
  • The new game naming window on the main menu should no longer be cut off by other UI elements for certain resolutions
  • Copper Flintlock Pistol now deals the correct damage (was 100, now is 125)
  • Final Rites should now heal the player for the correct amount when blessing a corpse.
  • Equipping cosmetic or support items such as a simple quiver, assassin’s belt, woodcutter’s harness, scribes belt, etc will now immediately show on the character preview. Before, it would require you to open and close your inventory to see the items on your character. (some wouldn’t show at all as well)
  • Fixed damage number spawn location for Bloomfangs
  • Fixed damage number spawn location for Thornlings
  • Vampire Bat Form now consumes the correct amount of mana (30 mana)
  • Fixed issue that would cause player’s mesh to remain visible after dismounting mounts when in third person
  • Player model now sits correctly on Thalandrian’s back (the dragon mount) when in third person
  • Player can no longer consume shapeshifting potions while they are already shapeshifted
  • Removed the old lute type from the loot table. If you have a lute that automatically places you in performance mode when equipping it, that is the old lute type and can be destroyed.
  • Foraging EXP boost effects from potion crafting should now work properly
  • Custom potions now work with the ALT item hotkeys (needs stress testing)
  • Village Assignments now provide village EXP
  • The Village EXP bar in the village overview board now updates properly after gaining village EXP
  • The shopkeeper that spawns with the Graveyard no longer has Gearbeard’s dialogue
  • Fixed issue with ETC items having their tooltip image off-center
  • Flash Slash (One Handed skill) now consumes stamina properly
  • Greatly optimized burning enemy VFX
  • The Grimclaw (when hostile) can no longer be ragdolled. (Rabbit physics sometimes went nuts, breaking the encounter)
  • Can no longer sheathe/unsheathe weapons while gathering, which made it possible to break the gathering minigame if timed perfectly
  • Stone Walls no longer grant Necro Theme EXP
  • Amulets, backpacks and cosmetic items are no longer visible when shapeshifted
  • Dagger no longer visible when shapeshifting with daggers equipped
  • Fixed Stationary Ballista bug that caused it to float away upon spawning
  • Fixed issue with spawning siege weapons that would sometimes cause them to fall through the map
  • Removed tester crate from the Tomb of the Betrayer
  • Moonstone Meteorites should no longer fall out of bounds, allowing you to collect them every time
  • Bandits should no longer spawn under the merchant wagon during the Caravan Ambush event
  • Blood Enchantment now works as intended: Weapons with the Blood Enchantment active have a 35% chance to make enemies bleed. If you hit an enemy that is already bleeding, it will heal you for 50% of the enchanted weapon’s damage.
  • When leveling up weaponsmithing, the next level of weapons available to craft should be available and no longer require you to leave and return to the weaponsmithing anvil
  • Earthen Crush no longer causes a lockup if it is casted with the last bit of your mana
  • Conjure Boulder no longer causes a lockup if it is casted with the last bit of your mana
  • Added missing boundary walls to the Askillian village of Muscan
  • Inventory, radial menu, skill book and skill tree windows can no longer be opened while fishing.
  • You can no longer interact with fishing spots when your inventory, radial menu, skill book or skill tree windows are open, preventing the minigame or the opened windows from becoming broken/conflicting
  • The Woodhurst Priest, Father Granville, should no longer have repeated dialogue after finishing his quest
  • Player can no longer throw grapple when harvesting
  • Removed old lionsmane NPCs from Woodhurst, which had old dialogue that could cause lockups
  • “Standard Light Post” village decoration should unlock properly after finding the decoration schematic at the Logging House at Parford Lake (will work retroactively, so if you already found the schematic, it will be unlocked now)
  • Companions should now more reliably gather their target harvestables
  • The objective marker for The Vigils Oath quest should now follow Greyson Everdane in Elderglen
  • Removed compass icons for unnecessary areas at the Molten Crag
  • Assignments based at the Molten Crag should now work properly
  • Fixed popup that would appear every time you enter the Molten Crag if you opened the Crucible gate
  • Fixed issue that would sometimes cause rune wheels to have to be fully rotated if the selected rune was already in the correct position
  • Fixed Village Level bug that would let you gain endless village levels if you are above a certain village EXP threshold
  • Fixed Ichorian Blade skill allowing the weapon to be added to your inventory
  • Fixed issue with Woodcutting EXP Boost potion/food effect not being removed properly after the effect ends
  • Fixed issue that would cause health bar to not update correctly after loading in
  • Fixed issue that would sometimes cause the health bar to stay in the “decreasing” state (yellow bar showing damage taken)
  • Fixed “Assassin’s Kunai” skill from locking the player in slow-motion + low gravity if they end the skill quickly or throw all the kunai quickly after casting.
  • Fixed other Assassin’s Kunai issue that would cause constant low gravity if the player opened the radial menu when the skill was active
  • Self-propulsion boots should now work properly upon equipping them
  • Fixed issue that would allow you to hit gathering crits if you spam-clicked after missing
  • Fixed issue that would not allow interaction with fishing spots that were near to the player when loading in
  • Optimized fishing spots
  • Optimized the Harbinger Stronghold
  • Optimized Khenmoore
  • Optimized Elderglen
  • Optimized Woodhurst
  • Fixed “Ice Pillar” issue that would allow it to drop players mana into the negatives if casted long enough
  • Fixed issue with village visitor spawns (specifically Necro visitors) that would prevent guests from visiting if you had more than 100 necro theme points
  • Fixed issue that would cause Sandscourge to float in the air after being ragdolled
  • Fixed issue that would cause Camels to float in the air after being ragdolled
  • Fixed bug that would cause some Church of Arosa assignments to not give Tithes upon completion
  • Fixed Wizard Tower contents not being fully destroyed when destructing the building
  • Fixed issue with Engineer Statues not reverting to the correct material after hovering over them when decorating your village
  • The radial menu should now close automatically if you are killed with it opened
  • Fixed issue where players could quickly press the "leave" button right after starting crafting or auto-crafting, resulting in a lockup
  • Fixed issue with Wardstones causing interaction issues if they were placed in the Wardstone Pedestals without throwing them into them.
  • Corrected “The Vigil’s Oath” quest objective spelling for Commander Kaelen
  • Fixed issue that would cause village resources to not be delivered if you were in the overworld when the delivery day passed
  • Fixed EXP and gold rewards for “The Vigil’s Oath” questline
  • The “You no longer are infected with Vampirism” popup should no longer occur every time you drink a cure ailments potion (unless, of course, you are infected with Vampirism)
  • Fixed issue that would allow you to double-use items if you right clicked the item and clicked the item itself instead of the dropdown menu that appears. Clicking the item should automatically close the dropdown menu, preventing double-use of items in this fashion.
  • Fixed Foraging EXP boost - should now give 25% more foraging EXP while active, as intended
  • Fixed issue that would cause the icon for saved potions to revert back to the default image upon saving the potion
  • Consuming custom potions via the consumable bag should no longer consume two at once
  • Custom potions should now work properly via the Z menu
  • Fixed issue with Z menu inventory not updating when consuming/using items
  • Can no longer start fishing with skill tree window open

