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  3. Noita Epilogue 2 Update

Noita Epilogue 2 Update

Noita Epilogue 2 Update is now available. To celebrate the update, Noita is 60% off at Steam!

This update includes a ton of new things, like new spells, new enemies, new bosses, a new area and new secrets. There's also a bunch of tweaks, updates and bug fixes.

Unfortunately your old save games won't survive the update. But there is now a new Steam beta branch called "update_20240214". It will allow you to finish your run with the old version of Noita.

  • FEATURE: Spell - Sparkly bounce
  • FEATURE: Spell - Lightning bounce
  • FEATURE: Spell - Vacuum bounce
  • FEATURE: Spell - Null shot
  • FEATURE: Spell - Inner spell
  • FEATURE: Spell - Giga white hole
  • FEATURE: Spell - True orbit
  • FEATURE: Spell - Hookbolt
  • FEATURE: Spell - Anti homing
  • FEATURE: Spell - Holy lance
  • FEATURE: Added 8 modifier spells
  • FEATURE: Added 6 new enemies
  • FEATURE: Added 6 new spells
  • FEATURE: Added 3 new secret spells
  • FEATURE: Added new rare materials
  • FEATURE: Added chemical reactions
  • FEATURE: Added new small biome
  • FEATURE: Item - Utility box
  • FEATURE: Potion reactions
  • FEATURE: Audio is muted when unfocusing the game if "Pause the game when unfocused" is On
  • FEATURE: Amazing golden spell
  • FEATURE: 3 new bossfights
  • FEATURE: Added a new creature
  • FEATURE: New materials and reactions
  • FEATURE: New secret quest
  • FEATURE: Added a new easter egg

  • UPDATE: Dupe around and find out
  • UPDATE: Better interaction with No Wand Tinkering and Tinker With Wands Everywhere perks
  • UPDATE: Lukki Minion is slightly more powerful
  • UPDATE: Spells can now be dropped from inventory at all times
  • UPDATE: Spell drop rates rebalanced
  • UPDATE: Explosive bounce's radius increased
  • UPDATE: Shiny Orb is now more lucrative
  • UPDATE: Moved a boss into a slightly more accessible spot
  • UPDATE: Adjusted various spell mana costs and prices
  • UPDATE: Adjusted weakness modifiers
  • UPDATE: Updated the look of the Hiisi Alchemist's potions
  • UPDATE: Potion content percentages are displayed now (Thank you Evaisa)
  • UPDATE: Vomiting now requires eating a bit more nasty materials
  • UPDATE: Buffed Vampirism
  • UPDATE: A little surprise for the turophiles
  • UPDATE: Audio - new sounds for [REDACTED], glue, eldritch portal, freezing gaze, barrier & wall spells
  • UPDATE: Audio - bzzzt
  • UPDATE: Audio - new sound for [REDACTED]
  • UPDATE: Audio - new music for a few side areas
  • UPDATE: Powder pouches have a new functionality
  • UPDATE: New enemies show their statuses in the UI
  • UPDATE: Visual, audio and other fx when moving very fast
  • UPDATE: Tele bolt resets caster's vertical velocity
  • UPDATE: Less harsh sound for tele bolt for more pleasant tele spamming experience
  • UPDATE: Improved camera tracking when moving fast
  • UPDATE: Lukki Minion should no longer be killable to make it more useful
  • UPDATE: Optimized file system performance when using mods
  • UPDATE: Optimized performance of some game effect queries in various systems
  • UPDATE: All bosses use final boss style health bars
  • UPDATE: Added up to date localizations

