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  3. Lua Beta + Patch 51.06 ⛏ Dwarf Fortress Dev News

Lua Beta + Patch 51.06 ⛏ Dwarf Fortress Dev News

Hey again!

It’s Alexandra with a big update including patch 51.06, the Lua beta and a few things from the community too. Patch 51.06 includes a few fixes and tweaks for Fortress Mode and Adventure Mode.

[h3]Patch Notes 51.06[/h3]

Fortress Mode
  • Made some strange mood dwarves not get stuck at workshop selection stage
  • Stopped people from claiming and using inactive bedroom zones
  • Stopped the dead from claiming inactive tomb zones
  • Decreased prepared food item value
  • Made custom announcement settings load properly
  • Added setting to turn off visible rectangle dimensions
  • Added crash safeguards to report popups and other widgets
  • Fixed seed cap limit and made deletion of seeds over cap respect planting status

Adventure Mode
  • Added escape/rbut to leave adventurer difficulty selection
  • Fixed issue with adventurer race selection lists not being unpopulated on exit
  • Fixed buffer overrun involving tents
  • Fixed crash related to site plot use allocations
  • Added highlight to adventurer destiny selection in Classic mode

General updates
  • Added crash safeguard for syndromes
  • Updated some metal elasticities
  • Fixed graphics for tiger, whale, and whitetip reef sharks

[h2]Lua Beta is here![/h2]

We have the new Lua upgrades from programmer Putnam up on the Experimental Branch for you to try out. If this is the first time you’re hearing about Lua, read our update from September. The old modding format still works, but now formerly hard-coded features like forgotten beasts and vampiric curses will make their way out into moddable text files. Not only will you be able to create more powerful mods but this is also a necessary update for the future Myth and Magic system. You can experience the beginnings of that system with the magical items in Adventure Mode!

The Experimental Branch update also adds a distinction between portable and roaming save data. Saves will now go into AppData/Roaming instead of the local save folder, unless you set the portable option from settings. This only applies to the experimental branch.

If you’re interested in playing with the Lua, check it out on the Experimental branch and let us know what you think! We also have two modding channels and a forum on the Kitfox Discord in which you can discuss your mods with your fellow urists.

[h3]Plump Helmet Man in love?[/h3]

We’ve with collaborated with Quendelf to make a music video for her song “Plump Helmet Man”, a love song about a tavern keeper’s wife and a plump helmet man. Check it out on the Kitfox Youtube but also make sure to visit Quendelf’s Twitch channel and Patreon if you want to support her work.


[h3]Community Mod Spotlight[/h3]

While we look forward to some extra cool mods to come out of the Lua beta, we also wanted to take a moment to highlight some existing community mods. If you enjoy scrolling through your world’s generated history in Legends Mode you might like this first mod. LegendsViewer by Kromtec adds visualizations to the rich history generated from Legends Mode at a glance, now updated for the Steam version.

For a variety of modded playable civilizations such as Barrel man and Cheese man, there's the Civilization Patch For More Vanilla Creatures by ryno.

If you’re looking to a new look for your armour, check out the Auric Steel mod by Daedalus127 to add some golden flair.

What are your favourite Dwarf Fortress mods? We’d love to highlight even more in future updates!

It's an exciting time in Dwarf Fortress development and we can't wait to see the potential of the Lua upgrade. You’ll be hearing from us again soon.
