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Odd Realm News

Fixes, Tunings, and More Tutorial Steps - Patch Notes

Edit: I've uploaded which fixes a serious auto-job bug for rooms. Should be working again. Sorry about that.

Hey everyone,

I've just uploaded some more fixes and small changes to help address issues folks have raised. The biggest issue being that players could not integrate captured entities into their settlement, but some other fixes for quite annoying bugs in there too. Plus some tuning to bandit raids to make them less intense.

As always, thanks for providing bug reports and feedback!

# Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

- [x] Fixed an issue where the Integrate Citizen job wasn’t changing entity faction.
- [x] Fixed an issue where chairs weren’t being recognized for the Relax With Drink job at the Tavern.
- [x] Fixed an issue where the “Remove” tooltip showed left mouse click instead of right mouse click.
- [x] Fixed an issue where control group permissions weren’t showing up or being saved.
- [x] Fixed an issue where control group entity selections weren’t being saved.
- [x] Fixed an issue where only one entity would sleep at a time.
- [x] Fixed an issue where seeds were still being eaten by entities.


- [x] Added notification for captured entities that become citizens.
- [x] Added option to rename entity from their tootlip attributes.
- [x] Tuned bandit raids to happen a bit later, and at lower frequency.
- [x] Added scroll wheel toggle to game settings.
- [x] Added more tutorial tips.
- [x] Added 4th HUD scale.
- [x] For displays with DPI higher than 200, the UI scale defaults to 2 instead of 1.
- [x] Pregnancy duration for humans has been reduced by one day.
- [x] Humans now become adults at 16 instead of 18.
- [x] Changed wording of path not found notification.

All the best,


Colony building sim Odd Realm is officially out now

After being in Early Access for a few years, Unknown Origin Games have now fully launched their mystical colony sim Odd Realm.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/colony-building-sim-odd-realm-is-officially-out-now

Hotfix & Tutorial First Additions - Patch Notes

Hey everyone!

Happy to see so many new faces in the community. I'm working away furiously on the issues that were brought to my attention this weekend. In this patch I address a particularly nasty game freeze that happened after killing bandits. You shouldn't encounter that issue any more. As well, there are a few more serious bugs I'm working on for the next patch coming very, very soon.

And, of course, I've heard loud and clear that a tutorial needs to be added. That is one of my top priorities and I've added the first section to this patch. It's definitely not the final tutorial (maybe like 10%), but it's what I was able to get accomplished in between the chaos that was this weekend. Thank you so much for patiently waiting on that!

Here are the patch notes:

Bug Fixes

[x] Fixed an issue where killing entities would freeze the game.


[x] Added a toggle to disable/enable/reset the tutorial in settings.
[x] Added the first section of the tutorial.
[x] Tuned down the xp gained from killing entities in combat.

Thanks to all of you providing feedback, thoughts, and bug reports. It is extremely helpful. Also, big shout out to the long-time players that have been helping answer questions in the forums. I have been inundated with messages, so it's incredible to have some help there. Thank you!

I should have another patch out pretty quick with more tutorial updates and bug fixes. Stay tuned for those!

All the best!


Odd Realm 1.0 - OUT NOW

Well, my friends, we finally did it. I've just hit the big green button and should be live on all platforms.

I started making this little game at the beginning of 2017. I didn't know what I was getting into at the time, but I knew I wanted to make a colony sim set in a strange, little fantasy world. It has been a monumental challenge, and it's because of your constant patience and encouragement that I was able to get to 1.0. Especially over the last several months where players have helped me find bugs in the beta or simply kept me company. So, for that, truly, a genuine thank you to all of you.

And if you are a new player, thank you for playing my game. It means a great deal to me.

Now, this isn't the end. We are just getting cooking! If you've read my previous posts, you know that there's a lot planned for upcoming versions of the game.

[h2]Next Steps[/h2]

[h3]A Fifth Playable Race - The Tomek[/h3]
A subterranean people that dwell underground, living off crystals they grow in torchlit gardens.

[h3]Overworld Conquest[/h3]
Expand your kingdom, trade with allies, send out armies.

[h3]Deeper History And Events[/h3]
More fleshed out backstories for entities in the world, along with enriched events that take place.

[h3]More Content[/h3]
I'm going to continue adding things for players to find, build, and explore! Especially mechanisms for players to alter their settlement.

[h3]Mod Support[/h3]
This will be a big one to focus on immediately. I really want to get modders up and running as soon as I can.

Going to do my best to get the game updated so it can support other languages. This will likely be a big task! So, here's hoping it can be done sooner rather than later.

[h2]Concluding Thoughts[/h2]

I'm sure the next week will be busy fixing issues players come across, but I hope to get trucking on these new things very soon. :)

Thanks again to all of the players that have been a part of this journey or are now discovering the game for the first time. I really appreciate you all!


Odd Realm 1.0 - Coming August 16th, 2024!


