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Star Trek Online News

Star Trek Online: Ascension


The Emperor. The Other. The threads that were began with the latest incursion from the Mirror Universe are beginning to come to a head, as Wil Wheaton steps into Star Trek Online to portray the Mirror version of his classic character, Wesley Crusher. Wielding god-like Traveler powers, and cementing his relationship with the Mirror version of V’ger, Emperor Crusher is one of the largest threats the galaxy has ever faced, and only you can stop him.

Battle inside of The Other itself in the brand new Task Force Operation, Storm Chasers, and participating in that TFO is one way to progress in The Emperor’s Will event. This brand new event combines some of our favorite Terran Content, and completing it for 20 Days will give you a brand new ship, the Terran Somerville [T6]!

That’s not all. If you want to take your Bridge Officers to the next level, the Elite Bridge Officer Training tokens are here for you. Using one of these tokens on a Bridge Officer will immediately upgrade their rarity to ultra rare, and granting them a Kit Frame Slot, Personal Ground Trait Slot, and a Device Slot.

You are the last hope for the universe once again, Captains. Do you dare stand in the Emperor’s way?

Star Trek Online: Stormfall

You've stepped through the Mirror and back, Captains, just barely escaping with your lives. If you venture in again, will it be for the last time? Join one of our most star studded casts in Stormfall, the latest Star Trek Online story update. Kate Mulgrew returns as both Admiral Janeway from the Prime Star Trek Universe, and her dastardly, Borg afflicted Mirror Counterpart. Joining her are Mary Wiseman as Sylvia "Killy" Tilly, the unhinged, murderous version of Tilly from Star Trek Discovery. Chase Masterson joins us to reprise the role she created just for Star Trek Online, Admiral Leeta, the true antithesis of everything her character stood for in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Kipleigh Brown brings us a version of Kuumaarke like we've never seen before. And finally, for the first time, Noah Averbach-Katz (Ryn, from Star Trek: Discovery) will step out from behind the streaming desk and step into the game, playing Rae-yeet, a Mirror Universe inhabitant who rebels against the evil Terran Empire. You'll stand alongside and against all of these forces, including your own dark reflection.

This story plays out in two brand new episodes, "Blue Shift," and "The Calling." In addition, you'll find we've reworked the Task Force Operation "Assault on Terek Nor" into the completely redone "Forged in Fire." Finally, you can oppose the Terran Empire in the updated, screen accurate map of Deep Space Nine, with brand new cutscenes, enemies, and boss mechanics. You can play all of that, and more, in the Heart of the Storm event, to unlock a powerful new ground set based around Mirror Kuumaarke. And if you're brand new or just want to see it all again, the 2409-era Federation Tutorial has received a long needed update, adding more depth, better environments and cutscenes, more streamlined content and interactions with Admiral Janeway herself, as well as Aron Eisenberg as Captain Nog.

Lower Decks has been one of our favorite new additions to the Star Trek canon, and we're adding the California Class, the flagship of that show, into the Infinity Lock Box starting today. In addition, several awesome items from the show like the Mandatory Medical Treatment rifle and the Scorpion Cube have been added to the Lobi store. It's an exciting time to be a Star Trek Online fan, and we're so pleased to have you with us, Captains. Stormfall will be live after maintenance today. We'll see you in the Final Frontier.

Star Trek Online ships now canon after Picard Season 2 reveal

Season 2 of Star Trek: Picard is finally here and sharp-eyed Star Trek Online fans will have noticed a few familiar ships in the premiere episode. Arc Games confirmed that four Star Trek Online vessels are now canon, with a few more from the animated series Lower Decks...
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Star Trek Online: Shadow's Advance Now Live

In the world of video games, especially massively multiplayer online games, lasting a decade is unheard of. Star Trek Online has explored the final frontier twelve years. It’s an incredible number that could never have happened without you, the Captains who play our game, bringing the Star Trek Universe to life in a way no other piece of Trek media can. We’re so grateful that you have and continue to take this ride with us, whether you’ve been here since Beta or your first day playing was today.

And speaking of today, we’re marking our anniversary with a drop of brand new content, starting with one of the most exciting guest stars we’ve ever had. Kate Mulgrew returns to the role she defined, Kathryn Janeway, the first woman to Captain a starship as the lead of her own show. For seven years, Janeway guided the crew of Voyager on their desperate search for a way home, but what has she been doing in the year 2411? You’ll find her in our brand new episode, “Red Shift,” alongside Star Trek favorites Mary Wiseman and Chase Masterson. The Terran Empire has attacked Jupiter Station, but why? What do they want?

Janeway has also been retroactively added to the Delta Quadrant missions that feature most of the rest of the cast of Star Trek: Voyager. You'll find the Admiral directing you on missions throughout that entire storyarc.

You’ll be able to explore Jupiter Station yourself in “Red Shift,” or defend it in space in our brand new Task Force Operation, “Iuppiter Iratus.” Completing the mission, the TFO, or the Omega Particle stabilization game will earn you progress towards the Jarrok Alliance Carrier, a brand new T6 ship that combines Romulan and Federation designs. And you can open the Emerald Chain Lock Box to claim items used by the villainous syndicate during Star Trek: Discovery Season 3.

One more thing: The last two years were banner years for STO, and we want to celebrate with you. Log in to the game during the Anniversary Event to claim a free 100% off T6 Ship Coupon for the Zen Store!

We can’t wait to share these stories with you, Captains. Don’t wait, Star Trek Online: Shadow’s Advance is live on PC right now!

Free games: Win an Age of Discovery Starter Pack for Star Trek Online!

Star Trek Online's 15th season left the launch pad recently - on October 9th, to be exact - which means it's now flying around in space, boldly going where no one has gone before. Alright, our bad, we'll try to minimise the cringey Star Trek references where possible. No promises, though.

The new season, titled Age of Discovery, brings with it a couple of new customisable ships for you to command, a fresh batch of missions, and plenty of updates that improve both the New Player Experience and streamline several of the MMO's systems. Plenty for all you Trekkies to enjoy, then. This is a game you might want to Klingon to, eh? Ok, we're packing it in... or you could say we're Picard it in. Oh god. What was that?! So sorry. Sorry.

Ok, let's get to business - serious faces on everyone. To celebrate the arrival of Age of Discovery, we're giving away 50 Starter Packs that will equip you well for the new adventures. Included in each of them is a Walker-class prototype light exploration cruiser, 12 additional inventory slots, a large (150,000) experience bonus pool, a Discovery-era phaser sniper rifle and phaser stun bolt pistol, and a tardigrade vanity pet

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