Turn of Fortune's Wheel 9 & Tier 5 Blessings

The Champions have finally rescued R04M and learned the truth -- or have they?
In the latest Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, the Champions will find themselves on a path that takes them back to familiar territory, where they will discover who their allies are and who the true villain is!
Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, The Lost Modron and Realm of Enchanted Mysteries, in order to access these new adventures.
[h2]Campaign: Turn of Fortune's Wheel[/h2]

[h3]Full Circle[/h3]
Travel back to Sigil as the puzzle pieces start to fall into place.
[h3]Variant: Fully Aligned[/h3]
Travel back to Sigil as the alignment puzzle pieces start to fall into place.
- R04M joins the formation. He doesn't do much other than get in the way.
- You may not have two Champions in the formation with the exact same base alignment.
- Complete Area 1150
Search Fortune's Wheel and the Platinum Rooms to find Shemeshka!
[h3]Variant: Four Corners[/h3]
Search Fortune's Wheel and the Platinum Rooms while evading hordes of Modrons!
- You may only use Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Evil, and/or Chaotic Evil Champions.
- In each non-boss area, there is a 25% chance that 5 Modrons spawn before the first wave. The number of Modrons spawned increases by 5 for every 50 areas completed, capped at 50 Modrons. They drop no gold nor count towards quest progress.
- While any Modron enemy is alive, non-Modron enemies can't take damage.
- Complete Area 1200.
[h2]Turn of Fortune's Wheel Tier 5 Blessings[/h2]
- Gehenna's Heights - Local: Increase the damage of all Champions in bench seats of 7 or higher by 100%
- Depths of Limbo - Local: Increase the damage of all Champions for each Champion with a CON score of 14 or lower by 100% (additive)
- The Mercy of Hades - Local: Monsters killed in their first second after spawning have a 10% chance to count for an additional quest progress.
- The Infinite Power of the Abyss - Global: Increase the damage of all Champions by 10% for each completed event tier, stacking additively.
[h3]We Want YOUR Feedback[/h3]
Our Planescape journey is almost complete. Are you excited for the finale next month? How do you feel about the story so far?
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