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Space Haven News

Space Haven 20th Major Update - Now in The Unstable Branch!

[h3]Greetings, Spacefarer![/h3]

Good news! It's time to start testing the new Major Update in the Unstable Branch. Before you jump in, make sure to read all the information below to know all about the process. If you want to wait for the stable version of the update that is all fine.

Space Haven Major Update #20 (Alpha 20) is now available to play in the Unstable (Work-in-Progress) branch. As a reminder, the update process is as follows:

  1. A new Update is first available in the Unstable/Experimental Branches.
  2. Players, who do not mind playing a more unstable version, will first want to test the new update.
  3. Once the Unstable/Experimental versions of the new update build looks solid and stable enough we will push it out officially to all players!
NOTE! Joining Unstable/Experimental is completely optional, and you should only do it if you are willing to risk that some new bugs are introduced, which could affect your game play and potentially break your save.

Please do not join the Unstable/Experimental branches if you don't want to risk breaking your save or have the game break on you in midst of play! If you want to play a more stable version please wait for the official release of the update.

Here is how you join the Unstable Branch:

  • Open Steam Library
  • Right click Space Haven
  • Select Properties
  • Go to tab 'Betas' at the top.
  • Select 'unstable_work_in_progress' in the drop-down.

To see what has been added, check the in-game patch notes.

[h3]What's New in Alpha 20 Unstable Branch[/h3]

You can read up on all the new stuff here:

[h3]Giving Feedback[/h3]

[h3]Please give your feedback in the experimental branch forum. Link below:[/h3]


Let us know what you think of the new features and if something should be altered or tweaked in your mind. Perhaps something makes the game too hard or something is too annoying, let us know so we can get a feel for how the new features feel! =)

Stay tuned for more news, Spacefarer.

Space Haven 20th Major Update - Progress Report.

[h3]Greetings, Spacefarer![/h3]

Glad to find you here in this part of the Galaxy. We have some news to share! We've been working in the background on the next Major Update. This next update will now mark the 20th Major Update for Space Haven. As such this update will be a big milestone for the game and also for us.

We've been working on something special for this update. The main role of this update will be the Exodus Fleet and a main quest line, comprised of missions that will build up a story for the Search of Eden.

We've once again turned to our skilled writer by the name of Hambone to write a storyline that is presented through dialogue between characters belonging to the Exodus Fleet.

[h3]The Exodus Fleet[/h3]
Sheridan, the commander of the Haven Foundation's Exodus Fleet. The Exodus Fleet can be seen in a sector in the background.

The Exodus Fleet is the Haven Foundations hope of bringing thousands of refugees from Earth to a new home somewhere out there in space where they can make a fresh start. Lead by Sheridan, the Commander of the Exodus fleet, the fleet needs to traverse a perilous galaxy in search of a new home.

This is where you, the player, get a chance to become the new Pathfinder for the fleet. Beware though, something bad happened to the previous one. So the question is, are you up for the adventure?

[h3]The Pathfinder[/h3]
Seek out a crew member of the former Pathfinder ship and find out what happened to them.

As the player you will be presented with the opportunity to become the new Pathfinder for the Exodus Fleet. As the Pathfinder your mission will be to work as one of the frontrunners for the Exodus Fleet, exploring systems and carrying out missions given by the Exodus Fleet.

[h3]Interacting with the Exodus Fleet and using Prestige Points[/h3]
The Exodus Fleet will have its own needs that vary in status as you play. Crises and events may strike and the fleet will call for you to help.

The Exodus Fleet will not adhere to the exact same rules as normal ships in the area where the player is. Instead, the Exodus Fleet will be in the background but still move forward with the player as you traverse the galaxy.

Become one of the fleet. Help the Exodus Fleet when they need you and call for aid when you need them.

Become one of the Exodus Fleet. You will be able to interact with the fleet when you are in the same sector. You can call ships for aid, request resource transportations, new crew members or even unlock some technology. You will be able to do this through so called prestige points, which are acquired when carrying out missions or otherwise helping the Exodus Fleet.

[h3]Exodus Fleet Crises and Events[/h3]
The Exodus Fleet will have various crises affecting it on its journey towards Eden.

Various types of crises may strike the Exodus Fleet as you and the fleet traverse through the galaxy. Dangers, like meteors or others, may hit some of the ships in the fleet affecting some area of production. This will have a direct impact on your interaction with the fleet and the ability of the fleet to send resources to you.

