1. Hunt: Showdown 1896
  2. News
  3. Update 2.2 Now Live!

Update 2.2 Now Live!


The patch notes for Update 2.2 can be found below. Happy Hunting!

For full description of Post Malone's Murder Circus, head over here.

~ The Hunt Team

[h2]Dark Sight Boost Changes [/h2]

With Update 2.2, players can receive a Dark Sight Boost even while not holding a Bounty Token. While looting a Bounty Token still gives players the normal 5 seconds of Dark Sight Boost (10 if player is Solo and has Magpie), players can now receive a Dark Sight Boost from the following sources, whether they’re holding a Bounty Token or not: the Dark Sight Boost Sealed Reward, the Corpse Seer Trait, or the Fortune Teller Machine.

[h2]Dark Sight Boost Gained Icons [/h2]

Additionally, Hunters will now leave a scorch mark on the map when they gain a Dark Sight Boost.

This happens regardless of the source and the amount of Dark Sight Boost gained, whether it’s from picking up a Bounty Token, interacting with the Dark Sight Boost Sealed Reward, interacting with the Fortune Teller Machine, or looting a Hunter when using the Corpse Seer Trait.

The icon is visible to everyone in the Mission, so keep this in mind as it will give your position away.

[h2]New Equipment [/h2]

[h3]New Weapon: Chu Ko Nu [/h3]

Medium slot repeating crossbow that fires Compact Bolts. Has a high rate-of-fire and is quiet. Bolts can be recovered and reused. Lacks dedicated iron sights and can only be fired from the hip.

  • Basic – Special Ammo – 10/10
  • Incendiary – Special Ammo – 10/10
    • The Incendiary Bolts are great for setting Hunters on fire and putting pressure on them.
    • Different to Incendiary Bullets, these Bolts don’t lose their intensity over distance and can therefore set Hunters on fire at any range.
    • Equipping the Salveskin Trait prevents instant burning from a single hit.
    • Incendiary Bolts burn out upon use and cannot be retrieved.
  • Explosive – Special Ammo – 5/10
    • When hit, they stick to the target, applying bleeding before exploding with a short delay.
    • The Explosive Bolt’s size results in a reduced magazine capacity.

[h3]New Weapon Variant: 1865 Carbine Aperture [/h3]

Specter Arms made, repeating rifle. Well-balanced and fast reloads make this effective at medium range but lacks Levering abilities. Modified with an enhanced toggle-able peep sight.

  • Basic – Medium Ammo – 7+1/21
  • FMJ Ammo – Special Ammo – 7+1/21

[h3]New Weapon Variant: Krag Silencer [/h3]

Springfield made, bolt-action rifle. High fire-rate and ability to top off are offset by lower damage than other rifles. Modified with a silencer.

  • Basic – Long Ammo – 5+1/12
  • FMJ Ammo – Special Ammo – 5+1/12
  • Incendiary Ammo – Special Ammo – 5+1/12
  • Subsonic Ammo – Special Ammo – 5+1/14

[h3]New Weapon Variant: Maynard Sniper Silencer [/h3]

A scoped rifle with high damage and medium ammo. Requires a two-stage reload with the placement of a percussion cap. Modified with a silencer. Can split ammunition between two different types.

  • Basic – Medium Ammo – 1/26
  • Dumdum Ammo – Special Ammo – 5+1/26
  • High Velocity Ammo – Special Ammo – 5+1/26
  • Subsonic Ammo – Special Ammo – 5+1/30

[h3]New Weapon Variant: Sparks Pistol Silencer [/h3]

Single-shot rifle, cut down into a small handgun. Equally powerful up to mid-range and convenient to handle. Increased recoil. Modified with a silencer. Can be dual wielded. Can split ammunition between two different types.

  • Basic – Long Ammo – 1/14
  • FMJ Ammo – Special Ammo – 1/14
  • Poison Ammo – Special Ammo – 1/14
  • Incendiary Ammo – Special Ammo – 1/14
  • Subsonic Ammo – Special Ammo – 1/16

[h3]New Consumable: Recovery Shot [/h3]

A syringe that delivers a potent shot to restore one previously lost Health Chunk. It brings the Health Chunk back empty, requiring other healing to top it back up.