  • Added new Halberd animations (only 1 or 2 halberds are in the game, so this isn’t a big change. Nearly all players won’t notice this change. Just getting ready for a halberd revamp in Kingdom 3)
  • The holiday of Hearthsong now is set up to occur only during the 12th month of the year OR when the real-world month is December.
  • Added Aeromancy to the detailed stats window
  • Added Smelting to the detailed stats window
  • Churches now spawn Priests who you can exchange tithes with (Church of Arosa guild currency)
  • Deer, rabbits, pigs and friendly wolves now spawn at your village if you have enough Druid theme points
  • Dwarves now spawn at your village if you have enough Engineer theme points
  • Added new Necromancy spell: Summon Miner: Summon an Undead Mine who can help you mine ores. This summon will always be 5 levels higher than you in mining.
  • Skeleton Visitors will now spawn at your village if you have enough Necromancer points

  • Changed the way fire damage is done to the player. Looping fire damage now appears under the health bar (instead of on the right side of the screen, where it would be blocked by quests)
  • The player can only be set on fire for a maximum of 5 seconds
  • Necro summons now teleport to the player if they’re far away from the player’s location. This should help prevent the frame-skipping that some players have been experiencing when summoning
  • Made the UI shake more cleanly when crafting an item. Before it was quite jarring, now it’s less so
  • Moved the Aeromancy skill “Tornado” to level 3 Aeromancy
  • Farming Plots now hide grass around them in a wider radius
  • Custom potions now stack! (Won’t work for duplicate potions already in your inventory. Will work for newly crafted potions.)
  • Removed donation window popup from churches
  • Caravan Ambush events now spawn between 5-10 bandits (before it was always 5)
  • Earthen Crush now costs 25 mana to summon the stone, 25 to slam it to the ground
  • Changed compass indicator icons for locations at the Molten Crag
  • If you save while wielding an Ichorian Blade, the next time you load, the weapon will be removed
  • Unequipping an Ichorian Blade will cause it to dissolve and not be added to your inventory
  • Adjusted many mesh LODs to lead to a more optimized overall experience
  • Reduced the size of damage numbers
  • Added new Shieldbearer Studio logo intro (no more being blasted by a warhorn lol)
  • Changed village overview theme bars slightly to convey their function more clearly

