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  3. Star Trek: Online - Stormfall features Janeway in the Mirror Universe

Star Trek: Online - Stormfall features Janeway in the Mirror Universe

Star Trek: Online has launched its new story campaign, Stormfall, which returns players to the Mirror Universe. With new content based around iconic characters from throughout the franchise's history, now could be the ideal time for fans of the movies and TV show to dive head first into the MMO.

Star Trek: Online - Stormfall will focus on Admiral Janeway (from Star Trek: Voyager) and Admiral Leeta (from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) as they venture into the Mirror Universe for a rescue mission. Along the way, they'll meet an Andoran rebel known as "Rae-Yeet" (played by Noah Averbach-Katz, who played the Andoran, Ryn, in Star Trek: Discovery), and come up against the dreaded Captain Sylvia Tilly (from Star Trek Discovery).

The new expansion is broken down into two episodes. The first, titled Blue Shift, details the kidnapping of Ilia (from Star Trek: The Motion Picture) by the Terran Empire, with the player left to rescue her and figure out why she was taken. Then the second episode, The Calling, deals with the Terran Empire's attempts to summon a powerful being to be their ally.

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