Developer Note:
With the introduction of the Recovery Shot, we give players a reliable way to replenish lost health mid-Mission and allow them to stay in the fight. Giving the players more ways to replenish lost Health Chunks has been a big request from the community and we are happy to experiment with this on the equipment level with the Recovery Shot. There is also a rare chance to randomly acquire an instance when looting Saddle Bags.

[h3]New Ammo Type: Subsonic Ammo [/h3]

Smaller, weighted bullets with less gunpowder, which travel slower than the speed of sound for quieter gunshots at the expense of harder leading targets at distance and a stronger drop. Equipping them will also yield a larger number of extra bullets.

Introduced to following weapon families:

  • Bornheim No. 3
  • Centennial
  • Frontier 73C
  • Infantry 73L
  • Krag
  • Maynard Sniper
  • Nagant M1895
  • Officer
  • Ranger 73
  • Sparks
  • Vandal 73C
  • Vetterli 71

[h3]Silencer Changes [/h3]

With the introduction of Subsonic Ammo, we are making some general changes to Silencers.

  • Firing a silenced weapon with default or other custom ammunition is now louder, allowing other players to better determine the position of the shooter up to around 100m out. High Velocity ammo is now audible at the same distances as other non-Subsonic Ammo, but with its stronger propellant still does not hide the muzzle flash.
  • Loading Subsonic Ammo on a silenced weapon brings it back to a similar level as before the update, making your sounds much harder to pinpoint at medium range up to around 50m already, and become completely inaudible over longer distances.
  • Non-silenced weapons also benefit from Subsonic Ammo. Loading Subsonic Ammo on a non-silenced weapon makes the shot much less audible and does not travel across the whole map anymore.
  • Equipping Subsonic Ammo also increases the extra ammo capacity by around 20%, but reduces muzzle velocity by around 15% compared to regular ammunition.

[h2]Custom Equipment Animations [/h2]

With Update 2.2, we are introducing a new Equipment Animations feature that gives players a new way of customizing and showing off their gear during inspect.

Inspecting your weapons can be triggered while inside a Mission in the following ways:

  • Keyboard – Press ‘I’ Button (default).
  • Controller – While the Weapon Wheel is open, press Triangle (PS) / Y (Xbox).

Equipment Animations (EAs) are made for and can be applied to specific weapons, Tools, and Consumables, overriding their default inspect animation.

  • Equipment can only have one active Equipment Animation applied to it at any given time.
  • The currently active EA is used by all variants of the same equipment. For example, equipping it on the Centennial Shorty will also show it on the Centennial Shorty Silencer, and equipping it on the Krag Silencer will show it on the base Krag, Bayonet, and Sniper variants.
  • Selecting or switching between EAs is done through the player’s inventory. Here, the player can access all animations unlocked for specific equipment by opening the Actions Menu and entering the Equipment Animations screen.

The list of new Equipment Animations introduced with Update 2.2 is as follows:

  • Battle Pass
    • Blade Revolver (Knuckle Knife)
    • Exhibition Drill Spin (Krag)
      • Can be used on all Krag variants.
    • Fake Surrender (Sparks Pistol)
      • Can be used on all Sparks Pistol variants.
    • Lever Spin (Centennial Shorty)
      • Can be used on all Centennial Shorty variants.
  • Store
    • Blood Shake (Katana) (200 BB)
    • Bruiser’s Twirl (Dusters) (300 BB)

[h2]Lawson Delta – Map Reintroduction [/h2]

  • A complete upgrade has been made to the map, brought to life through the power of our new and updated CRYENGINE 5.11.
  • Features extensive terrain and vegetation improvements
  • Detail, dressing, and lighting passes have been made on all compounds
  • Various gameplay and layout improvements have been made to several compounds

Developer Note:

We are very happy to bring back Lawson Delta, Hunt Showdown’s second released map, revitalized and re-envisioned for Hunt Showdown 1896. Just like with Stillwater Bayou before, this map has undergone significant enhancements thanks to your feedback and our commitment to improving the experience.

Areas like Wolfshead Arsenal, Iron Works, Nicholls Prison, Salter’s Pork, and Bradley & Craven Brickworks have been refined with new options and tactical choices for both attackers and defenders. Windows, ladders, doors, new paths, and strategic access points have been added to encourage dynamic gameplay.