You can help the fleet by finding special larger resource spots in the starmap, which the Exodus Fleet can use to replenish their resources.

[h3]Resource Spots[/h3]
Special larger resource spots will be appear on the starmap as spots for the Exodus Fleet to replenish their resources.

Special types of larger resource spots, such as comets, mega asteroid fields, hyperium and energium clouds appear on the starmap. These large resource spots provide opportunities for the Exodus Fleet to replenish their resources. Explore the galaxy and help the Exodus Fleet by guiding them to these spots.

[h3]The Search for Eden - Main Quest Line Missions[/h3]
Carry out special missions for the Exodus Fleet to further the story of locating the mysterious Eden.

The Exodus Fleet will need you as the Pathfinder to carry out special missions, which are tied to the storyline of finding a potential new home for the refugees from Earth, a new habitable planet.

Hmm... I wonder what this does!

These missions are no ordinary missions. They are a mix of exploration, building but also scripted events. Surprises that might give you the shat pants condition if you are not prepared. We've put more time and effort into these missions, with the scripted events but also a lot of dialogue for those interested in reading how they relate to finding Eden.

[h3]New NPC Ships for The Haven Foundation and Flaming Swords[/h3]
You will meet some new Haven Foundation and Flaming Swords NPC ships in the galaxy.

We've created new NPC ships you can meet in the galaxy. You will be able to request assistance from the Exodus Fleet and they will send a Haven Foundation ship fitting your needs. The Flaming Swords is a special faction tied to the storyline of finding Eden. You may encounter their ships in the quest missions.

[h3]New Starting Ships for The Small Hope Scenario[/h3]
We've created new starting ships for the Small Hope scenario.

There will be new starting ships available for the Small Hope scenario. We've tried to make them different from each other allowing for different types of ships to emerge once they are expanded. Hopefully you will find success with the ship you choose!

[h3]New Siren Worlds[/h3]
Siren Worlds will be changed to have both positive and negative effects, along with some mystery!

We are changing the effects of the Siren Worlds. In Alpha 20 the effects will not only be negative, there will be some positive as well. While in the sector, researchers will get a bonus to their research speed for a period of time.

Additionally, mysterious creatures might appear that may cause your crew to have a lift in mood or sometimes be scared!

[h3]Cliffs on Asteroids[/h3]

Space Haven Alpha 19 - Version 0.19.0 Build 16 Released as Stable.

[h2]Greetings, Spacefarer![/h2]

We have fixed some bugs and put together a new patch for Major Update 19 (Alpha 19). The newest version is now 0.19.0 Build 16.

0.19.0 Build 16

  • Fixed bugs in tutorial.
  • Fixed bugs.
If you find any issues let us know at the forums:

Space Haven Alpha 19 - Now Released!

[h2]Greetings, Spacefarer![/h2]

Our three developer strong team here at Bugbyte has been hard at work and we have another Major Update for you to enjoy! Let's take a look.

Major Update 19 (Alpha 19) adds improvements and new content to a wide range of areas. A black market and an expanded contraband system, new crew combat weapons and weapon attachments such as flamethrowers and grenade launchers, stun weapons and many new items crew members can use, organ harvesting, alien parasites, learning computer, new furniture, a holy cow and more!

[h2]A Note On Continuing A Saved Game From Alpha 18[/h2]
(These instructions are only for those who want to continue a saved game from Alpha 18, or stay on Alpha 18. If you are happy with updating the game and starting a new game there is nothing you have to do, except let Steam update the game.)

We recommend starting a new game to enjoy the new update, but it is possible to continue a saved game from the previous version, Alpha 18. If you want to continue playing the previous version, Alpha 18, and decide yourself when you want to update, we have made it possible through the following method:

  1. Open Steam Library
  2. Right click Space Haven
  3. Select Properties
  4. Go to tab 'Betas' at the top.
  5. Select 'alpha_18' in the drop-down. (NOTE! Only do this if you want to stay on the old version)
When you are ready to move on to Alpha 18, follow the above steps but choose "none" in the list. This will put you in the default branch and the game will update.

[h2]What's New in Alpha 19[/h2]

[h3]The Black Market[/h3]
The Black Market is available as its own tab at leisure, prison and research stations.

Up until now the game has only had a few contraband items and no way to really benefit from trying to be a black market dealer/smuggler in the game. We wanted to expand on this and make it possible to play as a smuggler, benefitting from trading in items seen illegal by the Military Alliance.

