Enemy Showcase

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- Enemies in METAL EDEN are categorized here to better get an understanding of their threat levels. All cleaners have their weak spots, make sure to hit them where it hurts.

- These are the lowest threat level, while the enemies here are easier to handle than the others they’re not to be taken lightly. A few hits from any enemies will leave you damaged.

- Scrappers, these pesky things are everywhere. Quickly deal with them to avoid having too many enemies after you at once, or take advantage of them not having a shield to take their core and use it to control the battle.

- This is most likely the first armoured enemy the Engineers will send after you. A quick punch will leave it out of balance and make it easier to break its barriers. After you are through its barriers it doesn’t take much to defeat. But be careful as they explode after being damaged.

- The basic enemy unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), will follow you and shoot you from above. These airborne gunners make it difficult to dodge and hide from attacks. We recommend dealing with these enemies swiftly to avoid taking unnecessary damage.

- Do not let slashers get close. You have been equipped with thrusters to dash and wall-run to keep your distance from dangerous cleaners like these. Make sure to use this to keep your distance.

- Basic ranged cleaners will shoot you from afar. Make sure to always be moving to avoid getting hit by their projectiles. Medium to long-ranged weapons are great for these and aim for their head.

- They will likely send Leapers after you. These will jump and send out shockwaves during combat. Make sure to not stay on the ground for long and keep your distance as you chip away at their defences. Once their armour has been broken, you will need to deal with them quickly because they are no longer weighed down and so will move faster.

- Our data shows many more enemies not just in the previous threat levels but also with threat levels that go beyond ELITE ENEMIES. And not just the engineers but other defences have been set up to stop you.
We don’t have any more information to share about these, so stay vigilant HYPER UNIT.

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