  • BUGFIX: Nightmare mode - the boss arena and orb rooms could be overwritten
  • BUGFIX: Nightmare mode - Orbs should now drop hearts even if the spell is unlocked
  • BUGFIX: Nightmare mode - enemies no longer spawn with Attract Gold perk
  • BUGFIX: Permanent polymorph is permanent
  • BUGFIX: Carrying 5th wand by frame perfect swapping is fixed
  • BUGFIX: Rare crash when enemy was converted to a ragdoll (text sprite) (Thank you Dexter Castor Döpping)
  • BUGFIX: Fixed another inventory exploit, that allowed carrying of extra wands
  • BUGFIX: Fixed Lukki Minion sometimes escaping and disappearing
  • BUGFIX: Vaihdosmestari can no longer move cursed rock
  • BUGFIX: Closing inventory while starting to drag items is fixed
  • BUGFIX: Alt tab silliness is should now be fixed
  • BUGFIX: Optimized particle effects
  • BUGFIX: Player can no longer polymorph to Olematon
  • BUGFIX: Runestone of edges could cause Puska to shoot forever
  • BUGFIX: Mouse cursor displays the material even in the far lands
  • BUGFIX: Optimized Circle of stillness and Freezing gaze
  • BUGFIX: Fixed Null shot breaking modifiers cast after it
  • BUGFIX: Cosmetic fix to the alchemist's background
  • BUGFIX: More optimizations, including Freeze Field perk and Iceball spell
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a rare crash that could happen with too many materials
  • BUGFIX: Rare wand generation bug (the default green wand should be now fixed)
  • BUGFIX: Minor - a perk icon was missing a pixel
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a security vulnerability in the modding API (Thank you Dexter Castor Döpping)
  • BUGFIX: Fixed Hookbolt having a buggy sprite
  • BUGFIX: Fixed Giga White Hole not repelling projectiles
  • BUGFIX: Fixed certain spell unlocks happening in an unintended way
  • BUGFIX: Physics objects are less likely to fall through the bottom of the world
  • BUGFIX: Fixed Explosive Detonator being bugged in certain circumstances
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a boss not dropping all the spells it was meant to
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a secret dropping spells that it shouldn't
  • BUGFIX: Fixed multiple spells have some erroneous/missing data
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a rare case of sky being black
  • BUGFIX: Nullifying Altar did not remove the perk icons (Thank you Priskip)
  • BUGFIX: Related perks should now be removed from the perk pool
  • BUGFIX: Surprise puddles behind potions fixed
  • BUGFIX: Certain endgame item can now be dragged in the inventory without TWWE
  • BUGFIX: Saving and loading while stained caused extra status effects
  • BUGFIX: Vomit based status effect glitch is fixed
  • BUGFIX: Longer runs should be more stable and largely address aware thanks to Dexter Castor Döpping
  • BUGFIX: Game mode selection UI has been optimized
  • BUGFIX: Improved overall security of modding API
  • BUGFIX: Audio - rewrote audio event stealing logic - should fix issues with audio sometimes "wrapping up" in a janky manner
  • BUGFIX: Audio - ambience events no longer trigger lots of silent audio instances - reduces ambience CPU use
  • BUGFIX: Audio - droplet sounds would rarely end up repeating without a cause
  • BUGFIX: Audio - liquid flow sound was sometimes left playing
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a potential issue in regards to file paths
  • BUGFIX: Fixed an xml parsing issue
  • BUGFIX: A fix caused more issues than it solved
  • BUGFIX: A fix broke some translation mods that used custom fonts
  • BUGFIX: Possible fix for "Game will restart due to mod changes" without changes
  • BUGFIX: Fungal shifts rarely didn't occur
  • BUGFIX: Fungal shifts that didn't fully realise still counted towards the maximum limit
  • BUGFIX: Certain spells weren't keeping the ID of their caster around like they should've
  • BUGFIX: These release notes were so long that the UI had performance issues
  • BUGFIX: Some surface areas had no sky light after above areas had been visited, and were not counted as surface by audio etc
  • BUGFIX: Final boss hanging around very far from the player could block mini-boss music
  • BUGFIX: Wands retain cast delay, recharge etc over a game restart
  • BUGFIX: A settings menu item was using a missing translation key when hovered
  • BUGFIX: Infinite rain exploit
  • BUGFIX: Some localization strings were incorrectly escaped
  • BUGFIX: Text in tablets and books didn't display correctly in all languages
  • BUGFIX: Fixed issues with UI in some languages
  • BUGFIX: More robust mod check when saving bones files

