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  3. 2025 Champion Spotlight: Mehen

2025 Champion Spotlight: Mehen

Mehen is a tall, powerful dragonborn with dull-ocher scales and a blunt attitude. With strong opinions on the right course of action, he is just as comfortable yelling orders on the battlefield as he is fiercely protecting his daughters. Despite a life thrown into turmoil after being exiled from his clan and attempting to raise twin tieflings, Mehen remains resilient in his sense of self and his abilities with a falchion.

Verthisathurgiesh Mehen has been greatly reworked with this update. He is no less grumpy, but he should now be much easier to use -- assuming you can find the perfect spot for him in your formation!

For details on the Mehen Rework, read on...

[h2] Mehen[/h2]





Male (he/him)


Neutral Good




Support / Gold / Debuff

Brimstone Angels

STR: 19

DEX: 8

CON: 15

INT: 13

WIS: 12

CHA: 14

TOT: 81

Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until January 8th, 2028)

[h3]Basic Attack[/h3]
  • Double Strike(melee) -Mehen leaps out and attacks a random enemy, swinging down and then up with a second swing, scoring a hit each time.

[h3]Passive Abilities[/h3]
  • Always By Your Side - When Mehen is in the formation, Farideh and Havilar become eligible for the current adventure, even if a Patron, Variant, or other restriction would say otherwise.

[h3]Formation Abilities[/h3]
  • Grumpy - Mehen gains a stack of Grumpy for each of the following checks that is met. He increases the damage of all Champions in the formation by 100% for each stack of Grumpy he has, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Adjacent to Farideh
    • At least two columns behind Havilar
    • At the top of the column
    • At least three Champions in the column(s) in front of him
    • At least two Champions in the column(s) behind him
    • Adjacent to Champions with an average base attack cooldown of 5 sec or less
    • Adjacent to at least two Tiefling or Dragonborn Champions
    • At least one other Tiefling or Dragonborn in his column
    • Within 2 slots of Champions with at least 4 unique classes
    • Within 2 slots of Champions with at least 6 unique roles
  • Intimidating Presence - When a monster tries to attack any Champion in the formation for the first time, the damage is prevented and the monster is stunned for 5 seconds and takes 200% more damage during this time. If the attacked Champion is Havilar, the duration is 10 seconds instead.
  • Gruff - Mehen increases Gold Find of the formation by 100% for every stack of Grumpy that he has, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Expose Weakness - When a Champion adjacent to Mehen applies a stun, knockback, slow, or root, the enemy takes 1000% more damage for 10 seconds. If Farideh is adjacent to Mehen, she prioritizes attacking those enemies. This debuff does not stack, but the duration is extended if it applies again before it expires.

  • Fighting Force - Mehen increases the effect of Grumpy by 100% for each DPS Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applying to the post-stack value.
  • Father Figure - Mehen increases the effect of Grumpy by 150% for each Champion in the formation who is 20 years old or younger, stacking multiplicatively and applying to the post-stack value.
  • Found Family - Mehen increases the effect of Grumpy by 300% for each Dragonborn Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applying to the post-stack value. Farideh and Havilar both gain the Dragonborn species when this spec is chosen.

[h3]Ultimate Ability[/h3]
  • Lightning Breath(magic) -Mehen breathes a cone of lightning that hits all enemies in the area. If it hits more than 5 enemies, or a boss, it stuns all enemies for 10 seconds.


Expose Weakness Buff

Buffs Fighting Force, Father Figure, and Found Family SLOT 2

Grumpy Buff

Intimidating Presence Buff

Gruff Buff

Ultimate Cooldown



  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Frugal
    Increases all Gold found by 10%.
  • Surly Survivalist
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Grumpy ability by 20%.
  • Golden Wisdom
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Gruff ability by 20%.

  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Lucky
    Increases all Gold found by 25%.
  • Testy Temperament
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Grumpy ability by 40%.
  • Battle-Hardened
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Intimidating Presence ability by 40%.
  • Bounty Hunter Training
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Gruff ability by 40%.
  • Veteran's Eye
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Expose Weakness ability by 40%.
    Feat previously known as Adopted Twins
  • Seasoned Leader
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Fighting Force, Father Figure, and Found Family by 40%.
  • Adoptive Father
    Mehen also counts as a Tiefling.

  • One of Many
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Gruff ability by 80%.
  • Expert Assessment
    Increases the effect of Mehen's Expose Weakness ability by 80%.
  • Fashionably Grumpy
    Add the following check to Mehen's Grumpy ability:
    Adjacent to at least 2 Champions with skins equipped.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Scale & Horn
    Add the following check to Mehen's Grumpy ability:
    Only Tiefling and/or Dragonborn Champions in Mehen's column.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

[h3]We Want YOUR Feedback[/h3]
How do you feel about the Mehen Rework? Join us on one of our supported platforms and let us know what you think!