[h2]New Trait: Fast Fingers [/h2]

Prepare some bullets in hand to reload the Springfield 1866 and Sparks rifles, and their non-pistol variants, faster. Costs 4 Upgrade Points.

Developer Note:
Fast Fingers is a new Trait that allows the player to have some bullets prepared in between their fingers on single-shot weapons, allowing for a faster cycle time to deliver the follow-up shot faster.
For this update, the weapons working with this Trait will be the Sparks rifles (not its pistol variants) and the Springfield 1866 rifles.
In an upcoming update, the Trait will be expanded to the Maynard Sniper and the Martini-Henry rifles.

[h2]Trait: Surefoot [/h2]

You can sprint while holding primed Throwables, First Aid Kits, and Consumable Shots. You move faster while crouching. Costs 4 Upgrade Points.

Developer Note:
A returning favorite from past Events, Surefoot is now added to the regular Trait pool. An issue with the crouch speed buff persisting in other states has also been resolved.

[h2]Gunplay [/h2]

  • Removed the cracks from Contraband scopes. Every scoped weapon found will always be in mint condition now.
  • Reduced the recoil on the Vetterli 71 Cyclone.
  • Reduced the time until maximum stabilization from Steady Aim has been reached from 12 seconds to 3 seconds.
  • Reduced recoil and spread of the Vandal 73C and its variants.
  • Reduced reload time of Sparks Pistol from 5 seconds to 3.4 seconds.
  • Reduced extra ammo of the Uppercut from 9 to 6 rounds, and for its Precision variants from 15 to 12 rounds.
  • Improved cycle time on the Specter 1882 and its variants for faster follow-up shots.
  • Reduced ammo swap box interaction duration by 50%.
  • Increasing rate-of-fire for Throwing Knives.
  • Steel Bolts improvements:
    • Increased damage to 246, making it equal to the regular Bolt.
    • Reduced ammo per slot by 2.
    • They retain their flat trajectory, making them ideal for shots at longer distances.

[h2]Gameplay [/h2]

[h3]Dark Sight Input Changes [/h3]

  • Activating Dark Sight Boost is now triggered with RMB / L2 / LT by default. This allows players to enter Dark Sight without using their Dark Sight Boost. This setting can be changed to suit player preference, under Settings > Controls > Auto-Dark Sight Boost. Players can also change the button using the DARK SIGHT BOOST mapping.
  • The Poltergeist Trait, as well as detonating Dark Dynamite Satchels, can now be performed via Beetles using a new DARK SIGHT INTERACT button mapping (LMB / R2 / RT). Because of this remapping, detonating the Beetle itself is also now moved to INTERACT (F / Square / X)
  • Some Dark Sight active abilities, like the Poltergeist Trait, the Shadow Crush Trait, and triggering the Dark Dynamite Satchel will only start by holding LMB/R2/RT while looking at the target.

[h3]Lootable Saddle Bag Changes [/h3]

  • Added Weapon:
    • Mako 1895
    • Marathon
    • 1865 Carbine
  • Removed Weapon:
    • Centennial Trauma
  • Added Saddle Bag Loot:
    • Weak Stamina Shot
    • Recovery Shot
  • Removed Saddle Bag Loot:
    • Stamina Shot
    • Dynamite Stick
    • Hive Bomb

[h3]Kill Trade Window Improvements [/h3]

  • Added a specific 75ms timeout window for shots being rejected after the shooter died.
  • The system does not remove bullets that are already in the air.

Developer Note:
As mentioned in our recent blog post, with this update we will be releasing our initial set of improvements for the new kill trading window. We will closely monitor this and also want to hear your feedback so we can make any potential adjustments needed. Please let us know what you think!

[h3]Ear Ringing [/h3]

  • With this patch, we've expanded the design and functionality of the Ear Ringing system. Enabling Ear Ringing to be affected from additional sources:
    • Explosions
    • Player, Teammate, and enemy Hunter gunfire
    • Certain AI
  • Everything that creates a loud sound in the environment can trigger Ear Ringing on a Hunter. This enables players with more tactical opportunities and makes the Ear Ringing behave more predictably and with consistency.
  • The intensity of the Ear Ringing depends on various parameters (e.g. distance or loudness of the sound). For example, being closer to a loud sound (such an explosion) triggers a stronger Ear Ringing effect, but being close to a quiet sound can give the same audible effect.
  • An obstruction between the sound’s source and the Hunter will reduce or completely negate the effect of the Ear Ringing. 