The new contraband system adds a Black Market to the game, which can be seen at leisure stations, prison stations and research stations. These stations have special individuals on them, dealing in black market items, allowing you to tap into this stream of income should you choose to do so.

Black Market dealers utilize small asteroids as a hidden way to deliver items.

Black Market dealers use stashes placed at small asteroid patches, which allows trading items out of sight from other parties. Shuttles will deliver the items to this asteroid, and the receiving party can fetch the items once they've been delivered.

[h5]Dirty Prison Station Guards[/h5]

Dirty guards at prison stations allow you to smuggle goods in and out of the station.

[h5]Rogue Xenochemists[/h5]

Research station has rogue xenochemists. They can create CSP's. Cloud substance pills. Made from alien enzymes. Cloud substance pills is a drug of the best form, when it comes to recreational use.

[h3]The Smuggler Storage[/h3]
The smuggler storage allows you to better hide contraband items from nosy parties.

A storage for all the smugglers out there! Use this storage to better hide contraband items from faction inspections. A scanner cannot detect contraband in this storage. However, there is a small chance that a crew visiting your ship performing an inspection will find it.

[h3]Stashes at Derelict Ships[/h3]
Derelict ships may now have stashes with some items hidden out of sight. Keep an eye out for these while exploring derelict ships!

Derelict ships can now have hidden stashes with items in them. Be sure to inspect what's inside them while exploring derelict ships, you may find some nice stuff in them.

[h3]Alien Parasites[/h3]
While asleep, Jorge is having a bad dream and will unfortunately wake up realizing it wasn't a dream.

Alien parasites have been added to the game. These unwanted small creatures may find their way on your ship in multiple ways and once onboard they aim to hide themselves in the hull of your ship. Crawling inside the hull space they bide their time and wait for an opportune moment to strike an unfortunate crew member.

[h3]The Advanced Medical Bed[/h3]
The Advanced Medical Bed is capable of scanning crew members and check for any non belonging micro-organisms or other illnesses.

Crew members can become infected with nasty stuff and it's about time there is some health scanner available to check what's going on inside the poor bodies of the crew members. The Advanced Medical Bed can scan crew members whenever they are having weird sensations.

[h5]Doctors and Surgeons[/h5]

In addition to the advanced medical bed we have added surgeons to the game. Crew members with a medical skill of 6 or higher are now considered surgeons while crew members with lower than 6 are considered Doctors. A surgeon is needed to operate an Advanced Medical Bed.

[h3]Alien Organs[/h3]
Organ harvesting is now possible at the Autopsy Table.

Organs can now be harvested by using the autopsy table. Organs may have some value at the Black Market in select places. Harvest your very own organs today!

[h3]New Weapons, Weapon Attachments & New Items[/h3]
Jorge's Revenge. He thinks it's a dish best served GRILLED!

Jorge takes his revenge on the aliens after being subjected to an alien parasite ruining his sleep. The Flamethrower comes in handy when needing to take care of many crawlers all at once.

Jorge's inventory showcasing the weapon attachment slot and a bunch of new items.

We've added weapon attachments, allowing for a variety of new firepower to be introduced to the game. Weapon Attachments can be attached to rifles, giving the weapon a secondary attack that you can choose to apply strategically whenever you see fit. New Weapon Attachments include:

  • Flamethrower - This flamethrower projects a stream of flammable liquid, which allows some bouncing the stream off walls and causing areas hit to take fire.
  • Explosive Grenade Launcher - This grenade launcher is designed to attach to a rifle. It gives a rifle a secondary attack in form of firing a grenade at a target.
  • Incendiary Grenade Launcher - Launches incendiary grenades, igniting fires around their hit point.
  • Shotgun Autoloader - Allows the user to reload the shotgun a bit faster, increasing rate of fire.
  • Tactical Grip - This weapon attachment allows the user to get a better grip of the weapon and increases accuracy.
  • Basic Scope - A telescopic sight, commonly called a scope. This basic rifle scope improves accuracy.

[h5]Stun Weapons[/h5]
Annie equipped with the new Stun Rifle. Designed to capture hostile life forces.

We've added stun weapons to the game. These weapons can be used to capture enemies as they are designed to incapacitate and be non lethal weapons.

Additionally, we've also added some new items out of which many are intended for crew combat use. These include:

  • Combat stimulants - Boosts a crew member's energy level when it is most needed.
  • Mood stimulants - Can be used to delay mental breaks. If they are used too much side effects will appear.
  • Nano wound dressing - Injectable wound sealer with nanobots.
  • Bandages - For covering open wounds after battles.
  • Small Breaching Charge - Small explosive charge designed to destroy walls and doors. Allows boarding teams to create alternative paths inside enemy ships and stations.
  • Space Suit Oxygen Extender - A type of armor that gives additional oxygen reserves for a crew member when wearing a space suit.