[h2]Grappling Hook Changes[/h2]
  • Throwing your grappling hook now requires 25 stamina. If you don’t have enough stamina, you will not throw your grappling hook.
  • Swinging/launching from your grappling hook now requires 25 stamina as well. If you don’t have enough stamina, your grapple will simply unhook from whatever it’s attached to
  • Note: I plan to have a grappling hook skill that you can level up to make your grappling more efficient and effective.
  • Made more surfaces deflect your grapple (essentially more stone surfaces to make it more consistent as to which surfaces can be grappled onto and which cannot)

State of Eudros #8 - Bug fixing, Lonland & Controller Support ❄️


The new year has begun with its fair share of challenges and some delays, but the work hasn’t stopped, and we’re ready to share what’s happening behind the scenes.

Welcome to our new edition of State of Eudros, your go-to summary for the latest news from the world of The Bloodline!

[h2]WHAT’S COOKING? 🥘 [/h2]

While Milo was hard at work, he unfortunately found himself in the path of a goblin sneeze and… well, he got seriously sick. This caused some delays in our plans for the first two months of 2025, but luckily, he and his family have recovered, and things are slowly getting back on track.

Right now, the development focus remains on bug fixing, optimizations, QoL improvements, and generally refining The Bloodline experience. So, expect a new update soon, packed with a looooong list of bugs that we hope to leave behind!


Spending most of the day fixing bugs can be tough for a creative like Milo, and that creativity has found its way into laying the foundation for a new kingdom that will emerge on the horizon in the future!

Several strides have been made in this area, and here’s a sneak peek at what’s to come.

On Discord, we also involved you in voting for which creature you’d like to see roaming the lands of Lonland, and – to our great surprise – the winner was the Runespinner, spiders that weave runes into their webs (sorry, arachnophobes).


Many of you have been asking about this, you even started a "petition" (we see you!), and it remains one of the hottest topics on the forums: when will controller support arrive?

As we previously mentioned, implementing full controller support turned out to be more complex than Milo initially anticipated – and being a solo dev didn’t make things easier.
For this reason, we are currently in the process of finding a studio to assist with some of the more technically demanding features, including controller support. This will allow Milo to focus on the aspects that require his attention and creativity the most.

We can’t give you an exact date yet, but things are moving! We’ll keep you updated on this.


To stay in the loop with smaller and constant development updates, you could follow Miles on TikTok and X, where he posts regularly. If you want to chat directly with him, you can join the official Discord server, which is also the best place to share your suggestions and feedback.

The world of Eudros will continue to evolve, and we hope you're enjoying this adventure with us ⚔️

Hotfix #10


A new hotfix patch is available now to address some of the latest issues you reported!

  • Fixed issue when camping at Hostile Logging Camps, which took players back to the main menu
  • Fixed an interaction inside the Hearthsong Holiday quest

Update | Bug fixes, adjustments, Heartsong event & more!


A new juicy update is available now to improve your journey in Eudros!

