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They Are Hundreds News

Work Continues.. Planned Release Timeline.

Hello all!

Work continues on the remake, and we make great progress.

Below you will find some screenshots taken while testing AI and their movement.

While there isn't enough to justify a devlog I would like to talk about the planned release date and stages.

NOVEMBER: Initial Release
  • Re-enter early access stage of development.
  • Early story line, and basic game play elements.
  • Mostly used to bug fix, improve audio and work on Fort Building mechanic.

  • We aim to have the basic Fort Building Mechanic done.
  • Audio mostly completed.
  • Bug fixing.

JANUARY: Completion
  • We aim to have a completed story and most kinks ironed out.
  • Depending on feedback and interaction, we may add multiplayer. However, at this point we are striving for a fun single player experience.

We look forward to showing more and hearing back from you. Feel free to reach out below or in the discussions!

Devlog 001 - The complete rewrite of They are Hundreds.

The first devlog of the complete rewrite of They are Hundreds.

We showcase some of the ideas we are working through, and what we have completed. Please feel free to share your feedback/ideas!



Complete Rewrite & Engine switch.

The rewrite for They are Hundreds is well underway, we have many things to share but this announcement will be brief as we are still working and plan to share much more later.

Some backstory, They are Hundreds has switched skins and identity multiple times.

Originally, the game was a Third Person tower defense game that was later scraped completely to go into survival. The art style as well shifted, multiple times. We want to iron this out, stick to something and form a strong Identity of the game.

Understandably, there are some negative reviews/feelings about the game. I think all of it is fair, and justified, we had a pretty crap game! I want to mend those feelings/reviews and put something out that we can be proud of, and deliver what we promised.

Moving forward They are hundreds will take place in Southern Texas, on the brink of collapse you must recruit forces, and rebuild a failing city and protect trade routes from hordes of people who fell victim to a new plague.

In the new They are hundreds, you will be able to recruit soldiers, assign them to protect your city or trade carts. Recruit civilians to mine, upkeep and heal your soldiers. Unlock upgrades for your cities defenses and much more.

We are very excited to share what we have, and where we are going. We plan to work on the game to completion and drop it all ready to go, or drop it in pieces as we work on it and provide updates to it along the way. What would you like to see?

Have ideas or questions? Feel free to leave them on this post, and I will respond to them all!

If you are interested in updates more frequently I encourage you to join our discord:

Thank you all!

New Game release!!

If the disappointment of this release didn't get you down enough, then you should check out our other game!

It takes it back to the roots of They are Hundreds, please welcome, and check out Prepped!


This time we will not let you down : + )

Hello! (Repost)

While working on another project, I decided not to give up on They are hundreds.

During march of 2018, I made a commitment to build and finish a game This being They are hundreds. One thing ran to another, I ran out of time and have to work a lot, thus losing motivation and building a game with no focus or narrative.

Frankly, there still is no story-but TAH was never supposed to be a survival game, it started out as a round based zombie game with terrible graphics and no experience on making games. I have learned a lot over the last year, I still work a lot and won't be able to push updates out all that frequently but I plan on announcing a road map on the discord. Here: https://discord.gg/HNQ8PDK

The update you have received today is a co-op (4 players) wave based game-mode, back to TAHs roots. I won't lie too you, its not really ready to release. I have released it to test its multiplayer functions as I cannot really do it myself. So bugs are most welcome!

The community has grown so much, and I cannot wait till i can push the game out of EA, with a satisfactory game. Look out for the road map, and thanks for sticking around! The store page will be updated tomorrow night.

Yeah it started as that ːsteamfacepalmː