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  3. The Future is Here! Big Changes to Cells Multiplayer

The Future is Here! Big Changes to Cells Multiplayer

Greeting Universe Architects,

We’re releasing an update that may be a turning point for multiplayer in Cell to Singularity: we’re sunsetting one leaderboard and releasing a very different one. Read on for details.

[h2]Farewell, Research Race[/h2]

Research Race has been the first real multiplayer feature built into Cell to Singularity, and as research it has been tremendous – we’ve learned a lot about how our players do and don’t want to play Cells. Some players loved the competition in the Research Race, but there were also many who didn’t. The feature was set up so that you’d often see players who were in a very different place in the game than you… or were cheating to raise their production. It was frustrating for a lot of people, especially if they raced against cheaters.

So with this release, we’re turning Research Race off. Semblance thanks you for your research service.

[h2]Hello, Event Leaderboard[/h2]

When the next Explore Event starts later this week, you’ll see a new button on the right side of the screen. The button shows your current placement in the new Event Leaderboard. As you play an event, you’ll compete with 999 other players to earn the most Science Points. As you buy Nodes, Generators, or Quantum Charges you’ll earn Science Points and rise through the ranks. At the end of the event, every participant will get a prize, with better prizes for the higher ranks. Place high enough and you can even get rewards for the Beyond and Mesozoic Valley!

We think the new Event Leaderboard improves on many elements of the Research Race. Everyone gets prizes, not just the elite. You can watch your ranking move, or just let it sit off to the side if you don’t want to compete. And you shouldn’t see as many cheaters.

[h2]Changes for Cheating, built from the ground up[/h2]

With the removal of Research Race comes the removal of the system it was made on. This means the system that players saw some cheaters on is no longer in the game. With the addition of the Event Leaderboard we have a new system in place. This system was created with the cheaters in mind, so as a result we hope it reduces the amount that players encounter.

[h2]Other Updates[/h2]
With this update we have included a special feature just for the Explore Events. We’ve added an arrow in the event tree view that shows the next node or generator you can buy. We also added many improved translations to the game along with several bug fixes.

Developing a multiplayer experience for Cells gameplay has been a rewarding and humbling challenge. We’re always grateful for our community’s feedback and patience, especially during times of major change. Let us know your thoughts on the new Event Leaderboard, we’re always listening.

Thank you, and stay cellular!

- The Cells Team