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FPS Monitor News

Update #5500 - Working with EAC games, FPS limiter hotkey

Hi. We're here with some good news for you!

The most interesting aspect of this update is that FPS Monitor can once again work with games that use Easy Anti-Cheat. We have prepared a special workaround that allows us to inject our DLL, signed with an old digital certificate that is whitelisted by EAC.

Now the issue is resolved for Rust, Fortnite, War Thunder, Apex Legends, Hunt: Showdown 1896, THE FINALS, ELDEN RING, Throne and Liberty, Dead by Daylight, and other EAC-based games.

Reminder: We updated our digital code signing certificate in February, and it should be whitelisted by Easy Anti-Cheat for our program to work with their games. Unfortunately, after their transition to EPIC, we lost all contacts with their employees and have been unable to reach anyone :(

Is it dangerous? Not at all. FPS Monitor simply operates as the old whitelisted version when encountering any EAC-based games, there are no harmful or unsafe «hacks».

The only downside is that the old version (within the new one) does not support the new feature (OLED) described below. Therefore, you won’t see it in EAC games.

[h3]So, other changes:[/h3]
  • Added global overlay offset. Check the Settings menu. This feature is useful if you're concerned about the safety of your OLED display. It adds a random offset to all overlays displayed in games or on the desktop. You can specify a range for this offset and the delay before the next change.
  • A hotkey for toggling the FPS limit has been added. Finally! =]
  • New hardware has been added to the supported list.

Build #5490 - A small, but important update

[h2]Changelog for this update #5490:[/h2]

  • Added and improved support for the latest hardware
  • Fixed not visible by default AMD GPU 78xx, 79xx Core Clock and Voltage
  • Fixed bad localization of the Benchmark extension
  • Fixed wrong alert colors for fractional values
  • Fixed bug where hook dll was not unloaded after closing the main application
  • Fixed incorrect application size on startup when display DPI is not 100%
  • Vulkan support for Suyu, Yuzu, RPCS3 emulators
  • Added a global hotkey to enable/disable "Mirrors to Desktop" overlays (widgets)

Attention! The digital code signature has been updated in this version and EAC anti-cheat has not yet whitelisted it, so some games with this anti-cheat will not display overlays. Use our new widget «Add special» - «Mirror to Desktop Advanced» over regular overlays or use the previous version 5472 on the beta branch «oldsign».

Build #5472 - Sensors update and new Mirror to Desktop Advanced overlay

[h2]Changelog for this update #5472:[/h2]

  • Hardware access module is updated to access the latest PC hardware (Nvidia RTX 4000, AMD CPU and GPU 7000 series etc)
  • Fixed monitoring of legacy CPU Usage on Windows 11. You are no longer required to use alternative CPU Utility sensors as in version #5440
  • Added DDR5 memory temperature sensors «SPD Hub Temperature». You can add them in the MEM tab when SMBus support is enabled in advanced settings
  • Improved performance with Vulkan apps and games
  • Added a new special overlay «Mirror to Desktop Advanced» (upgrade for the original «Mirror to Desktop» overlay).

    This overlay allows to draw over desktop and fullscreen games, even anti-cheat protected like Destiny 2, CS2, Battlefield 2042, etc. The only thing it cannot do is to draw over Vulkan powered fullscreen games. Also it is impossible to get process specific information (like FPS) using this overlay because FPS Monitor doesn't inject any code into the target process

Build #5440 - Minor update for hardware sensors

This build has updated hardware sensors module which fixes the issue with wrong CPU usage on Windows 11 after latest Windows updates (22H2). Added "Total CPU Utility" sensor in CPU block. If you see the difference between FPS Monitor and Task Manager, try to use this sensor instead of default.

New release #5435 - Chagelog

Hello everyone!

This minor update fixes incompatibilities with some games, for example Apex Legends, as well as changes from the last beta 5420:

  • We found the cause of the problems with Escape from Tarkov
  • Compatibility fixes with UWP games
  • Added and improved support for new hardware