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  3. Community Patch #5

Community Patch #5

Greetings Travellers

Introducing our latest Community Patch #5, with a host of improvements and bug fixes.

A big thanks to the awesome BEAST community for your support and feedback – it really helps us out.

As always, please feel free to post your feedback and ideas in the forums or join our amazing community on Discord and connect with other players and the BEAST Dev Team!

~BEAST Dev Team

[h2]New Features[/h2]
  • Added custom concept art to loading screens before each mission.

  • Updated visuals for most cutscenes.

  • Added multiple ambiance SFX.
  • Added multiple missing levels SFX.
  • Updated footstep sounds over multiple levels.

  • Updated visuals of multiple Camps.
  • Updated visuals of the Liakhyan Hospitality mission.
  • Updated Beast Mode visuals of the Monastery Must Pay mission.

  • Added a tutorial step that teaches the player how to decide what spot they perform an ability from when attacking.
  • Updated UI in Camp view.
  • Updated icons for Defender’s, and Anton’s Exercise abilities.
  • Updated icons for enemy commanders.

  • Updated multiple movement and combat animations.

  • When entering Beast Mode involuntarily (after staying on max Insanity for 3 turns) Anton will now go berserk for his following turn and attack the closest character.
  • Reduced enemy damage and defensive stats during the boss fight in the Roadside Inn mission.
  • Added additional enemies for both phases of the boss fight in the Roadside Inn mission.

  • Fixed a potential blocker with the camera being stuck after a kill-cam.
  • Fixed an issue with the camera not returning to the team after showing the mission objective after the level intro.
  • Fixed an issue with Insanity not changing properly during the Roadside Inn mission.
  • Fixed an issue with the player not being able to take part in Verchovne and Graverobber side missions.
  • Fixed an issue with the improper order of portraits in camps.
  • Fixed an issue with sliders in Options unnecessarily displaying decimals.
  • Fixed an issue with Cyril surname (Sone) not displaying properly.
  • Fixed an issue with En garde ability not working properly.
  • Fixed an issue with Horseman’s Axe weapon’s mesh not displaying properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the player not being able to increase any Trait to 5.
  • Fixed an issue with Pierre (Prince’s companion) having the wrong abilities.
  • Fixed an issue with critical hits performed with 2-handed weapons forcing defending characters to play animation of dying, despite them not being dead.
  • Fixed an issue with holding down A on a gamepad while selecting attack direction not working properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the player not being able to scroll tutorial messages on a gamepad. It’s now possible with the right stick.
  • Fixed an issue with the Quit popup not being navigable on a gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue with the player not being able to confirm setting up Overwatch during the tutorial sequence on a gamepad.
  • Fixed multiple issues with the navigation of the pause menu on a gamepad.
  • Fixed multiple issues with tracking and handling UI on a gamepad.
  • Fixed multiple issues with loss of focus while navigating UI on a gamepad.
  • Fixed multiple issues with missing voiceovers during combat.
  • Fixed multiple issues with missing translations (still work in progress).
  • Fixed a potential issue with loading saved games leading to a black screen.
  • Multiple ability description fixes.
  • Multiple smaller fixes and tweaks.