Hello everyone,
We've been hard at work readying up things for today.
This is
our biggest update so far and it brings a wealth of changes to improve your time in BEAST and give you lots of new content and variety now with more supported languages! It has been very important to us that we take our time with aspects that may alter the core gameplay. We have added
new missions, enemies, weapons, companions, camps, and so much more.
We've also worked on a ton of fixes and improvements largely based on your fantastic feedback received on Discord and forums. If you haven't played in a while, please pick it up again and try things and let us know what you think. As always with indie titles,
we're eternally grateful for your support in caring and sharing BEAST to your friends. If you haven't given us a review yet, we would love for you to do so as we read all of them! Lastly if you believe in our work,
feel free to nominate us for the Steam Awards and help spread the word about the game. It would mean so much!
👉 Don't forget to Join & Talk to us on Discord Thank you again dear community!
~ False Prophet Team
[h2]New Features[/h2]
- Added UI and subtitle support (beta) for French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Japanese and Simplified Chinese
- Added 17 new missions on 13 new maps
- Added 10 new enemy types and 5 new enemy classes
- Added 19 new weapons
- Added 9 new companions
- Added 11 new cutscenes
- Added 17 new camps
- Added NVIDIA DLSS support
- Added Nudity mode toggle to settings
[h3]Community Patch #1,2,3 and 4 are included in this major update as well as additional fixes:[/h3]
- Added difficulty options when starting a new campaign
- 3 difficulty options: Easy, Normal, Hard
- Added an Ironman mode option when starting a new campaign
- In Ironman mode you only have one autosave slot
- Added a Hardcore mode option when starting a new campaign
- In Hardcore mode, allied characters don't go into a downed state when their Health reaches 0 but die instantly
- Added Overwatch ability for Igor the Coachman
- Added Tutorial skipping option
- Added Permadeath Mode toggle in difficulty options
- Updated visuals for most cutscenes
- Updated audio for cutscenes
- Updated subtitles for cutscenes
- Updated subtitles for level intros
- Updated subtitles for character responses in gameplay
- Audio volume rebalance
- Added voiceovers to Commanders’ abilities to increase the clarity of their actions
- Added SFX to Accelerate ability
- Visual improvements on levels
- Visual improvements for Ruined Tower: Carriage
- Visual improvements for Camp Chase Wagon
- Updated high Insanity and Beast Mode environment for Plague Town: Hopeless map
- Updated lighting on most maps
- Visual improvements to Verchovne
- Visual improvements to Camp after Verchovne
- Visual improvements to the Cemetery map and moved enemy introduction accordingly
- Added showing hit chance overhead infobox on hovering over a potential target
- Removed the confirmation step for reloading weapons
- Removed the confirmation step from using consumables
- Added functionality to open the weapon selection menu when clicking on a weapon (additionally to clicking the “+” over the weapon
- Added information on current character level to character examination screen
- Added possibility to switch characters while in the character examination screen
- Added confirmation popups to Restart Mission and Exit to Menu
- Added a warning screen on trying to start a mission without maximum characters selected in party selection
- Changed the character level icon background to yellow, for it to be more easily distinguished from the Action Points icon
- Updated icons for consumable items and retreat info
- Updated useful links
- Added tooltip status text for downed/retreat/death characters
- General UX/UI improvements
- Updated armor names from “+1/+2” to “Reinforced/Masterwork”
- Added new companion responses to completing or failing their side objectives
- Improved blending animations between getting hit and being defeated
- Improved timing of gameplay animations, especially the "supporting" ones, like reloading or getting into cover, and other abilities
- Minor animation updates and fixes
- Improved characters rotations in place - turning between 90 - 180 degrees rotation are faster (characters doing one step instead of two)
- Multiple animation updates
- Balance
- Updated gameplay in Cemetery mission to adapt to the environment changes
- Increased the amount of ammo through the levels (nearly doubled)
- Stress actions should now properly reduce Action Points for the affected companion’s next turn
- Removed Stress and Insanity features from Prince and his companions
