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  3. September 12th, 2023 Change List

September 12th, 2023 Change List

[b]September Monthly Match (Ends September 30th)[/b] [list] [*] Play an active game mode (Squads, Team Deathmatch, and Co-Op Bot Battle, etc.) to make progress towards the monthly rewards! [/list] Monthly Matches Tiers: * Pink Anarchy (PX4 skin) - 2 Matches * Anarchy (Spray) - 5 Matches * Pink Anarchy (M1014 skin) - 10 Matches * Punk Riot (Calling Card) - 15 Matches * Millie Punk Riot (Character skin) - 25 Matches [list] [*] Select the MONTHLY Event tab in the Main Menu to see your progress. [*] Come back every month to unlock a new set of rewards. [/list] [b]NEW GUNS[/b] [list] [*] Silenced MP9: A lightweight SMG with a laser pointer, great for being accurate while keeping mobility. A well rounded weapon for all skill levels. [*] TEC9: A powerful machine pistol with large recoil. Once mastered, this weapon can quickly output extreme damage. [/list] [b]Networking Updates[/b] [list] [*] Improved bandwidth, reducing lag spikes [*] Fixed BattleZone jitter while shrinking [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Prevent users from being sent to unintended game modes when selecting ‘Play Again’ at end of match [*] Voice chat stability improvements [*] Prevent PJ in Tutorial’s Building section from being visible through certain walls. [/list] [b]Terms of Service[/b] [list] [*] BigBox VR’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have updated and are available here: https://www.bigboxvr.com/terms-and-conditions https://www.bigboxvr.com/privacy-policy [/list] [b]Support[/b] For support visit http://support.bigboxvr.com to get access to self-help resources or file a ticket. [b]Known Issues[/b] [list] [*] The reticle will sometimes stay yellow after reloading. Switching guns should fix this. [*] A brief loss of audio is sometimes encountered when joining a voice chat channel on Quest 1 & 2 without headphones. This is due to enabling echo and noise cancellation features. [*] Steam VR users playing on an Oculus headset: When Purchasing Bureau Gold, you will need to take off your headset to approve the purchase. [*] If you see a notice that you need to "update to play" but don't see it in the store, uninstall and reinstall POP: ONE to force the upgrade to happen. You won't lose any progress or data. [*] In the Sandbox Builder, if you have 75 saved drafts, your saved maps may not show up correctly in your Saved Games. To fix the issue, load any Sandbox Map you do have access to in the Builder, then exit back to the Main Menu. [/list] See you in game!