[h3]New Research Modules[/h3]
New Research Modules have been added to the Research tree.

The tech tree has been updated with new research modules, featuring some of the new items we've added to the game. These include:

  • Advanced Disassembly - Adds new options for the Recycler. Disassemble resources back to the component resources they were created from.
  • Alien Enzyme - Allows the Chemical Refinery to produce a stimulant substance created from aliens.
  • Stimulants - A research module with combat and mood stimulants.
  • Nano wound dressing - Injectable wound sealer with nanobots.
  • Advanced Medical Bed - This bed is specially designed to perform body scans to identify wounds, illnesses and other health threatening conditions of your crew.

[h3]The Learning Computer[/h3]
Crew members can now study and learn skills at this learning computer, up to a certain level.

We've added a learning computer to the game. This training computer uses fully immersive gamified learning environment technology in a wide range of subjects and skills. Allows your crew members to study and learn new skills.

The crew management menu has a new tool for marking study hours in the schedule and also a new tab for creating so called learning rules.

The crew management menu has a new tool for marking study as a secondary task in the schedule tab and additionally a new tab dedicated to creating so called learning rules. Together these allow you to dictate when your crew members should study and which crew members are allowed to study.

[h3]The Holy Cow[/h3]
Crew who report seeing a golden cow flying in space should undergo mental health care program Mike-Zero-Zero.

In the post-Apocalypse age, the cow is still a symbol of everything that was bountiful in the Earth's past. Though some members of the Cult of New Haven decry these statues as sinful, to most crews they serve as a reminder of humankind's prosperous history, and a promise to see it restored amidst the stars.

Crew who report seeing a golden cow flying in space should undergo mental health care program Mike-Zero-Zero. However, should you see this monument be sure to investigate to see what it may hold within.

[h3]Small Hope Scenario - Select Starting Ship [/h3]
You can now select another ship as the starting ship in the Small Hope Scenario.

A small feature addition but bound to give a breath of fresh air to one of the starting scenarios. We have added a way to select a starting ship in the Small Hope Scenario, allowing you to start with another small ship instead of the default one.

[h3]New Furniture[/h3]
New tables! Note the availability of more options when hovering over a table in the build menu.

We've added a bunch of new tables to decorate your ship with! These can be found in the build menu under the furniture tab. Note that the build menu has been updated and there's now more options available when hovering over a facility/item in the build menu.

Would you look at that! The tables and the carpet match. Will be great to sit down and eat here.

[h3]New Entertainment[/h3]
River relaxing with some fun single user activities after a long day.

We've added a new personal entertainment facility to the game. The crew can sit down and entertain themselves with with various single user activities.

[h3]Space Haven Alpha 19 - Now Released![/h3]
This update is available for you to play right away. Try it out and let us know if something is wrong!

Major Update 19 (Alpha 19) is out now for you to enjoy. We've tried our very best to iron out all issues while the update was in the unstable/experimental branch, but if you find anything wrong please let us know and we will fix it immediately as soon as we can.

If you have any troubles, technical or game play wise, please write to us here on Steam forums or our other channels:

Enjoy the new Major Update and stay tuned, Spacefarer!

Space Haven Alpha 19 - Now in The Unstable Branch!

[h2]Greetings, Spacefarer![/h2]

It's time to reveal what our three developer strong team here at Bugbyte has been up to for the past months. We have been working on a new Major Update and we are ready to show all the hot new stuff coming up!

Alpha 19 adds improvements and new content to a wide range of areas. A black market and a expanded contraband system, new crew combat weapons and weapon attachments such as flamethrowers and grenade launchers, stun weapons and many new items crew members can use, organ harvesting, alien parasites, learning computer, new furniture, a holy cow and more!

Space Haven Alpha 19 is now available to play in the Unstable (Work-in-Progress) branch. As a reminder, the update process is as follows:

  1. A new Update is first available in the Unstable/Experimental Branches.
  2. Players, who do not mind playing a more unstable version, will first want to test the new update.
  3. Once the Unstable/Experimental versions of the new update build looks solid and stable enough we will push it out officially to all players!
NOTE! Joining Unstable/Experimental is completely optional, and you should only do it if you are willing to risk that some new bugs are introduced, which could affect your game play and potentially break your save.