That's right friends, 1.0 is coming out Friday, August 16th! Less than two weeks away.

As well, version is now the official stable build for the early access which you can play now. All players should be on this version if you already own the game.

Let's take a look at what is in store for 1.0.

New and Improved UI

Tons of work has been put into UI to add functionality, improve performance, and unify the overall look and design.


I've gone through and added as much important information to tooltips as I can while trying to avoid making them too overwhelming. I'm especially happy with the location tooltip which now shows a detailed graphic of what is in a block, as well as what's below.

Entity tooltips also have a ton of added functionality and information.

[h2]Bigger Icons[/h2]

I've gone through the icons and updated them with larger icons to help with their legibility. This is so they are easier to see in menus, but also when layered in the location tooltip.

[h2]New Research Tree and Progression[/h2]

In the days of old, one would unlock each research node in the research tree with a special tome. Now, players select a node for their settlers to research which unlocks after a time. Tomes do still come into play, but are used to reduce the total time it takes to research something instead of outright unlocking it.


In addition to the Ancients, Ardyn, and Human playable races, you can now play as the Gwdir. The Gwdir are similar to Humans in that they also need to drink water and eat food. However, they differ in how they reproduce and build their structures. The Gwdir have a symbiotic relationship with the T'Thdir tree. This tree grows exceptionally fast and lets the Gwdir build on a grass, Nelescuro, which spreads out from the tree's base.

The Gwdir are led by a single female queen called the Gwnvayth. She is responsible for planting and growing male Gwdir to increase the population. Only one female Gwdir can exist in the settlement at one time. If she dies, she drops her crown (the Rose Crown) which can be planted by male Gwdir to grow a new queen.

[h2]Improved Custom Loadouts[/h2]

You can now access all items and entities in the game to make your own starting loadout.

[h2]Increased World Depth, Improved Terrain Gen, and New Tile Transitions[/h2]

The new world depth max is now 256 from 128. I wanted players to explore and be able to dig deeper if they wished. Or, if they want huge towers, they can build much higher into the sky. But, be aware, there are more challenges going in each direction.

I've put a lot of work into making terrain generate super fast. And, the tiles now have seamless transitions between one another. This means, you can have combinations of biomes appearing. Take for example, above, Taiga and Voidlands.

Lastly, the terrain will now generate bigger cave systems with easily added themes.

[h2]New Simulation System[/h2]

My goal with Odd Realm is to have a world that continues to change as you play. To this end, I've added in a simulation system to affect the world over the passing of the years. For example, when you load up a tile you've never been to before, the game simulates 500 years of plant growth and water flow.

This is most obvious with the tree growth which is also new functionality. Trees are no longer simple prefabs I randomly spawn around the map. They start off as a sapling, and I have them simulate their growth over hundreds of years, their leaves, branches, and roots growing outward over time.

The eventual goal with simulations is to see how time affects settlements you've left behind, or that you come across while exploring the overworld map. I want them to appear to have grown due to entities building there, or decay from a lack of upkeep.

[h2]Overworld Kingdoms[/h2]

This feature is just in its infancy. There's a loooot of potential here that I want to explore. The eventual goal is to allow players to interact much more with the kingdoms around them. Right now, the other kingdoms will send you merchants, but I still need to make it so you can dispatch scouts, merchants, and envoys of your own. You can send migrants to claim more territory, but I also want to improve upon this more in the future. Lots more to come with this!

[h2]Other Window Updates[/h2]

Every single piece of UI has been updated for 1.0. One that has seen a lot of work is the production window. I've organized rooms into collapsible lists, and added lots of options (especially for auto-job conditions) to this UI. Plus, the requirements should be much clearer and editable (selecting specific items or workstations to use).

The entity lists have seen a great deal of polish. For example, settler lists now fit on screen (width-wise) requiring no horizontal scrolling. And its much easier to tune skills, professions, diets, and default starting values.

Going Forward

There's so much more in this update that I haven't mentioned, but I'll let you discover these on your own. The 1.0 isn't the end of development. There's still a mountain of work to do. Namely, expanding upon kingdoms, and adding the Tomek playable race will be my main focus. Additionally, I want to work on localization and modding tools. Big tasks! But the 1.0 is a great starting point for the game in terms of foundation. I've put so much work into making the game extendable. Every single element of the game is derived from easily edited data objects. Most of my efforts for 1.0 have been getting all the systems up and running. I want to put more focus into content and player story progression. I'm really excited for what's next!

That's all for now, but I do want to take a moment to give a heartfelt thanks to everyone that has supported the game over the years. The Odd Realm community is amazing, and I wouldn't have reached 1.0 without their help. A special shoutout to all the beta testers that spent an insane amount of energy providing bug reports and feedback. Thank you so, so much!

You can look forward to more news and updates as we lead up to August 16th. And, as always, please feel free to join our discord or chat with me in the forums. :)
