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  2. News
  3. Preview Patch #2

Preview Patch #2

Continuing onward with new technology improvements, this patch expands on the new world generation technology to spawn large locations procedurally throughout the world. Currently we've only implemented mountains as they're the most obvious to spot, but we'll now be expanding this to work with other biome based locations.

Some of the new mountains are currently blending a bit sharply with their surrounding, I will be fixing that tomorrow. And biomes will need to blend to match these large locations as well.

The player controller is also continually undergoing upgrades at the moment. This patch adds swimming, increases the angle at which players begin to slide, adds health bars and damage numbers, and removes the fall damage that was cause players to fall flat and not get back up. We've already got a few more things in the pipe, just not quite ready to upload right this moment.

Happy Thanksgiving! My wife and son are also back home now, at last! so we've got a very busy, sometimes very noisy household. It took a couple days to get settled back into a home that had been abandoned for the better part of 3 weeks,

v 2024.11.28
- Added 5 more mountains
- Expanded large stamp system to work anywhere
- Temporarily blending the edges of large stamps
- Added swimming capabilities
- Removed fall damage
- Increased the player slide angle
- Added health bars and damage numbers

You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.

To opt into Beta you only need to go to your Steam Library, right-click on Solace Crafting, select Properties, click on the Beta tab, and opt-in to the beta.

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