Please do not join the Unstable/Experimental branches if you don't want to risk breaking your save or have the game break on you in midst of play! If you want to play a more stable version please wait for the official release of the update.

Here is how you join the Unstable Branch:

  • Open Steam Library
  • Right click Space Haven
  • Select Properties
  • Go to tab 'Betas' at the top.
  • Select 'unstable_work_in_progress' in the drop-down.

To see what has been added, check the in-game patch notes.

[h3]Giving Feedback[/h3]

[h3]Please give your feedback in the experimental branch forum. Link below:[/h3]


Let us know what you think of the new features and if something should be altered or tweaked in your mind. Perhaps something makes the game too hard or something is too annoying, let us know so we can get a feel for how the new features feel! =)

[h2]What's New in Alpha 19 Unstable Branch[/h2]

[h3]The Black Market[/h3]
The Black Market is available as its own tab at leisure, prison and research stations.

Up until now the game has only had a few contraband items and no way to really benefit from trying to be a black market dealer/smuggler in the game. We wanted to expand on this and make it possible to play as a smuggler, benefitting from trading in items seen illegal by the Military Alliance.

The new contraband system adds a Black Market to the game, which can be seen at leisure stations, prison stations and research stations. These stations have special individuals on them, dealing in black market items, allowing you to tap into this stream of income should you choose to do so.

Black Market dealers utilize small asteroids as a hidden way to deliver items.

Black Market dealers use stashes placed at small asteroid patches, which allows trading items out of sight from other parties. Shuttles will deliver the items to this asteroid, and the receiving party can fetch the items once they've been delivered.

[h5]Dirty Prison Station Guards[/h5]

Dirty guards at prison stations allow you to smuggle goods in and out of the station.

[h5]Rogue Xenochemists[/h5]

Research station has rogue xenochemists. They can create CSP's. Cloud substance pills. Made from alien enzymes. Cloud substance pills is a drug of the best form, when it comes to recreational use.

[h3]The Smuggler Storage[/h3]
The smuggler storage allows you to better hide contraband items from nosy parties.

A storage for all the smugglers out there! Use this storage to better hide contraband items from faction inspections. A scanner cannot detect contraband in this storage. However, there is a small chance that a crew visiting your ship performing an inspection will find it.

[h3]Stashes at Derelict Ships[/h3]
Derelict ships may now have stashes with some items hidden out of sight. Keep an eye out for these while exploring derelict ships!

Derelict ships can now have hidden stashes with items in them. Be sure to inspect what's inside them while exploring derelict ships, you may find some nice stuff in them.

[h3]Alien Parasites[/h3]
While asleep, Jorge is having a bad dream and will unfortunately wake up realizing it wasn't a dream.

Alien parasites have been added to the game. These unwanted small creatures may find their way on your ship in multiple ways and once onboard they aim to hide themselves in the hull of your ship. Crawling inside the hull space they bide their time and wait for an opportune moment to strike an unfortunate crew member.

[h3]The Advanced Medical Bed[/h3]
The Advanced Medical Bed is capable of scanning crew members and check for any non belonging micro-organisms or other illnesses.

Crew members can become infected with nasty stuff and it's about time there is some health scanner available to check what's going on inside the poor bodies of the crew members. The Advanced Medical Bed can scan crew members whenever they are having weird sensations.

[h5]Doctors and Surgeons[/h5]

In addition to the advanced medical bed we have added surgeons to the game. Crew members with a medical skill of 6 or higher are now considered surgeons while crew members with lower than 6 are considered Doctors. A surgeon is needed to operate an Advanced Medical Bed.

[h3]Alien Organs[/h3]
Organ harvesting is now possible at the Autopsy Table.

Organs can now be harvested by using the autopsy table. Organs may have some value at the Black Market in select places. Harvest your very own organs today!

[h3]New Weapons, Weapon Attachments & New Items[/h3]
Jorge's Revenge. He thinks it's a dish best served GRILLED!

Jorge takes his revenge on the aliens after being subjected to an alien parasite ruining his sleep. The Flamethrower comes in handy when needing to take care of many crawlers all at once.

Jorge's inventory showcasing the weapon attachment slot and a bunch of new items.

