1. Soundpad
  2. News
  3. Soundpad Update 4.0.9

Soundpad Update 4.0.9

The changes include:

- Compatibility fix for Logitech headsets on Windows 11.
- Fixed crash when changing theme from default to custom while the main window is maximized.
- Accessibility update: Screen readers don't work with custom themes, so the native system theme is selected upon first start by default, except Windows is configured for dark mode. Same applies for users with high contrast settings.
- Sorting of sound list now uses a natural sort algorithm: F1, F2, F12. Not F1, F12, F2 anymore.
- Fixed sorting when custom tags are set.
- Allow right-click in device preferences without present devices to access options like Restart Win-Audio.
- Backup of sound list updated: No more backups of empty lists and higher backup periods.
- Remote control interface: GetSoundlist() now returns color and tag attributes of sounds.
- Fixed notification translations for hotbar pages.