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RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #3

Hello, hello!

We return with another glorious Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves preview. Today’s the day a trio of Western Allies’ units will receive their (flying) spot in the sun.

Let’s roll.

[h2]War Reserves In Brief[/h2]
What’s the deal with this upcoming free DLC? The Eugen designers have found extra time to update a host of Steel Division 2 units across the base game and its various expansions and Nemesis DLCs. In total, there will be 15 to 20 new units, including a dozen brand-new 3D models. The free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves is being worked on as we speak and shouldn’t take too long to release.

[h2]Western Allies[/h2]
It’s the turn of the Western Allies. What can you expect?

The new A-36A APACHE fighter-bomber will make its mark. Under this designation hides a stopgap fighter-bomber variant of the famous P-51 fighter. This was done to keep the P-51 assembly lines open in the early months of 1942 due to the US Army Air Force already having received all the P-51 fighters ordered. Soon, with military budgets skyrocketing, the North American Aviation was able to turn back the factories to restart the P-51’s production. The A-36A APACHE differs from its air superiority fighter cousin by the shape of its nose, air intake, bomb racks, three-bladed propellers, and (especially so) its distinctive air dive brakes, used in ground strike missions. Although rendering good service in the Mediterranean campaign, including dogfights, by mid-1944, most of these fighter-bombers had been replaced by P-47s. The last of the A-36As in Europe operated in Italy's theatre of war.
  • The new A-36A APACHE will be assigned to the American Task Force 45, where it will replace the P-51B-10. This division is part of Tribue to the Liberation of Italy expansion.

On to new British plane variants of existing aircraft.
  • Part one is the MUSTANG Mk. I, which the United Kingdom received first. This is an earlier variant of the MUSTANG Mk.III. Using the same airframe as the A-36A APACHE above, except for the dive air brakes. One of the first fighter variants to spring forth from the restarted P-51 assembly lines in 1942, the P-51s (not even with A designation then) were delivered to the British armed forces as part of a lend-lease program. By mid-1944, that old yet trusty fighter had been restricted to air recon missions only.
    • The MUSTANG Mk. I will be assigned to the United Kingdom’s 15th Scottish Infantry Division. This division is featured in the Back to War expansion.

  • The second new variant is the TYPHOON FR Mk. IB, an unlucky attempt at creating a dedicated tactical recon fighter out of the heavy-weight TYPHOON. Its port inner cannons were removed, leaving it with four 20mm guns (out of six). These were replaced with forward-facing cameras. The plane was disliked by its pilots, who preferred the older MUSTANG I (see above). This recon aircraft only really served with one unit - the RAF’s 268 Squadron - doing duty over Normandy. By January 1945, all recon Typhoons had been phased out of service.
    • The TYPHOON FR Mk. IB will be featured in the British Guards Armoured Division. This division was featured in the Tribute to Normandy ‘44 expansion.

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all for now. We’ll be back next week with another Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves unit preview.

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See you on the battlefield!