We've added weapon attachments, allowing for a variety of new firepower to be introduced to the game. Weapon Attachments can be attached to rifles, giving the weapon a secondary attack that you can choose to apply strategically whenever you see fit. New Weapon Attachments include:

  • Flamethrower - This flamethrower projects a stream of flammable liquid, which allows some bouncing the stream off walls and causing areas hit to take fire.
  • Explosive Grenade Launcher - This grenade launcher is designed to attach to a rifle. It gives a rifle a secondary attack in form of firing a grenade at a target.
  • Incendiary Grenade Launcher - Launches incendiary grenades, igniting fires around their hit point.
  • Shotgun Autoloader - Allows the user to reload the shotgun a bit faster, increasing rate of fire.
  • Tactical Grip - This weapon attachment allows the user to get a better grip of the weapon and increases accuracy.
  • Basic Scope - A telescopic sight, commonly called a scope. This basic rifle scope improves accuracy.

[h5]Stun Weapons[/h5]
Annie equipped with the new Stun Rifle. Designed to capture hostile life forces.

We've added stun weapons to the game. These weapons can be used to capture enemies as they are designed to incapacitate and be non lethal weapons.

Additionally, we've also added some new items out of which many are intended for crew combat use. These include:

  • Combat stimulants - Boosts a crew member's energy level when it is most needed.
  • Mood stimulants - Can be used to delay mental breaks. If they are used too much side effects will appear.
  • Nano wound dressing - Injectable wound sealer with nanobots.
  • Bandages - For covering open wounds after battles.
  • Small Breaching Charge - Small explosive charge designed to destroy walls and doors. Allows boarding teams to create alternative paths inside enemy ships and stations.
  • Space Suit Oxygen Extender - A type of armor that gives additional oxygen reserves for a crew member when wearing a space suit.

[h3]New Research Modules[/h3]
New Research Modules have been added to the Research tree.

The tech tree has been updated with new research modules, featuring some of the new items we've added to the game. These include:

  • Advanced Disassembly - Adds new options for the Recycler. Disassemble resources back to the component resources they were created from.
  • Alien Enzyme - Allows the Chemical Refinery to produce a stimulant substance created from aliens.
  • Stimulants - A research module with combat and mood stimulants.
  • Nano wound dressing - Injectable wound sealer with nanobots.
  • Advanced Medical Bed - This bed is specially designed to perform body scans to identify wounds, illnesses and other health threatening conditions of your crew.

[h3]The Learning Computer[/h3]
Crew members can now study and learn skills at this learning computer, up to a certain level.

We've added a learning computer to the game. This training computer uses fully immersive gamified learning environment technology in a wide range of subjects and skills. Allows your crew members to study and learn new skills.

The crew management menu has a new tool for marking study hours in the schedule and also a new tab for creating so called learning rules.

The crew management menu has a new tool for marking study as a secondary task in the schedule tab and additionally a new tab dedicated to creating so called learning rules. Together these allow you to dictate when your crew members should study and which crew members are allowed to study.

[h3]The Holy Cow[/h3]
Crew who report seeing a golden cow flying in space should undergo mental health care program Mike-Zero-Zero.

In the post-Apocalypse age, the cow is still a symbol of everything that was bountiful in the Earth's past. Though some members of the Cult of New Haven decry these statues as sinful, to most crews they serve as a reminder of humankind's prosperous history, and a promise to see it restored amidst the stars.

Crew who report seeing a golden cow flying in space should undergo mental health care program Mike-Zero-Zero. However, should you see this monument be sure to investigate to see what it may hold within.

[h3]Small Hope Scenario - Select Starting Ship [/h3]
You can now select another ship as the starting ship in the Small Hope Scenario.

A small feature addition but bound to give a breath of fresh air to one of the starting scenarios. We have added a way to select a starting ship in the Small Hope Scenario, allowing you to start with another small ship instead of the default one.

[h3]New Furniture[/h3]
New tables! Note the availability of more options when hovering over a table in the build menu.

We've added a bunch of new tables to decorate your ship with! These can be found in the build menu under the furniture tab. Note that the build menu has been updated and there's now more options available when hovering over a facility/item in the build menu.

Would you look at that! The tables and the carpet match. Will be great to sit down and eat here.

[h3]New Entertainment[/h3]
River relaxing with some fun single user activities after a long day.

We've added a new personal entertainment facility to the game. The crew can sit down and entertain themselves with with various single user activities.

[h3]Giving Feedback[/h3]

[h3]Please give your feedback in the experimental branch forum. Link below:[/h3]


Let us know what you think of the new features and if something should be altered or tweaked in your mind. Perhaps something makes the game too hard or something is too annoying, let us know so we can get a feel for how the new features feel! =)