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  3. Dev Log (4/17/2021)

Dev Log (4/17/2021)

Hello everyone, I am back once again to show what I have been working on this month and what is planned for the future. [h2]More multiplayer maps[/h2] As Beta 1.11 nears its official update release, I need to make sure that all of the multiplayer maps are re-added. So I started work on blocking out San Heights Mall. I currently have the entrance fully 3d modeled (minus detail of course) and am already starting to blockout the rest of the map. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31236262/3cf6cd0ce33db1a9c5c2506a7efc7985233cf88c.png[/img] [h2]Added Steam's Controller Support[/h2] What this means is that it will now read steam's controller names and assign the button mapping accordingly. Not all controllers will have custom buttons made for them but the support is now there. [h2]Added more options to the options menu[/h2] One of the things that I added back was the default settings button as well as the ability to switch monitors again. I also fixed a few bugs relating to the options menu, there are still some left though. I hope to have them resolved in time for Beta 1.11. That is all I have so far to show. More stuff is in the works and I hope to show you all soon! Take care and have a great rest of your weekend everyone! ~Joseph