[h3]Penetration Adjustments [/h3]

  • Penetration against metal sheets has been adjusted to allow long ammo to again penetrate one layer of metal consistently. The damage lost will still be higher than penetration through wood.
  • Spitzer penetration will also allow hitting up to two enemies with one shot again reliably.
  • Penetration damage of Slugs has been adjusted to retain more damage on the first penetration. However, the retained damage will be a bit lower than before 2.1 and won’t one hit kill a player to the upper-torso.

[h3]Misc. Gameplay Changes [/h3]

  • Adjusted glass and cans Sound Traps detection size so that it is now possible to jump over smaller patches.
  • Team Indicators above players and beetles fade out when they are behind the crosshair
  • The Blast Sense Trait’s effect duration was increased from 3 secs to 4 secs.

[h2]Meta [/h2]

[h3]Custom Ammo Scarcity [/h3]

Introduced Custom Ammo scarcity—a new status for Custom Ammo that is similar to Scarce Traits. An ammo type can be marked as Scarce and is consequently no longer available for purchase. It can still be found in-Mission, and players’ existing inventory of the marked Custom Ammo type can still be used.

For Update 2.2, the following Custom Ammo types have been marked as Scarce:

  • Dolch 96 FMJ & Dumdum
  • Centennial Dumdum
  • Scottfield Dumdum
  • Officer Dumdum
  • Conversion Dumdum

We plan on reviewing and further adjusting the list of Scarce Custom Ammo in future updates.

[h3]Free Recruits [/h3]

  • Added the Maynard Sniper as weapon for Recruits

[h3]Arsenal [/h3]

  • Added 1865 Carbine Aperture for 74 Hunt Dollars
  • Added Chu Ko Nu for 75 Hunt Dollars
  • Added Krag Silencer for 396 Hunt Dollars
  • Added Maynard Sniper Silencer for 159 Hunt Dollars
  • Added Sparks Pistol Silencer for 178 Hunt Dollars
  • Added Recovery Shot for 140 Hunt Dollars
  • Added Compact Subsonic Ammo for 5 Hunt Dollars
  • Added Medium Subsonic Ammo for 10 Hunt Dollars
  • Added Long Subsonic Ammo for 20 Hunt Dollars
  • Reduced price of Bornheim No. 3 Silencer from 174 Hunt Dollars to 167 Hunt Dollars
  • Reduced price of Centennial Shorty Silencer from 137 Hunt Dollars to 118 Hunt Dollars
  • Reduced price of Frontier 73C Silencer from 55 Hunt Dollars to 47 Hunt Dollars
  • Reduced price of Nagant M1895 Silencer from 93 Hunt Dollars to 27 Hunt Dollars
  • Reduced price of Sparks Silencer from 150 Hunt Dollars to 149 Hunt Dollars
  • Reduced price of Vetterli 71 Silencer from 150 Hunt Dollars to 120 Hunt Dollars
  • Reduced price of Dark Dynamite Satchel from 200 Hunt Dollars to 100 Hunt Dollars

Developer Note:
The cost of all Silencer variants have been changed to be percentage-based. All silenced weapons now have a 15% increase over their non-silenced versions, with some weapons only seeing a very minor change systemically.

The price of the Dark Dynamite Satchel was already changed in 2.1.1, but was not communicated in the Patch Notes, so we’ve added it now.

[h3]Trait Price Adjustments [/h3]

Reduced the price of the following Traits:
  • Frontiersman, from 7 Upgrade Points to 5 Upgrade Points
  • Pitcher, from 6 Upgrade Points to 4 Upgrade Points
  • Silent Killer, from 4 Upgrade Points to 3 Upgrade Points

[h3]Hunter Progression Rewards [/h3]

Added 18 Hunters to permanently unlock via Hunter progression.

Reaching Level 50 with certain Hunters now unlocks a new Hunter “tier” representing that character’s experience and personal progression.

