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  3. STATE OF EUDROS #5 – Next Steps & Survey!

STATE OF EUDROS #5 – Next Steps & Survey!


The hot wind from Askil is reaching the lands of Eudros as well, but the work cannot stop. There, it is full of ears that listen to you and take notes, planning... πŸ‘€

Welcome to our new appointment with the State of Eudros, our summary with the latest news from the world of The Bloodline and glimpses of what's cooking! πŸ₯˜

[h2]IN THE LAST MONTHS... [/h2]

It's been a while since our last State of Eudros, but updates have certainly not been lacking. In the past 3 months, we have released 3 updates and 3 hotfixes, which have fixed multiple bugs, added features such as keybinding and the new village decorating system, and introduced a lot of new content, including an entirely new kingdom: Askil!

During these months, we have read all your feedback and suggestions, taken notes, and helped Miles compile a list based on your requests to assist him in planning the work for the upcoming updates, one of which - as you can imagine - is just around the corner.


The focus of the next update will be fixing the bugs you reported and to start doing what you have been loudly requesting: fill and improve the kingdom of Elderheim.

For this reason, you will find Parford Lake has been expanded and filled in! For the Kingdom of Askil, the Flowing Sands and the Pillars of Misrafal have also been filled in with the addition of new caves, dungeons, points of interest, puzzles, vendors, and much more.

These areas have been revisited to be populated with loot, rewards, enemy spawns, and much more, such as village decorations contained in "decor books" hidden throughout the world, hidden skill points, weapons, and armor. The goal going forward is to do the same with nearly ALL Kingdom 1 locations, bringing the new systems, improvements, puzzles and other features introduced (or refined) in Kingdom 2 to the original kingdom of Elderheim.

Additionally, Miles has worked on some quality-of-life improvements, such as adding a brightness (gamma) slider, saving the player's location, and adding new "Cook Books" to reveal recipes!

[h2]WE NEED YOU! [/h2]

To best help Miles plan the next steps leading up to the future release of version 1.0, we have created a survey with some questions that will help us rank your requests, as well as gather additional valuable feedback and opinions.

The survey will take no more than a few minutes to complete, and you will have the opportunity to let us know which areas you would like us to focus on more, as well as to express your level of satisfaction with the current game features.

There is no need to emphasize again how essential your contribution is during this Early Access phase to chart the path for future updates, so we hope many of you will participate ❀️

Miles has also been doing weekly development streams on Twitch to discuss the game, gain feedback, and show a bit of the development process!

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