Adventure Mode is Out NOW!
It's finally time!
Become the Chosen and go beyond your fortress in Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode. Create a character in your simulated world and -- well, as a pure sandbox, what you do is up to you! To celebrate, we've made a brand new launch trailer which you can watch here:
[h2]Adventure Mode highlights:[/h2]
To access Adventure Mode, you must have already created a world. Select "Start a new game in an existing world" and then when it finishes loading, select "Adventure Mode". All your old save files should work just fine with the update. If you would like to try Chosen Mode, you will need to generate a new world so that mythic dungeons appear.

[h2]Beginner Tutorial[/h2]
We've collaborated with content creator BlindiRL to create a new beginner tutorial for Adventure Mode. It covers everything you need to get started including character creation, skills, combat, quests and much more! Watch on Youtube:
[h2]20% off now![/h2]
Dwarf Fortress and both the Fortress and Adventure Mode soundtracks are on sale till January 30th. We only discount this low a few times a year so if you've been waiting, now is a great time to jump in!
Our friends at Blue Bottle Games, developers of Neo Scavenger just released a brand new roadmap for their hardcore noir space-sim Ostranauts. They have a lot of exciting features planned so if that sounds like your type of game, check it out:
[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]
Broader non-Adventure Mode fixes
Bugs/additions contained within Adventure Mode
We also posted a list of all previous patch notes if you're curious to read through all the updates at once!
Enjoy the update! We will have more news about future Dwarf Fortress plans in a few weeks.
-Kitfox and Bay 12 Games
Become the Chosen and go beyond your fortress in Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode. Create a character in your simulated world and -- well, as a pure sandbox, what you do is up to you! To celebrate, we've made a brand new launch trailer which you can watch here:
[h2]Adventure Mode highlights:[/h2]
- Go anywhere! Explore any civilization, earn a reputation, and recruit followers to join you
- Experience your fortress and the simulation in a new, more embodied way
- Explore mythical dungeons to find magical items, artifacts, and fill your quest journal
- Hints of mythology and magic as a start of future simulation enrichment to come
- An additional hour of music from Dabu and Simon Swerwer, presented as a second volume of the original soundtrack
To access Adventure Mode, you must have already created a world. Select "Start a new game in an existing world" and then when it finishes loading, select "Adventure Mode". All your old save files should work just fine with the update. If you would like to try Chosen Mode, you will need to generate a new world so that mythic dungeons appear.

[h2]Beginner Tutorial[/h2]
We've collaborated with content creator BlindiRL to create a new beginner tutorial for Adventure Mode. It covers everything you need to get started including character creation, skills, combat, quests and much more! Watch on Youtube:
[h2]20% off now![/h2]
Dwarf Fortress and both the Fortress and Adventure Mode soundtracks are on sale till January 30th. We only discount this low a few times a year so if you've been waiting, now is a great time to jump in!
Our friends at Blue Bottle Games, developers of Neo Scavenger just released a brand new roadmap for their hardcore noir space-sim Ostranauts. They have a lot of exciting features planned so if that sounds like your type of game, check it out:
[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]
Broader non-Adventure Mode fixes
- Can enter nicknames on embark screen
- Added tooltips for mode selection
- Fixed a world generation crash
- Fixed error causing invalid characters from being permitted in folder names
Bugs/additions contained within Adventure Mode
- Made hero mode select hearthperson by default
- Fixed crash from visiting certain forest retreats
- Fixed some crashes related to local adventurer info not being set immediately after travel
- Fixed crash issue from demanding tribute from mythical sites
- Fixed a crash from unit sheets of certain creatures (e.g. roosters)
- Added more combat music
- Added sounds for items being put into containers
- Updates some confirm sounds
- Fixed some footstep sounds
- Fixed issue causing music to sound as if it's indoors
- Fixed some issues with ambient sound
- Added a keyboard-based look-and-interact cursor ('l')
- Stopped items like weapons and shields from starting in the same hand after character creation
- Stopped mythical sites from appearing on rivers (again)
We also posted a list of all previous patch notes if you're curious to read through all the updates at once!
Enjoy the update! We will have more news about future Dwarf Fortress plans in a few weeks.
-Kitfox and Bay 12 Games