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  3. Early Access launch - Chapter 1 - The Exfil PvP experience

Early Access launch - Chapter 1 - The Exfil PvP experience

[h2]Welcome Operators! [/h2]

We are hard at work on the next development cycle of Exfil which will include a RAFT of improvements and additions to the game. All of these improvements will culminate in our Early Access release and charity event Dec 11th, 2024. Please Join our Discord for more details!

The Dec 11th event will include

  • Live Dev AMA with Irontaxi hosted by Bigpeeps from Always Give Back
  • Streamer and content creator invitational playing the new map Operation Anvil
  • Computer Giveaway draw and a veteran build
  • Caliber Collective hosted 4v4v4v4 Tournament with 5 wins to take the trophy!

We invite all our supporters to join us for the event as we officially kick off a truly Early Access and Indie endeavor to create the sandbox military infantry simulator we dream of playing.

[h3]And you can act now![/h3] For just $24.99 USD or your adjusted local price you can be part of our legacy as one of our founder players. Pre-sales have been running for a few weeks and we look forward to welcoming all our new friends to the battlefield a few weeks before release. They will be eligible to play and help the hardening and feedback process as we wrap up Chapter 1. (DISCORD FOR DETAILS!!!!)

What can you expect from Exfil besides a community built on respect?

[h2]Our Arsenal is almost ready! [/h2]

We continue to close off on assets for chapter 1 which will see each faction receive it's own unique compliment of weapons, gear and utilities!

[h3]Our world is growing![/h3]

6 large scale sandbox maps will greet new across 2 different biomes.. With more on the way including a largely CQB bunker map in the works.

In addition to our 2 core game modes we give hosts complete control with the option to play Exfil on both dedicated and listen servers with no restriction on use.

All the game options are configureable and at your finger tips!

Lot's more to talk about but time to get back to work! Never a dull moment on the Irontaxi desktop!

On Behalf of the Misultin team we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!