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  3. Bug Fixes, Entity Overlay, UI Improvements -

Bug Fixes, Entity Overlay, UI Improvements -

Hey Oddities!

I've uploaded which focuses on bugs, performance, and various issues. I have also been trying to clean up UI based on feedback. This has mostly been around the tooltips, but I also added in the entity info screen which you can open by hitting T. Moved some of extra entity stuff from their tooltip into there to cleanup the tooltip.

With that stuff out of the way, I'd like to also clean up the production, room, and blueprint UI. I know that needs a lot of work. I've gotten some really great feedback on that. As well, I am going to start adding in some more content. I want to add back in events and some more overworld stuff. Looking forward to that!

There are a few other things in there. Here are the patch notes:

Bug Fixes

[x] Fixed a small memory leak.
[x] Fixed an issue where merchant AI would continue despite them being captured.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities weren’t being removed after dying.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities weren’t eating, drinking, or sleeping after changing faction.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities were holding on to inventory items, which would also cause them not to eat or drink because they couldn’t pick up more items.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities would dump all their items at a stockpile, and some items could spill out of the room.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities were not carrying their max inventory capacity when stockpiling rooms.
[x] Fixed an issue where plants weren’t regaining health.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities would move extra slow when walking and possessing a move speed debug.
[x] Fixed several issues with tooltip text not lining up correctly.
[x] Fixed an issue where merchant trade tooltips weren’t displaying for items.
[x] Fixed an issue with pathfinding when trying to build a multi-level ladder.
[x] Fixed several issues related to entities standing around idling.
[x] Fixed incorrect skill requirements for turning stone and logs into void shards. Now require Voidwork instead of Woodwork/Stonework.
[x] Fixed an issue where loading screens weren’t fading in and out properly.


[x] Improved rendering performance.
[x] Added toggle to show/hide inventory entries at zero.
[x] Added toggle to add/remove world item count to item total count in inventory window.
[x] Added toggle to add/remove carried item count to item total count in inventory window.
[x] Added toggle to add/remove equipped item count to item total count in inventory window.
[x] Added set faction “-f” option to the set command to change selected entity faction.
[x] Added separate hotkey to lock current tooltip (left-ctrl). This allows you to lock the tooltip without having to click the block (though you can still do it through this method).
[x] Cleaned up tooltips: Moved extra entity info to entity overlay window, added tooltip for hovering over statuses on several other UI elements.
[x] Added entity overlay window.
[x] Added Steam Cloud Save support.
[x] Added Steam Workshop support.
[x] Tuned natural, surface, food producing plants to be much rarer.
[x] Fixed incorrect inline icons for the iron sewing needle and tongs.
[x] Added some more steps to the tutorial.

Thank you for reading this far. Hope everyone is well.

All the best,
