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Obenseuer News

Update December 22nd 2023 (Version 0.3.27) - hotfix

[h2]Patch notes for December 22nd 2023 (Version 0.3.27) - hotfix[/h2]
  • Fixed traders money not respawning
  • Fixed building mode showing text that player apartment is not examined when walls are upgraded

Update December 22nd 2023 (Version 0.3.26)

Patch notes for December 22nd 2023 (Version 0.3.26)

Hello mycomancers, moonshiners and landlords,

Today we have some fairly decently sized chunk of additions and bug fixes for Obenseuer.

Starting from the most major one:

[h3]Ability to clean up other apartments and public areas[/h3]

Now all the clutter in the stairwell, public areas and apartments can be picked and cleaned up in a newly added cleaning mode. Collecting all the leftover furniture will give healthy starting boost for business.
To balance it, contractor now requires apartments to be mostly cleaned up before starting any upgrades, and getting rid of those nasty mushroom infestations requires some cleaning chemicals.

On top of furniture collecting and cleaning, you can now place furniture on stairwell.

[h3]Map markers[/h3]

Or more like map stickers. Discovering a noteworthy location will now add a marker sticker on the map.


You can now grind your soul on mindless (and depression inducing) telemarketing job for meager amount of local currency. Good option if you're low on money and have extra time.

[h3]Other additions and changes[/h3]

  • Added new achievements
  • Added production chains for new rice and milk based alcoholic drinks
  • Added a tons of new furniture
  • Lanterns can now be attached (snapped) to hooks and chains
  • Added more variation for tenant furnishings
  • Added gift stall to the market square
  • O-market now sells take-away coffee
  • High tier food items (such as pizzas and pies) now have multiple uses
  • Added 'drinking' skill and related achievement

Full changelog can be read here:
In case if there are issues with old saves, previous 0.3.22 version can still be accessed from: Steam library -> Obenseuer -> Options -> Betas and selecting 0.3.22

December 7th 2023 (Version 0.3.23)

Patch notes for December 7th 2023 (Version 0.3.23)
  • Added O-Market and pharmacy to map
  • Changed items to move to the nearest slot when dragged into a gap between slots instead of returning to the slot it was moved from
  • Changed movement keys to affect menu navigation keys
  • Fixed not being able to enter hotel reservation menu, order drink from Pentti, buy cigarettes from Mirjam.
  • Fixed filling multiple containers at once from fermenters and alike multiplying liquid amount (issue #1359)
  • Fixed player being able to smuggle contraband to prison (issue #1278)
  • Fixed sauna temperature meters breaking on saveloads (issue #1247)
  • Fixed bank account being re-initialized (thus being empty) every safeload (issue #1283)
  • Fixed wonky drillhead (issue #1340)
  • Fixed furnace not loading state properly (issue #1303)

[h2]Tenement System[/h2]
  • Fixed some manufacturing tools showing containing items when a recipe is selected (issue #1083)
  • Fixed doors not loading states correctly after load (issue #1350)
  • Fixed spawning two items in the same spot in the apartments
  • Fixed kitchen cutting boards being owned
  • Fixed disappearing bucket toilet bucket

  • Added microscope to vendors furniture list
  • Increased how many different furnitures vendors have on sale

  • Fixed slaughtering rats missing sound

  • Added authorized personnel only sign to the door and also sign to warn about the camera (issue #1372)

  • Fixed Pentti selling mash back to player (issue #1300)

Old 0.3.22 version can be accessed from Steam library -> Obenseuer -> Options -> Betas and selecting 0.3.22

Update December5th 2023 (Version 0.3.22)

Patch notes for December 5th 2023 (Version 0.3.22)


Time for another regular(-ish) update of bugfixes and a few additions for Obenseuer.

This update adds new purchasable machine for filling empty gas bottles used at metallurgy, a makeshift biogas reactor, fill it with compostable matter (other than moldy waste) and turn on the compressor to fill out the gas bottle.

We also added new purchasable/craft-able machines for alcohol production:
a malter, electric mash kettle, cheap fermenting bucket and a high grade fermenting container. For home brewers, yeast can now be made in chemical lab from mashes and dough.

We also added some new options for accommodating different keyboard layouts - movement keys can now be re-assigned. There's also new options for game display modes and background behavior.

Full changelog can be read here:

Also, previous 0.3.21 version can still be accessed from: Steam library -> Obenseuer -> Options -> Betas and selecting 0.3.21

Obenseuer Roadmap