January 29th Variant Update

Today's update includes 15 fiendish new adventure variants, featuring five for the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, including its capstone variant with bonus rewards and quality-of-life improvements to item level visibility.
For more information about the new variants and these updates, read on...
[h2]A Grand Tour of the Sword Coast[/h2]

[h3]Terror in the Dark[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Friend of Nature[/h3]
Every night, zombies are attacking a nature-loving village
- In addition to the core 12 Champions, you may only use Ranger, Druid, and/or Barbarian Champions.
- Friendly animals take up slots in your formation. You start out with one slot taken up by a friendly animal, then every 50 areas a new animal joins your team, until there are 6 animals.
- Complete Area 200
[h3]Unearthed Evil[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Waves of Evil[/h3]
A local mine needs some evil help to solve an evil goblin problem
- In addition to the core 12 Champions, you may only use Evil Champions.
- All monsters emanate waves of shadowy evil upon spawning and every 5 seconds after that. Each wave deals 10% max health damage against a random Champion.
- Complete Area 200
[h2]Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden[/h2]

[h3]The Netherese Necropolis[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Cryophilic Combatants[/h3]
Search the city for more Arcane Octad clues while fighting back enemies that thrive in the cold.
- You may only use Champions that are 75 years old or more.
- 1-2 White Abishai spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
- Whenever a Champion takes damage, their base attack cooldown is increased by 0.5 seconds until the area changes, stacking additively.
- Complete Area 675
[h3]Cold as Ice[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Pay the Price[/h3]
Continue to hunt for the clues of the Rite of the Arcane Octad with Champions who are not foreign to the ways of wealth.
- You may only use Champions with the gold find role.
- 1-2 Mezzoloth mercenaries spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
- Other enemies drop 99.99% less gold.
- Complete Area 700
[h3]Friends and Foes[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Fiendishly Fierce[/h3]
As the factions within Ythryn close in around the Champions, they definitely learn who is in it for themselves.
- You may only use Drow Champions.
- 1-2 Spined Devils spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
- You may not remove Champions from the formation. (They can be moved as normal.)
- Non-boss area requirements are reduced by 5% for each empty formation slot, stacking additively.
- Complete Area 725
[h3]The Spire of Iriolarthas[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Class Clown[/h3]
Gain the final clue to enter the Spire of Iriolarthas while fighting space clowns.
- You may only use Chaotic Champions.
- Champion damage is reduced by 99% for each Champion in the formation that is not a Bard, stacking multiplicatively.
- 1-2 ranged Space Clowns attack with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
- Complete Area 750
[h3]The Fall of Ythryn[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Xerophon's Ythryn Zenith[/h3]
Destroy the Ythryn Mythalar with Xerophon!
- Xerophon starts in the formation with their ultimate unlocked. They can be moved but not removed.
- After area 10, Champions can only deal damage while Xerophon is imitating an enemy with their Perfect Imitation ultimate attack.
- Champions can't be removed from the formation once they have been added.
- Every 50 areas, a random Champion that matches the highest number of Xerophon's specialization choices is removed from the formation and can not be used again in the adventure. In the case of a tie, a random tied Champion is picked. If you have not chosen any spec choices for Xerophon, a random Champion is picked. Xerophon themself is never removed.
- Fire breath potions can't be used during the adventure, and click damage has no effect after area 100.
- Complete Area 775
- Additional Rewards:
- 5 Modron chests
- New Feat for Xerophon: Guardian of Icewind Dale: Xerophon may be used in any Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure or variant when a patron is enabled, even if the patron or variant restrictions would normally restrict them.
- 1,250 Corrupted Gems.
- 5 Modron chests
- Additional Rewards:
[h2]Light of Xaryxis[/h2]

[h3]Seeds of Destruction[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Elf Help[/h3]
Help Laeral Silverhand understand a new threat to Waterdeep with help from some elves.
- You may only use Elf and Half-Elf Champions.
- Laeral Silverhand joins the formation. Only Champions next to her can deal damage.
- Complete Area 350
[h3]The Evacuation of Waterdeep[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Send In The Clowns[/h3]
Get to the Dock Ward with some foolish helpers.
- You may only use Champions with a Wisdom score of 10 or lower.
- 1-2 Space Clowns attack with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
- Complete Area 400
[h2]The Wild Beyond the Witchlight[/h2]

[h3]Legends and Lore[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Fiend Folio[/h3]
Skabatha is ready for revenge with some daemonic assistance!
- You may only use Drow, Githyanki, Githzerai, Aarakocra, and Tabaxi Champions.
- A Flumph escort joins the formation. Only Champions next to the Flumph can deal damage.
- 1-2 Mezzoloths spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
- A Shadow Demon spawns at the start of each Boss area. It must also be defeated to progress.
- Complete Area 1150
[h3]The End[/h3]
[h3]Variant: The Final Curtain[/h3]
Time to deal with Endelyn while fighting monsters that get harder and harder to defeat!
- You may only use Chaotic Champions.
- Each time an enemy is defeated, Champion damage is reduced by 90% until the area changes, stacking multiplicatively.
- Complete Area 1200
[h2]Turn of Fortune's Wheel[/h2]

[h3]A Glitch in the Mortuary[/h3]
[h3]Variant: A Hitch in the Mortuary[/h3]
Descend further into the Mortuary with Hitch!
- Prerequisite - You must have Hitch unlocked. Sign up for the newsletter in the Main Menu to get him!
- You may only use Champions that are Chaotic and/or Good.
- Hitch joins the formation. He can be moved but not removed.
- Two other Hitches take up two slots in the formation but are confused and don't attack.
- 1-2 Merregons spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
- Complete Area 650
[h3]Welcome to the Outlands[/h3]
[h3]Variant: We Take It Fey by Fey[/h3]
Begin to explore the Outlands, and find a walking castle and some flying fey!
- You may not use Champions with melee attacks.
- Each enemy wave that spawns increases the speed and damage of all enemies by 100%, stacking additively and resetting with each area change.
- 1-2 Pixies spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
- Complete Area 700
[h2]Vecna: Eve of Ruin[/h2]

[h3]A Tale of Two Vecnas[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Friends and Fiends[/h3]
Investigate a cult of Vecna while fighting some fiendish foes!
- You may only use Champions with a Charisma of 17 or higher.
- 1-2 Quasits spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count toward quest progress.
- A Night Hag boss spawns at the start of each Boss area. It must also be defeated to progress.
- Complete Area 500
[h3]The Wizards Three[/h3]
[h3]Variant: Alustriel's Arrival[/h3]
Join forces with Alustriel Silverhand of the Wizards Three and venture into the Underdark!
- You may only use Champions with an Intelligence of 14 or higher.
- Alustriel joins the formation.
- You may only place champions with Magic base attacks next to Alustriel.
- Complete Area 550
[h2]Item Level QoL Updates[/h2]

We've been working on additional quality of life improvements when it comes to the visibility of item levels in Idle Champions, arriving with today's update!
Tracking your progress through item level increases has become much more important over the lifetime of Idle Champions, and now it will be easier than ever!
Players will be able to see item levels more prominently on equipment cards, increases to item levels while opening chests, more details in Champion Profiles, and more. Log in before February 5th, 2025, to unlock Hew Maan and collect 6 free Platinum Hew Maan Chests so you can experience these updates!
[h2]Opening the Vault[/h2]
The Vault is open! What wondrous treasures lie within?
Access to a special vault has been granted for a limited time. Click the notification or check the Shop to learn more.
[h3]We Want YOUR Feedback[/h3]
We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! Your participation and feedback have brought us this far, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:
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