[h2]BUG FIXES[/h2]
  • HUD should now restore properly when closing the achievement window
  • Arrow hits now show damage numbers properly
  • Moved the objective for the “Hand in the Snow” quest
  • Fixed issue with Dropkick skill that would cause player’s mesh to be rotated 90 degrees if used AFTER ragdolling
  • Fixed issue with grapple, companion and mount windows not being able to be closed by TAB
  • Fixed issue with goblin mold not spawning when starting a new game (hopefully)
  • Fixed issue with Wizard Tower vendor not spawning
  • The village overview board should now show the correct number of visitors in your village
  • Valarie Westmoth now gives the correct slime bait for the slime taming quest
  • Fixed issue with skill passive tooltip text clipping out of the box for some resolutions
  • Fixed issue with Thunderous Smite not giving Electromancy EXP
  • Fixed issue with Carrion Flock not giving Druidism EXP
  • Fixed issue with Blood Spear not giving Blood Magic EXP
  • Removed slash VFX from spear attack impacts
  • Fixed issue that would cause the “Throw/Drop” controls to remain on-screen when some held items were destroyed
  • Fixed issue with dialogue lock after speaking with Elderglen Lionsmane Quartermaster
  • Fixed issue where accessory item wouldn’t be visible on character when loading into a new area. Would require you to unequip and re-equip to see the item
  • Fixed issue where head and hair would be visible through full helms
  • Fixed issue with stone spear that would block interaction
  • Fixed issue with Sanguine necklace that would block interaction
  • Fixed issue with Azure Necklace that would block interaction
  • Removed odd, creepy hum sound in Khenmoore that could be heard when master volume was turned down
  • Added city ambience to Khenmoore
  • Fixed issue where city ambience in Elderglen would still be audible when volume as turned down
  • Fletcher’s shop description now properly shows what is missing or included in the building
  • Enemies now are bounced by summoned Spring Shrooms
  • Fixed issue with Carrion Flock behaving strangely when exhausting all of your mana when casting it
  • Fixed issue with hotkeyed weapons being consumed if you already have them equipped and use the hotkeyed item. (For example, if you had a Chapter Mace in one of your hotkey slots and you click that item while already having the Chapter Mace equipped, it would destroy the mace that is in your inventory. Now if you try to equip a hotkeyed item that is already equipped, it will unequip the item.) (Now also fixed for clicking the hotkey radial menu buttons as well)
  • The metal puzzle block within the Temple of the Fatal relic can no longer be broken
  • Fixed gender-specific dialogue with Pembroke Wells at the Harbinger Stronghold

  • Added/expanded interior to Chapter’s Court in Elderglen. Now contains Paladins as well
  • Added 3 new level tiers to engineer crafting
  • Added Port-A-Pult deployable. (A small deployable catapult) to engineering crafting
  • Added Stationary Ballista deployable to engineering crafting
  • Added Self-Propulsion Boots to engineering crafting
  • Added exhaust pipe
  • Added Blastfuel
  • Added Small Blastfuel Tank
  • Added Dwarven Metal
  • Added engineer level up console command
  • Added new cosmetic item to the Golden Loom in Arema (Scribes Belt)
  • Added new accessory – Hearthsong Lantern
  • Added new cosmetic item – Assassin’s Belt (Firesmith’s in Arema)
  • Added new cosmetic item – Simple Quiver (Dwarven crossbow shopkeeper in Arema)

Arema has been blanketed in a cozy layer of snow for the holiday of Hearthsong!

  • Find all 25 Hearthsong Candles scattered across the city
  • Help Dromli deliver his gifts from Lonland to his friends in Arema (Quest gives the Hearthsong Lantern)
  • 2 new armor sets: Winter Warden set and the Froststrider set!

Level 3 Passives:
  • Frozen Touch 1: Increases size of Frozen Ground by 25%
  • Slick Frost: Makes Frozen Ground slightly more slippery for foes
Level 5 Passives:
  • Frozen Touch 2: Increases size of Frozen Ground by 25%
  • Frostbite 1: Increases the damage of Cryomancy spells by 15%
  • Frozen Heart: Regenerate mana faster while standing on Frozen Ground

Level 3 Passive:
  • Death's Embrace 1: Necromancy spells deal 10% more damage (does not increase summon damage)
Level 10 Passive:
  • Death's Embrace 2: Necromancy spells deal 10% more damage (does not increase summon damage)

Level 3 Passives:
  • Blazing Fire: Increases the duration of ground fires by 25%
Level 5 Passive:
  • Flamesurge: Nearby burning enemies restore your mana.
  • Infernal Grace 1: Increase all damage done by Pyromancy spells damage by 15% (does not increase ground fire damage)
Level 10 Passives:
  • Infernal Grace 2: Increase all damage done by Pyromancy spells damage by 15% (does not increase ground fire damage)
Level 15 Passives:
  • Flame's Favor: When igniting an enemy, the fire has a 25% chance to spread to other nearby enemies.

Level 3 Passives:
  • Divine Grace: Blessing a corpse with Final Rites now heals you for twice the amount.
Level 5 Passives:
  • Holy Retribution 1: Arcane spells deal 10% more damage
Level 10 Passives:
  • Holy Retribution 2: Arcane spells deal 10% more damage

[h2]BOW AND ARROW[/h2]
Level 3 Passives:
  • Deadly Focus: Holding a fully-drawn arrow for a moment triggers Deadly Focus for half a second. If you release your arrow in this window, your arrow's damage by x2.
  • Head Hunter: Headshots with bows and bolts now have a 40% chance to make an enemy dizzy
Level 5 Passives:
  • Hamstrung: Shooting an enemy in the leg has a high chance of SLOWING them for 5 seconds.
  • Ranger: Hitting an enemy at distance greater than 30 meters increases damage by 25%
Level 10 Passives:
  • Hitting an enemy at distance greater than 50 meters increases damage by 25% (stacks with the “Ranger” passive)

