Dungeon Defenders Patch 9.5.3
[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
[h2]Quality of Life[/h2]
- Made all Halloween Spooktacular weapons have level 70 requirement on qualities above mythic for consistency.
- Reduced 'Lumeric Staff' base damage by 7.5% to make in on par with the 'Ember Sceptre'.
- Reduced the health of the Ranger, Monk, and Knight bosses on Ruthless True Boss Rush checkpoint 4 by 15%.
- Adjusted Challenge: Wizardry enemy number scaling on Ruthless.
- Reduced all wave 17 enemy HP scaling by 12% in 3-4 player matches on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Reduced 'Assault Rifle' projectile slowing effect from 80% to 50% on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Reduced Final Jade health by 33% on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Reduced Final Amethyst health by 20% on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Increased Barbarian move speed and increased her knockback on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Made Warping Core: Challenge Pack II maps start one wave later. Warping Core: Arcane Library starts 2 waves later.
- Reduced 'Baby Demon Lord' melee damage by 50% (as it was out damaging every pet in the game twofold).
- Buffed 'Zamira's Mount' damage by 10%.
- Added 10% movement speed bonus to all Emerald City campaign weapons.
- Fixed enemies not dying after waves end on Spring Valley.
- Fixed an issue with the assault Jade and Amethyst fight where killing Amethyst would disable invulnerability phases, soft-locking the fight on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Fixed an issue in wave 17 where a player respawning inside damage volumes would lose control of their character on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Fixed an issue in Euclase fight where the start of each phase would have a long delay before floor attacks began on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Fixed an issue in wave 17 where floor runes would not appear at the start of the second or third phase on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Fixed Barbarian icon on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Adjusted wave 17 Ruthless floor pattern's damage volume size on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Fixed visual for Barbarian turtle aura on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Fixed issue where the player would sometimes shoot upwards while standing inside floor patterns on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Added lock icon to Ruthless difficulty label if Nightmare difficulty is not unlocked.
- Changed Eternia Gauntlet to Challenge: Eternia Gauntlet for consistency with other challenges.
[h2]Quality of Life[/h2]
- Removed build timers from most maps if Hardcore Mode is not active.
- Reduced ogre counts on Ruthless difficulty by 40% for most maps. The Campaign versions of the base Campaign; Glitterhelm, and the four 'Shards' maps are unaffected, as well as all Challenge maps except Temple of Polybius.
- Made enemies have a chance to drop extra items on Ruthless difficulty to make Ruthless Survivals more appealing.