  • MODDING: Lua - added PolymorphTableAddEntity
  • MODDING: Lua - added PolymorphTableRemoveEntity
  • MODDING: Lua - added PolymorphTableGet
  • MODDING: Lua - added LoadRagdoll
  • MODDING: Lua - GameCreateCosmeticParticle - now with gravity_x and gravity_y
  • MODDING: Lua - LoadPixelScene - now with allow_duplicate param
  • MODDING: Lua - added PolymorphTableSet
  • MODDING: Lua - added ComponentGetTags
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsKeyDown
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsKeyJustDown
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsKeyJustUp
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputGetMousePosOnScreen
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsMouseButtonDown
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsMouseButtonJustDown
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsMouseButtonJustUp
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsJoystickButtonDown
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsJoystickButtonJustDown
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputGetJoystickAnalogButton
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputIsJoystickConnected
  • MODDING: Lua - added InputGetJoystickAnalogStick
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsComponentGetTransform, PhysicsComponentSetTransform
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsPosToGamePos, GamePosToPhysicsPos
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetFromEntity, PhysicsBodyIDQueryBodies
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetTransform, PhysicsBodyIDSetTransform
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDApplyForce, PhysicsBodyIDApplyTorque
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetWorldCenter
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetDamping, PhysicsBodyIDSetDamping
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetGravityScale, PhysicsBodyIDSetGravityScale
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDGetBodyAABB
  • MODDING: Lua - added ModDoesFileExist
  • MODDING: Lua - added RemovePixelSceneBackgroundSprite and RemovePixelSceneBackgroundSprites
  • MODDING: Lua - added EntitiesGetMaxID
  • MODDING: Lua - added ModMaterialFilesGet
  • MODDING: Lua - added ModRegisterMusicBank (init.lua) and example in mods/example
  • MODDING: Lua - added GameGetSkyVisibility, GameGetFogOfWar, GameGetFogOfWarBilinear, GameSetFogOfWar
  • MODDING: Lua - added DEBUG_LUA_DONT_REPEAT_ERRORS magic number to log recurring, consecutive errors only once (defaults to 1)
  • MODDING: Lua - lua error stack traces
  • MODDING: Lua - added ModImageMakeEditable, ModImageIdFromFilename, ModImageSetPixel, ModImageGetPixel
  • MODDING: Lua - added ModImageWhoSetContent, ModImageDoesExist
  • MODDING: Lua - added ModLuaFileGetAppends, ModLuaFileSetAppends
  • MODDING: Lua - added ComponentGetEntity
  • MODDING: Lua - added optional 'tag' parameter to EntityGetAllChildren
  • MODDING: Lua - exposed ModTextFileGetContent and ModTextFileWhoSetContent to all lua scripts
  • MODDING: Lua - made ComponentGet/SetValue2 up to 300% faster. Old ComponentGet/SetValue API is also a bit faster
  • MODDING: Lua - added GameSetPostFxTextureParameter, GameUnsetPostFxTextureParameter
  • MODDING: Lua - added PhysicsBodyIDApplyLinearImpulse, EntityGetHotspot, EntityRemoveStainStatusEffect
  • MODDING: Lua - added use_material_colors & replace_existing_cells parameters to EntityConvertToMaterial
  • MODDING: Lua - added font and scale options to GuiText, GuiButton and GuiGetTextDimensions
  • MODDING: Lua API documentation - improved documentation of some functions
  • MODDING: MagicNumber UI_WAND_TAG_OVERWRITES_NAME has been added
  • MODDING: MagicNumber GLITCH_ALLOW_5TH_WAND_CARRY has been added
  • MODDING: MagicNumber GLITCH_ALLOW_ALT_TAB_SILLINESS has been added
  • MODDING: Components - GameEffectComponent - polymorph_target should now work
  • MODDING: Components - LaserEmitterComponent - ConfigLaser - added damage_apply_hitbox_dmg_multiplier
  • MODDING: Components - PhysicsKeepInWorldComponent - added
  • MODDING: Components - AttachToEntityComponent - added
  • MODDING: Components - BiomeTrackerComponent - added
  • MODDING: ComponentGetValue2() and ComponentSetValue2() now work with types::iaabb
  • MODDING: Components - LuaComponent - added limit_all_callbacks to allow limiting of all callbacks
  • MODDING: Updated debug_keys.txt
  • MODDING: Added support for static_tile biomes, that are like wang biomes without randomization, consisting of one large tile
  • MODDING: Added support for static_tile_bg_mask, that are repeating backgrounds with a rough mask that defines the visibility
  • MODDING: Added audio_music_trigger_without_danger to Biome. Used in watercave. Also added other new audio-related properties
  • MODDING: Added intensity2 parameter to GameEntityPlaySoundLoop
  • MODDING: IKLimbWalker, IKLimbsAnimator - exposed ray_skip_material
  • MODDING: CharacterPlatforming - added audio_liquid_splash_intensity
  • MODDING: PhysicsAI works better with non-levitating creatures
  • MODDING: Added auto-generated any_liquid any any_powder Material tags
  • MODDING: Audio - reports filename on bank load error
  • MODDING: Improved init.lua API documentation
  • MODDING: Fixed a possible rare crash when using the mod API in not recommended ways
  • MODDING: CharacterData/CharacterCollision - added dont_update_velocity_and_xform
  • MODDING: Exposed some path finding debug rendering features in F7 menu
  • MODDING: Materials.xml loading - doesn't log error if a material would have reaction to itself because of a reaction with duplicate material from tags
  • MODDING: Entity xml - added _remove_from_base (on Base components) to exclude components from base entities
  • MODDING: Added 'json' to accepted file types of ModTextFileGet/SetContent and workshop uploader
  • MODDING: Default biome map loads via 'data/scripts/biome_map.lua' (makes biome map multi-mod editing less of a hassle)
  • MODDING: fungal_shift.lua doesn't call CellFactory_GetType on file scope, so mods can use the file before that function is ok to call
  • MODDING: Biome - added parameters to control parallax bg look
  • MODDING: MaterialAreaCheckerComponent - added always_check_fullness & count_min
  • MODDING: IKLimbsAnimatorComponent - added is_limp,
  • MODDING: GameStatsComponent - dont_do_logplayerkill
  • MODDING: PhysicsShapeComponent - added material
  • MODDING: AnimalAIComponent - added keep_state_alive_when_enabled (without this AnimalAI can get stuck in no state when Disabled & Enabled)
  • MODDING: VegetationComponent - added random_flip_x_scale
  • MODDING: CellData - added vegetation_random_flip_x_scale
  • MODDING: CellData - added is_grass_hashed (for more natural look when grass grows on a long, flat horizontal surface)
  • MODDING: PotionComponent - added custom_color_material
  • MODDING/BUGFIX: Removing a game mode mod while there was an active run with it could make the game crash or behave weirdly
  • MODDING/BUGFIX: Pressing "Install mods..." in mods menu would take one back to the main menu
  • MODDING/BUGFIX: EntitySerializer couldn't always update entities on hot load changes
  • MODDING/BUGFIX: Fixed a warning on game start if MaterialAreaChecker.material2 is not set
  • MODDING/BUGFIX: ModSettingGetNextValue returned setting key if no next value is set for the setting (now returns nil)