Level 5 Passives:
  • Charged Smash: Charged attacks with BLUNT WEAPONS (maces, hammers) now have a chance to ragdoll enemies
  • Hatchet Master: Throwing axes deal 50% more damage when thrown.
  • Duelist’s Focus: Hitting a crit spot with a rapier immediately spawns another
  • Duelist’s Surge: Hitting a crit spot with a rapier restores 10% of your max stamina

Level 5 Passives:
  • Honed Bolts 1: Increases Electromancy skill damage by 10%
Level 10 Passives:
  • Capacitive Crit: Hitting a crit spot of an electrified enemy will add 5 stacks of Capacitive Surge to the target.
  • Honed Bolts 2: Increases Electromancy skill damage by 10%
Level 15 Passives:
  • Attunement: Electromancy skills deal 25% more damage during thunderstorms

Level 5 Passives:
  • Bestial Fury 1: Increase damage of shapeshifted attacks by 20%
  • Nature's Wrath 1: All (non-shapeshifting) Druidism skills deal 15% more damage
  • Piercing Talons: The "Peck" skill now has a 75% chance to cause bleeding.
Level 10 Passives:
  • Bestial Fury 2: Increase damage of shapeshifted attacks by 20%
  • Nature's Wrath 2: All (non-shapeshifting) Druidism skills deal 15% more damage
Level 15 Passives:
  • Bestial Fury 3: Increase damage of shapeshifted attacks by 20%
  • Nature's Wrath 3: All (non-shapeshifting) Druidism skills deal 15% more damage

[h2]BLOOD MAGIC[/h2]
Level 5 Passives:
  • Blood Scent: Nearby BLEEDING enemies will restore your mana.
  • Nonequivalent Exchange: Blood Exchange takes half the amount of blood (health) from you.
  • Bloody Might 1: Blood Magic skills deal 15% more damage
Level 10 Passives:
  • Strengthened Leech: Bloodleech heals you for twice the amount.
  • Bloody Might 2: Blood Magic skills deal 15% more damage
Level 15 Passives:
  • Hemorrhage: ALL critical hits have a 20% chance to cause bleeding
  • Bloody Might 3: Blood Magic skills deal 15% more damage

Level 10 Passives:
  • Cleaving Crits: Hitting a crit spot on an enemy also damages nearby enemies

Level 3 Passives:
  • Keen Edge: Thrown spears deal 25% more damage
Level 5 Passives:
  • Binding Thrust: Hitting LEG crits with a spear now has a 75% chance to SLOW enemies for 5 seconds.
  • Reach Advantage: While wielding a spear, crit spots appear 20% more often.
Level 10 Passives:
  • Skirmisher: Hitting a crit spot with a spear has a 30% chance to immediately spawn another crit spot.

Level 3 Passives:
  • Skull Shrapnel: Headshots with flintlock weapons that kill an enemy now cause their heads to explode, damaging nearby enemies
  • Began revamping the Tomb of the Betrayer
  • Closed off unfinished sections of the Tomb of the Betrayer
  • Added Tomb of the Betrayer questline “The Vigil’s Oath”, which will introduce the player to the Chapter guild (Paladin guild)

  • Changed how Reanimate Corpse functions. Now, the body of the enemy that is being targeted will spawn a skeletal companion. The higher the level of the dead enemy, the more powerful the skeleton that is spawned. This change will help streamline how summons work, allowing any reanimated enemy to draw from your passive Necromancer abilities and prevent unintended behavior from reanimated enemies.
  • Refined civilian spawns at the Harbinger Stronghold
  • Reduced rapier crit spot damage from x8 to x4 (was much too powerful with the new rapier passive!)
  • Reduced Spark skill damage from 25 to 15
  • Reduced damage of Rock Wall (when shoved) from 350 to 150 base damage
  • Reduced Rock Hammer damage from 150 to 100
  • Reduced Bomb Shroom damage from 50 to 15 (these were incredibly overpowered!)
  • Increased Clot Orb base damage from 20 to 35
  • Increased Velosian Leaf-tip spear hitbox size
  • Removed Bronze Key drops as they will not have a use going forward
  • Hallowed Eve has been set up to work with the in-game and real-world calendar. If it’s the month of Truill in-game, then Hallowed Eve events will be active. If it’s the month of October IRL, then Hallowed Eve will be active regardless of the in-game month.
  • Greatly optimized Carrion Flock skill
  • Changed hand-drawn filter slightly