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  2. News
  3. Preview Patch #5

Preview Patch #5

Introducing the new Point of Interest system! Very happy to get this new piece of tech up for testing. Please remember these new changes are taking place on the pubic "beta" branch until we further implement the wide array of changes that are being worked on.

I also recorded a video update that goes into explaining this a bit near the end, and in general what's going on, how we got here, and where we're headed:


In short the PoI system spawns points of interest throughout the world, each of which is then capable of randomizing and controlling its own sub-components. So for example the new bandit camp can spawn with trees enables, ruined walls enabled, a set of chairs around a campfire may or may not spawn, and so forth.

The PoIs included in this patch are only combat encounters, but we'll be adding landmark, harvesting, crafting, building, and social encounters as well. The landmark encounters in particular are being designed to create large geographical/natural structures that can be seen from a great distance allowing players to better orient themselves in the infinite planes of Khora.

This patch also introduces a variety of upgrades to the player controller, combat, and monster AI. Certain combat actions will now make use of a resource pool called Wind. This is similar to what might be called Stamina in other games, as it will quickly recharge and allow players to continue fighting on a very short-term time scale, whereas Stamina in Solace Crafting is planned to be used for much more important decisions with lasting effects. Some new weapons and weapon swapping/equipping logic is still being improved, and we've also got two new monsters that didn't quite make it into this patch that I should have in and uploaded shortly.

Happy gaming!

- Kyle

v 2025.1.22
- Complete rewrite of encounter/PoI generation systems
- Dungeons and caves are spawning again though still unpopulated and void of resources
- New procedural locations system spawning wolf dens and bandit hideouts
- Added more harvestables including ore and stalks (not yet intended final solution)
- Added wolf loot logic and animations
- Added bare hand harvesting animation
- Combat enhancements and tuning
- Improved bot hit reactions
- Player step sounds
- Slash effects
- Combo finisher logic added for 2 handed weapons
- Weapon attacks now use "wind" resource pool
- Character's again teleport home and revive on death
- Most weapons that have not been reimplemented yet will default

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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