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Star Trek Online News

Embracer's implosion continues as Star Trek Online developer Cryptic Studios lays off employees

Cryptic Studios, the developer of the Star Trek Online and Neverwinter MMOs, has become the latest studio to lay off employees. The studio has confirmed that "difficult personnel changes" have made as a result of parent company Embracer Group's ongoing restructuring...
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Star Trek Online: Incursion Now Live


Welcome to the Incursion!

The new Multiverse saga really kicks it up a notch after the events in “Wish Upon a Star” where a tear in reality formed after the use of a Reality Vortex by the Tholians. Although the vortex was closed, a new and larger threat emerges.

During the events of both our new episode “Taken by Surprise” and new Task Force Operation “Resistance of Starbase 1” in Incursion, you and your allies must team together to stop an incursion of Borg from another universe at Starbase 1 where a Reality Vortex has appeared.

Also, in the brand-new 5 Captain Space Task Force Operation “Guillotine”, Borg from another universe are attempting to form a beach head through trans dimensional vortices opening up across multiple systems. You will fight them off in one of 5 different locations randomly picked when beginning the Task Force Operation.

Join Captain Harry Kim, Captain Kuumaarke, and Commander Erin Macdonald to stop this new and very dangerous Borg threat!

In addition to this, you will be able to upgrade your ship even further from T6-X to T6-X2 to fight off this Borg menace.

The 30-day event in Incursion will consist of content related to the multiverse story arc “Kings & Queens” where you can earn a brand new 3-piece ground Borg Adaptation Set.

Our team is excited to release this next part of our Multiverse saga and welcome back the voice talent of Garret Wang, Kipleigh Brown, and welcome the first appearance of astrophysicist Dr. Erin Macdonald.

Jarrod Fisher
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Unraveled Now Live


In the wake of the Terran Gambit, the web draws tighter. Captains, welcome to Unraveled! This latest story update for Star Trek Online takes us away from the giant battles of the Terran Gambit and the Klingon Civil War and on an expedition with the newly promoted Admiral Kuumaarke. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a nice, relaxing science mission with Kuumaarke, so clearly nothing will go wrong. Right?

As you bargain and battle with the Tholians over a breach in space, you’ll also get to participate in our latest event, Looming Threats. Complete forty days of progress, and you’ll unlock a Tholian themed space set! This new set allows you to fire off Tholian Warp Crystals, giving bonus shields to your allies and destroying your enemies. In the brand new TFO, Leviathan, you’ll return to the spine of The Other and battle alongside a team to attempt to survive. And speaking of survival, two new Patrols are live with an additional Hard Mode, giving you more difficult enemies to face.

With all of this coming to PC today, we know you’ll have a grand adventure, no matter how deeply you’re spun into a new web.

Star Trek Online: Refractions Now Live


The conclusion to the Terran Gambit Story Arc is here! What began with Reflections ends with Refractions as Terran Emperor Crusher has nearly made his way to Earth with “The Other”, the mirror version of our V’ger, to destroy the capitol of the Federation.

Before he gets to Earth, you and your allies must break into a maximum-security prison in the Mirror Universe in a new 5 Captain Ground Task Force Operation “Bird Cage” and break out the mirror version of Beverly Crusher in the hopes that she might help stop her son. Gates McFadden will join our long list of Star Trek cast members in this release.

In our new giant-sized episode “Fujiwhara Effect”, Emperor Crusher and “The Other” have made it to Earth. You and your allies must make a desperate attempt to stop him as the galaxy hangs in the balance. If you want to know more, you’ll have to play it - the less spoilers for this one, the better.

In addition to this, we also have 2 new Patrols based on content from our previous release, Ascension. Both of these patrols fill in more details from Ascension. How did Janeway’s Borg drones get cleared from Jupiter Station? And what happened to the Khonshu while it was trapped in the mirror universe?

As usual this time of the year, we’re celebrating our anniversary and this time it’s our 13th. Play the new content above, along with some previous Terran Gambit content, and the Omega Stabilization Game to earn the brand new V’Ger tech inspired T6 Compiler Science Dreadnought. This gigantic, alien ship can transform itself into electric probes that will chase your enemies.

Work on this storyline kicked off in early 2021, and the team here has done a great job in bringing it to life. Along the way Kate Mulgrew, Wil Wheaton, and Gates McFadden joined our big cast of Star Trek actors. We can’t wait for you to play it. It’s always exciting to create the content but it’s more fun when it finally goes out to all of you.

Jarrod Fisher
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

Wil Wheaton is trying to become a god in Star Trek Online

I've never been able to kick my Star Trek Online habit. There are better MMOs, but there's no other game that offers so much Trek. And while the more recent obsession with Discovery and the modern Mirror Universe hasn't really been doing it for me, the frequent nods to classic storylines and characters keeps me coming back. With the latest story update, Ascension, Wil Wheaton's Wesley Crusher joins the ranks of Star Trek alumni pottering about in the MMO...
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