  • Hunters with Hunter progression have 3 tiers: Rookie, Survivor, and Veteran.
  • Reaching Level 50 for the first time after the update with a Rookie Hunter unlocks the Survivor Hunter tier, and in turn reaching Level 50 with the Survivor Hunter for the first time unlocks the Veteran Hunter tier.
  • Hunter progression rewards are permanent unlocks and can be recruited and behave like regular Hunters.

In 2.2, the following Hunters have new progression unlocks:

  • Oliver Whitman: Rookie (Default Bloodline unlock)
  • Jane Eddings: Rookie (Default Bloodline unlock)
  • Antonia Higuera: Rookie (Unlocked at Bloodline Rank 5)
  • Mercy Zener: Rookie (Unlocked at Bloodline Rank 34)
  • Ambrose Hazen: Rookie (Unlocked at Bloodline Rank 50)
  • Leon Ulitsky: Rookie (Unlocked at Bloodline Rank 75)
  • Joan Damon: Rookie (Unlocked at Bloodline Rank 90)
  • Jesse Buchanan: Rookie (Unlocked at Prestige Rank 1)
  • Laura Gottschalk: Rookie (Unlocked at Prestige Rank 3)

You can also view all Hunters’ progression unlocks—as well as preview their different models for Rookies, Survivors, and Veterans—in the menu.

[h3]Bounty Clash Adjustments [/h3]

  • Added Bounty bonuses to Bounty Clash contracts. Rewards for extracting with the Bounty Token are increased.
  • Added Bounty bonuses for extracting with the Bounty Token in Bounty Clash as duos (150) or a solo (600) respectively.
  • Added the Dark Sight Boon to Event items in Bounty Clash.
  • Added two new compounds from Lawson Delta to the compound pool for Bounty Clash: Lawson Station and Windy Run.
  • Removed O’Donovan Stone from the Bounty Clash compound pool based on community feedback.
  • Reduced timer after the Bounty Token has been extracted from 5 minutes to 90 seconds.

[h3]Bloodline Progression Balancing [/h3]

  • The Lightfoot and Ghoul Traits are now unlocked at Bloodline Rank 1 (they were previously Ranks 47 and 20)
  • The Hundred Hands Trait now unlocks at Bloodline Rank 16 (was previously Rank 51)
  • Added the Surefoot Trait as a regular Trait to be unlocked at Bloodline Rank 20
  • The Frontiersman Trait is now unlocked at Bloodline Rank 47 (was previously Rank 57)
  • The Kiteskin Trait is now unlocked at Bloodline Rank 51 (was previously Rank 16)
  • The Vigor Trait is now unlocked at Bloodline Rank 57 (was previously Rank 63)
  • The Silent Killer Trait is now unlocked at Bloodline Rank 60 (was previously Rank 62)

[h3]Prestige Screen Update [/h3]

The Prestige screen has been updated, giving players a full overview of the Prestige rewards track.

[h3]Black Blood FX Toggle [/h3]

We have a new option in the Game Settings menu which turns blood effects from red to black.

[h3]Weekly Challenges Favoriting [/h3]

  • Players can now favorite the Weekly Challenge set of their choice. This is done in the Weekly Challenges screen by interacting with the Star icon on any given set of Weekly Challenges.
  • There can be only one favorited Weekly Challenges set at any given time.

[h2]Team-Only Comms [/h2]

We are introducing an extra communication channel that can only be received by your teammates which includes both Text Chat and Voice Chat. This will help to level the ground between invite-only teams that self-organize using external voice tools, and random teams that rely on in-game communication.

For Text Chat we are splitting up the chat button between two different inputs, one for team-only and one for proximity chat respectively. Chat entries will also display in the same channel a message was sent.

For VOIP / Voice Chat on PC, we are going to add an additional input key that allows you to speak to either the team-only or in the proximity voice channel. Additionally, we are going to add new option entries that allow the user to control the behavior for the respective channels.

