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  2. News
  3. Odd Realm 1.0 - OUT NOW

Odd Realm 1.0 - OUT NOW

Well, my friends, we finally did it. I've just hit the big green button and should be live on all platforms.

I started making this little game at the beginning of 2017. I didn't know what I was getting into at the time, but I knew I wanted to make a colony sim set in a strange, little fantasy world. It has been a monumental challenge, and it's because of your constant patience and encouragement that I was able to get to 1.0. Especially over the last several months where players have helped me find bugs in the beta or simply kept me company. So, for that, truly, a genuine thank you to all of you.

And if you are a new player, thank you for playing my game. It means a great deal to me.

Now, this isn't the end. We are just getting cooking! If you've read my previous posts, you know that there's a lot planned for upcoming versions of the game.

[h2]Next Steps[/h2]

[h3]A Fifth Playable Race - The Tomek[/h3]
A subterranean people that dwell underground, living off crystals they grow in torchlit gardens.

[h3]Overworld Conquest[/h3]
Expand your kingdom, trade with allies, send out armies.

[h3]Deeper History And Events[/h3]
More fleshed out backstories for entities in the world, along with enriched events that take place.

[h3]More Content[/h3]
I'm going to continue adding things for players to find, build, and explore! Especially mechanisms for players to alter their settlement.

[h3]Mod Support[/h3]
This will be a big one to focus on immediately. I really want to get modders up and running as soon as I can.

Going to do my best to get the game updated so it can support other languages. This will likely be a big task! So, here's hoping it can be done sooner rather than later.

[h2]Concluding Thoughts[/h2]

I'm sure the next week will be busy fixing issues players come across, but I hope to get trucking on these new things very soon. :)

Thanks again to all of the players that have been a part of this journey or are now discovering the game for the first time. I really appreciate you all!
