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  3. Update | Bug Fixing, Optimization & Additions

Update | Bug Fixing, Optimization & Additions


A new update is available now to improve your journey in Eudros!

Bug fixing, optimizations, adjustments, and new content - such as new quests and a preview of the new village decorating system - await you in the lands of Elderheim and Askil! ⚔️

[h2]ADDITIONS [/h2]
  • Added new quest: The Angler’s Revenge – THE FLOWING SANDS (Shack on Sungrub Island)
  • Added new quest: The Shrine of the Luminary (Can be picked up in the Library of Turacca)
  • You can now fish at the Flowing Sands, where 5 new special fish await you! (You need a Sand Fishing Rod to fish at these spots, received via the Angler’s Revenge questline)
  • Added “Favorite Mount” button (Default key binding is ‘V’)
    To make a mount your favorite, open your mount selection window and click the yellow flag with the crown. With a favorite mount selected, you can press ‘V’ in game to quick-summon that mount
  • Added new thumbnails for various weapons
  • Added new thumbnails for mounts
  • Added new heavy attack for Ultraswords
  • Added new White Direwolf mount to the Woodhurst wolf merchant
  • Added quest marker to Besslyn in Al’Mayya
  • Added quest marker to Ali in Muscan
  • Added quest marker to Parisa in Al’Thumralah
  • Added quest marker to the final stage of The Flames in the Sand questline
  • I've included a preview of the new village decorating system in this build! It's not complete, but I wanted players to access it now so I can gain feedback and improve the system before its full implementation.

[h2]BUG FIXES [/h2]
  • Enchantments should now work properly. You MIGHT need to return to the location to unlock the enchantment book again, but I tried to make it so you don’t have to do so!
  • Fixed General Store rotation
  • Removed debug cube from Tornado skill
  • Blazing Trail now properly consumes mana
  • Fixed T-Posing Finfolk
  • Fixed various black weapon/armor thumbnails
  • Fixed issue with certain overworld events spawning in the desert that shouldn’t spawn there
  • Adjusted player footstep sounds
  • Fixed issue with broomstick mount breaking mana regeneration
  • Fixed issue with Askil Rascal quest not progressing
  • Fixed issue with enchantments not properly unlocking on the enchantment table
  • Death’s Claw now grants Spirit Essence for killing enemies
  • Heavy attacks now grant the proper amount of weapon EXP
  • Heavy attacks now properly track quest progress and weapon kill progress
  • Fixed issue with companion dialogue popping up without and text
  • Veiled Slicers now absorb mana properly when attacking enemies
  • Fixed issue with guild and special vendor currencies not being reduced when purchasing items (Iuba, Tithes, Fragments of Iher, Coconuts, etc)
  • Fixed issue with beams from the light beam puzzles flickering
  • Fixed issue with final slab in the Shrine of the Luminary not progressing the quest.
  • Fixed issue with Sandstone Dagger item recipe
  • Fixed issue with the sun in Askil not draining stamina while mounted (other than when on an Askillian Scarab)
  • Fixed issue with double “Small Warhammer” in level 5 Weaponsmithing
  • Fixed collision issues with Askillian Waytowers
  • Level 10 Unarmed Passives can no longer be unlocked at level 5
  • Fixed issue with Warp Spire portals sometimes not appearing correctly
  • ALL Unarmed skills should now properly grant the EXP
  • Removed quest markers at scorched coast for quests that don’t take place in that location
  • Can no longer jump while in ragdoll mode
  • Undead Horde events should now work properly
  • Goblin Horde events should now work properly
  • Fixed birch tree color in Whitebrook Haven
  • Fixed issue with Shrine of the Luminary quest not progressing past the slab section
  • Fixed softlock for the “Strange Magic” questline if players left the Fal Fadir Oasis before speaking with the Askillian Captain
  • Fast Travelling Via Portal Coins should now update your overworld position correctly
  • Companions/friendly NPCs should no longer fall through the ground at the Pillars of Misrafal
  • Fixed issue with 10th slot of offhand spells not saving properly
  • Bijan should now appear in your companion tab after his dialogue discussing joining you
  • Fixed issue with 10 Bijans spawning when accepting his as a companion
  • Fixed Instant Reload animation for double barrel copper pistol
  • Fixed item duplication exploit when trading
  • The secret passageway that opens during the New Ralah questline should remain open when returning to the area
  • Fixed issue where grapple would constantly pull you towards the hook point under specific circumstances
  • Fixed issue where you could ragdoll in middle of the “Dropkick” skill, making your character fall through the ground
  • Fixed dead-end dialogue with Fae store owner
  • Fixed issue with female eyebrows not saving correctly
  • Fixed issue with shield skill tree passives not unlocking properly
  • Fixed issue with studded skirt appearing as a helmet for female characters
  • The Wizard Tower 100 mana buff should now only be granted when construction is complete
  • Fixed mismatched dialogue with the Living Flame
  • The Magic Carpet mount should now be unlocked properly (If you didn’t unlock it through the initial dialogue with the Living Flame, you can return to the Temple of Sand to claim the mount)

  • Reduced Aloe size
  • Increased price for arrows
  • Increased price for bullets
  • Reduced volume of buckshot
  • Fixed fountain VFX
  • Optimized Glowbugs
  • Optimized Karraq
  • You can no longer use the overworld button when in the Unknown Frontier
  • ESC now closes the Arena Settings window
  • Monk’s Cross (Unarmed Skill) now deals x25 unarmed damage when fully charged, x15 when partially charged
  • Increased the amount of EXP gained from various Unarmed Skills
  • You can no longer enter the first Warp Spire before speaking with the Askillian Captain first.
  • Added missing water to the Waterveil Grotto at the Fal Fadir Oasis
  • Updraft now has a cooldown and consumes mana
  • The Askillian Sun should now function in the Pillars of Misrafal
  • Closed segment in New Ralah cave that would give access to quest area before you should be able to access it
  • Can no longer ragdoll while using skills

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