For our users on console platforms or those using gamepads, we are going to provide the ability to cycle through channels (double-tap Dpad Down) and to mute the currently selected channel quickly (single-tap Dpad Down)

There are a few rough edges with the new system, which we hope to resolve soon:

  • Using Proximity Voice Chat will not send your mic input to the Team Channel, which means that your teammates won’t be able to hear anything you say in Proximity Chat. This was intended to avoid duplicating comms. This is a smaller issue for PC players because the individual channels can be used more directly with the respective button inputs and would allow simultaneous voice chat to both channels at once. But for console players, which need to cycle through the individual channels and can only have one active at a time, it could lead to issues in voice comms. We will address this in future patches and include Team & Proximity chat in one channel for ease of use for console/gamepad.
  • The muted mic input state icon auto-hides after a delay. This can lead to some confusion about muted state. In future patches, the icon will remain on the screen permanently.
  • Some communication option entries for voice chat behavior modes for PC are also exposed to consoles and don’t behave as expected. We suggest leaving the mode setting to either ‘Continuous’ or ‘Push To Talk’ for the least amount of interference.

[h2]Performance [/h2]

  • Improved CPU Threading: Optimized CPU thread handling for smoother performance in specific scenarios
  • Memory Crash Fixes: Addressed memory allocation issues that could cause rare crashes
  • VRAM Management Enhancements: Optimized VRAM usage to reduce stuttering on PC
  • Stutter Improvements: Implemented various fixes to improve overall performance and reduce stuttering across all platforms
  • Loading Time Fixes: Resolved an issue that caused longer loading times on all platforms
  • Art Optimization: Made several art improvements to enhance performance in certain areas of the maps
  • Fixed an issue in which the VSync toggle in the menu did not work in the backend, despite the UI looking correct
  • Optimized particle performance via improved job management

[h2]Audio [/h2]
[h3]General additions or changes:[/h3]
  • Improved Ear Ringing system (see above)
  • Added new ambient sounds to the Lawson Delta map
  • The Mission start sound effect is now audible when Hunt is in the background and the “Play Sound in Background” setting is deactivated.
  • Added water splash sound effect to water-based Supply Points on Mammon’s Gulch
  • Reduced repetitiveness of menu ambience, ensuring a less fatiguing audio experience

[h3]Mixing Changes [/h3]

  • Reduced volume of the cow’s death scream
  • Slightly increased volume when crouching through item attractors
  • Slightly reduced overall volume of Hellborn sound effects.
  • Hellborn Dark Sight screams are not audible anymore when in Beetle View
  • Slightly reduced volume of “Golden” ambience in Mammon’s Gulch to be in line with the volume of the other ambiences.
  • Slightly improved loudness alignment of male and female Hunter voices, further balancing the volume difference between both voice sets. This is an ongoing effort, as the volume perception is highly subjective and situational. Our goal is that both voice sets are equally viable in a competitive setting.
  • Performed a mixing pass on all Hunter animation sounds that are audible e.g. in the Main Menu.

[h2]AI [/h2]

  • Hellborn can now be discovered in new locations across Mammon's Gulch
  • Reduced cooldown on melee attacks
  • Fixed an issue where the Hellborn would keep throwing fireballs after being killed

Boss Targets
  • Fixed some instances where the Butcher and Spider Boss Targets could get stuck in the doors at the edge of their compound
  • Fixed an issue where the Spider would not activate Concertina Trip Mines
  • Fixed an issue where The Butcher would sometimes only follow Hunters and not attack them

  • Fixed an issue where Meatheads would stand still when inside a closed cattle cage
  • Fixed an issue where Meatheads would still inflict damage after their death swing animation ended

  • Fixed an issue where Water Devils would not damage players equipped with the Shadow Trait (Note: Water Devils will not actively pursue players equipped with the Shadow Trait)
  • Projectiles (i.e. Throwing Spear, Arrows, Bolts, Throwing Knives, and Axes) can be retrieved from monster corpses more reliably
  • Various crashes and bug fixes

[h2]UI [/h2]
With Update 2.2, we’re improving UI features, progression, and communication, addressing the community’s most requested features and fixes. Over 350 reported bugs have been resolved, alongside enhancements to the menu experience, the addition of new systems like Tiered Hunters and Custom Weapon Inspect Animations, and reworked UI elements to deliver an intuitive experience for all players.

We are continually monitoring player sentiment and are aware of additional community requests. Rest assured that we are committed to addressing more pain points in future updates.

For the full list of UI-related bug fixes, check out the relevant section here.

The full list of bug fixes in Update 2.2 can be found here.