- It’s no longer possible to stack multiple armors in the character’s equipment
- Ferocious Strike ability nerf - increased cooldown and reduced hit chance in order to reduce its efficiency when combined with Rampage, Rush, and Key Moment abilities
- Characters encountered on Cemetery mission are present during combat instead of recruiting them after the mission
- Increased the range of Now! The ability from 2m to 10m
- Fixed an issue with Landsknecht: Reputation ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with Vengeful ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with Rage ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with Second Wind ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with companion bios not displaying properly in Camps and Character Examination
- Fixed an issue with enemy Overwatch cones not displaying properly
- Fixed an issue with ability descriptions persisting on screen after moving the mouse pointer away from the ability bar
- Fixed an issue with the item count not being reduced after using a consumable
- Fixed an issue with stress triggers not working properly
- Fixed an issue with wrong animations being played during finishers
- Fixed multiple issues with characters briefly dipping into the ground during animations
- Replaced the generic Unreal Engine application icon with our custom BEAST one
- Fixed an issue with Health bars not showing for all characters targeted by area of effect abilities
- Fixed an issue with the player not being able to close Options or Load Game menus while in Pause Menu
- Fixed a potential issue with Overwatch being triggered by characters behind the attacker (outside of the visible cone)
- Fixed a potential issue with VFX not being displayed when applying various bonuses to characters via abilities
- Fixed a potential blocker with fear action triggered on Igor preventing the round from ending
- Fixed potential blockers on levels caused by object collisions
- Fixed some issues with Bullet Hell's ability
- Fixed some issues with the grenade targeting system not working properly
- Fixed an issue with “missing string table” in visual options
- Fixed an issue with using the "Execute" ability on downed companion not generating enough insanity to enter Beast mode in the following turn
- Fixed an issue with an empty loot chest that can be interacted with for the purpose of the mission's side objective
- Fixed a potential issue with the player causing Igor to move by hovering over different movement destinations
- Fixed a potential blocker with auto leveling characters feature after Plague Town: Market
- Fixed a potential blocker with a main objective not completing properly during Plague Town: Hopeless mission
- Fixed a potential blocker with the game soft locking after Townsfolk enemy triggers an Ambush attack
- Fixed an issue with characters not staying in cover properly after crouching
- Fixed an issue with Prince party and Igor’s XP level not being displayed properly on the Result Screen
- Fixed an issue with Christoff and Alfred only leaving footprints with their left feet
- Fixed an issue with the sound of the horse wagon still being heard in the Result Screen
- Fixed a potential issue with enemies running up too close to player characters when attacking
- Fixed a typo with the Increased Defense status name
- Optimized AI planning phase
- Fixed a potential blocker with game soft locking during the enemy turn
- Fixed an issue with the camera not working properly in Ruined Tower: Rescue
- Fixed an issue with objective requirements during a side quest in Verchovne
- Fixed an issue with some enemy abilities during the Adrianople part of the game not showing properly
- Fixed an issue with not being able to attack an enemy after it was attacked by another character who got downed during the attack
- Fixed an issue with the Stress counter still being visible on the portraits of dead companions
- Fixed an issue with Accelerate ability reducing Insanity twice
- Fixed an issue with critical hits from Devil’s Claws ability not finishing off the enemy instantly (if enough damage has been dealt)
- Fixed an issue with the bottom toolbar disappearing after selecting Options in the pause menu
- Fixed an issue with Defender’s Distractor ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with Patricians and Banner Bearers not using Impassable ability properly
- Fixed multiple issues with attacking a companion inside a burning area
- Fixed some issues with UI scaling
- Fixed a discrepancy between the Ritual dagger description and actual use effects
- Fixed a potential issue with Anton dying during the ending cutscene of the first boss fight
- Minor ability description updates
- Multiple minor bug fixes