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  3. Community Patch #6

Community Patch #6

Greetings Travellers

Well, it's been a busy 2 weeks since the major update #1 and the response has been absolutely wonderful for BEAST! It's been a joy to watch players connect with the game, and we really appreciate everyone who has reached out with feedback and bug reports.

Thank you!!

join our amazing community on Discord and connect with other players and the BEAST Dev Team!

~BEAST Dev Team

[h2]New Features[/h2]
  • Added a Loyalty/Treason feature that makes your companion leave the Warband if their Treason stat is maxed out before their Loyalty.

  • Updated ability icons for the Duelist class
  • Added missing character bios

  • Rebalanced Stress triggers to increase their impact if Anton is the reason for the change.

  • Fixed a crash after using Devil's Claws ability on a wooden barrel
  • Fixed a blocker with not being able to move the camera after using Canvas during tutorial when using a gamepad
  • Fixed a potential blocker during finisher animation when the enemy holds a gun
  • Fixed a potential blocker with the Unlawful Execution mission not ending after the rescued NPC dies
  • Fixed a potential blocker with the escorted NPC during the Unlawful Execution mission ignoring navmesh boundaries and falling off the map
  • Fixed an issue with enemies during the Unlawful Execution mission respawning indefinitely
  • Fixed an issue with the NPC during Plague Town: Rescue mission not having proper equipment, stats, and abilities
  • Fixed an issue with released prisoners playing the wrong animations during Molfar’s Sacrifice
  • Fixed an issue with destructible elements not blocking horse-wagon movement
  • Fixed an issue with the tutorial widget in the first camp overlapping a part of the UI
  • Fixed an issue with Zygmas and Bohdan disappearing from Warband if they’re not selected to participate in Plague Town: Plaza mission
  • Fixed multiple issues with the player not receiving experience after completing some side missions
  • Fixed multiple issues with missing translations, especially with character responses during combat, and conversations in camps (still work in progress)
  • Fixed multiple issues with companions not having some abilities displayed on the ability bar
  • Multiple collision and visual bug fixes
  • Multiple smaller fixes